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Wrapper Classes in Java

Picture this: you're working with simple int, char, or boolean values, and suddenly, you need them to act like objects. What if I told you there's a way to transform these basic types into full-fledged objects with just a bit of Java magic? That’s the power of the Wrapper Class in Java - it bridges the gap between Java's primitive data types and its object-oriented nature, opening up new possibilities for handling data. 

In this blog, we’ll dive into how the Wrapper Class in Java works, explore the magic of autoboxing and unboxing, and guide you through creating your very own custom wrapper class to unlock even more coding potential. Ready to explore this hidden gem of Java? Let’s go! 

Table of Contents 

1) What is Wrapper Class in Java? 

2) Use of Wrapper classes in Java 

3) Autoboxing 

4) Unboxing 

5) Advantages of Wrapper Classes 

6) Java Wrapper Classes Example 

7) Custom Wrapper Classes in Java 

8) Conclusion 

What is Wrapper Class in Java? 

A Wrapper Class in Java is essentially an object representation of a primitive data type. Java provides these classes to convert primitive types into objects, which allows them to be used in various object-oriented contexts like collections (e.g., ArrayList, HashMap). For example, the wrapper class for the int primitive is Integer, and for float, it's Float. 

Here are some common wrapper classes in Java: 

Common Wrapper Classes in Java

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Use of Wrapper classes in Java 

Here are some key situations where wrapper classes are essential: 

1) Change the Value in Method: Java supports only call by value. When passing a primitive value, the original value remains unchanged. However, converting the primitive value to an object allows the original value to be modified. 

2) Serialisation: Serialisation involves converting objects into streams. Primitive values need to be converted into objects using wrapper classes to be serialised. 

3) Synchronisation: In multithreading, Java synchronisation works with objects, making wrapper classes necessary. 

4) java.util Package: The `java.util` package provides utility classes that work with objects. 

5) Collection Framework: The Java collection framework (e.g., `ArrayList`, `LinkedList`, `HashSet`, `TreeSet`, etc.) operates exclusively with objects, necessitating the use of wrapper classes for primitive types. 


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Autoboxing is the automatic conversion of primitive data types into their corresponding wrapper class objects. Java introduced this feature in Java 5 to reduce manual coding efforts. For example, if you have an int variable but need an Integer object for a certain task, Java will automatically box the int into an Integer object.  

Here’s an example of autoboxing:

public class Main { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

        int num = 100; 

        Integer boxedNum = num; // Autoboxing: Java converts int to Integer 


        System.out.println("Boxed Integer: " + boxedNum); 



Boxed Integer: 100 

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Unboxing is the reverse process of autoboxing, where a wrapper class object is automatically converted back into a primitive type. Java handles this conversion seamlessly, making it easier to work with both types interchangeably.  

Here’s an example of unboxing:

public class Main { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

        Integer wrappedNum = 200; 

        int num = wrappedNum; // Unboxing: Java converts Integer to int 

        System.out.println("Unboxed int: " + num); 





Unboxed int: 200 

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Advantages of Wrapper Classes 

Wrapper classes bring several advantages that make them indispensable in Java development. Some of the key benefits include:

Advantages of Wrapper Classes 

a) Compatibility with Collections: As mentioned earlier, collections in Java can only store objects. Wrapper classes ensure that primitive types can be easily included in collections.  

b) Data Manipulation and Conversion: Wrapper classes come with utility methods for converting data from one type to another. For instance, you can convert a String to an int using the Integer.parseInt() method. 

c) Null Values: Unlike primitive types, wrapper class objects can be null. This is useful in scenarios where a variable might not have a value, such as working with databases. 

d) Object-oriented Features: Wrapper classes enable primitive types to benefit from object-oriented features, such as method overriding and inheritance. 

e) Enhanced Functionality: Each wrapper class provides several methods that offer additional functionality compared to their primitive counterparts, like comparing values, converting strings, and more. 

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Java Wrapper Classes Example 

Here is a simple example demonstrating the use of wrapper classes in Java: 


import java.util.ArrayList; 

public class WrapperExample { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

        // Autoboxing 

        Integer boxedInt = 5; // int to Integer 

        DoubleboxedDouble = 3.14; // double to Double 

        // Unboxing 

        int unboxedInt = boxedInt; // Integer to int 

        double unboxedDouble = boxedDouble; // Double to double 

        // Using wrapper classes in collections 

        ArrayList intList = new ArrayList<>(); 

        intList.add(10); // Autoboxing happens here 


        // Retrieving and unboxing values from ArrayList 

        int firstNum = intList.get(0); // Unboxing happens here 

        System.out.println("First number: " + firstNum); 



First number: 10 


1) Autoboxing: 

a) `5` (int) is automatically converted to `Integer`, and `3.14` (double) to `Double`.  

2) Unboxing: 

a) `Integer` and `Double` objects are automatically converted back to `int` and `double`. 

3) Using Collections: 

a) An `ArrayList` stores `Integer` objects (autoboxed `int` values). 

b) `10` is retrieved and unboxed from the `ArrayList` as an `int`. 

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Custom Wrapper Classes in Java 

While Java provides a set of predefined wrapper classes, sometimes you might need to create custom wrapper classes for specific requirements. Custom wrapper classes allow you to wrap multiple related primitive fields or apply custom behaviours to objects. 

Here’s an example of how to create a custom Wrapper Class in Java:

class CustomInteger { 

    private int value; 

    // Constructor 

    public CustomInteger(int value) { 

        this.value = value; 


    // Getter method 

    public int getValue() { 

        return value; 


    // Setter method 

    public void setValue(int value) { 

        this.value = value; 


    // Custom behaviour: Increment the value 

    public void increment() { 



    // Custom behaviour: Display the value 

    public void displayValue() { 

        System.out.println("The value is: " + value); 


public class CustomWrapperExample { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

        CustomInteger myValue = new CustomInteger(10); 


        // Accessing the custom wrapper class functionality 

        myValue.displayValue(); // Output: The value is: 10 


        myValue.displayValue(); // Output: The value is: 11 



The value is: 10 

The value is: 11 



1) Custom Wrapper Class (`CustomInteger`): 

a) Field: The class contains a private `int` field called `value` that stores the     integer. 

b) Constructor: Initialises `value` when an object of `CustomInteger` is created. 

c) Getter (`getValue`) & Setter (`setValue`): Methods to access and modify the `value`. 

d) Custom Method (`increment`): Increases the `value` by 1. 

e) Custom Method (`displayValue`): Prints the current value to the console. 

2) Main Class (`CustomWrapperExample`): 

a) Object Creation: `CustomInteger myValue = new CustomInteger(10);` initialises `myValue` with `10`. 

b) Method Calls:          

1) `myValue.displayValue();` prints the initial value, which is `10`. 

2) `myValue.increment();` increases the value by 1.            

3) `myValue.displayValue();` prints the updated value, now `11`. 

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Wrapper Class in Java transform basic types into versatile objects, making Object Oriented Programming smoother. With autoboxing and unboxing simplifying conversions and custom wrapper classes offering endless flexibility, you can enhance your code effortlessly. Embrace these tools to open up exciting new opportunities in your Java coding experience! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Use the Wrapper Class in Java? faq-arrow

The Wrapper Class in Java allows primitive types to be treated as objects, enabling their use in collections. It also facilitates autoboxing and unboxing, offering utility methods for data manipulation and conversion. 

Is String a Wrapper Class? faq-arrow

No, String is not a Wrapper Class in Java. It is a separate class used to represent sequences of characters. Wrapper classes are specifically used to convert primitive types into objects. 

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