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Abstract Class vs Interface in Java1

When working with Java programming, developers must make a crucial decision between using an Abstract Class or an Interface. Both concepts define the structure of classes, each with its own set of features and use cases. In this blog post, we will explore the important difference between Abstract Class vs Interface in Java.

Table of Contents

1) What is an Abstract Class?

2) Features of an Abstract Class

3) What is an Interface in Java?

4) Features of Interface in Java

5) Difference between an Abstract Class and an Interface in Java

6) Conclusion

What is an Abstract Class?

An Abstract Class is identified by the presence of the 'abstract' keyword in its declaration. An essential requirement for an Abstract Class is to include at least one abstract method. Additionally, an Abstract Class can include multiple concrete methods. However, it cannot be directly instantiated to create objects.

Furthermore, Abstraction is a fundamental concept in programming that involves concealing the intricate implementation details while presenting only the essential functionality to the user. It selectively reveals the crucial aspects to the user while concealing the inner workings.  

For instance, consider sending an SMS where you input the message and initiate the delivery process. You are unaware of the intricate mechanisms involved in delivering the message, as those details remain hidden from your perspective.

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Features of an Abstract Class

An Abstract Class is a special type of class in object-oriented programming that cannot be directly instantiated. Instead, it serves as a blueprint or template for creating other classes. Abstract Classes possess several notable attributes, including:

Features of an Abstract Class

a) Inability to directly instantiate: Abstract Classes lack the capacity for direct instantiation, meaning creating objects from an Abstract Class is impossible.

b) Inclusion of at least one pure virtual function: A prerequisite for Abstract Classes is the presence of at least one pure virtual function. These functions lack concrete implementations and must be realised by any classes derived from the Abstract Class.

c) Coexistence of abstract and non-abstract methods: Abstract Classes can accommodate both abstract methods, requiring implementation in derived classes, and non-abstract methods, which possess complete implementations and can be directly invoked.

d) Possession of Constructors and Destructors: Similar to other classes, Abstract Classes can feature constructors and destructors, facilitating object initialisation and cleanup.

e) Incorporation of member variables: Abstract Classes can integrate member variables, signifying variables belonging to an object of the class.

f) Applicability as a Base Class: Abstract Classes can serve as the foundation for other classes, enabling inheritance by other classes. This inheritance empowers specific implementations in each derived class.

What is an Interface in Java?

In Java, an Interface is a fundamental concept that plays a crucial role in achieving abstraction and defining contracts for classes. Essentially, an Interface can be considered a blueprint for classes, specifying a set of methods that must be implemented by any class that claims to implement the Interface.  

Moreover, Interfaces in Java are a powerful mechanism for defining a contract that classes must fulfil, promoting code reusability, flexibility, and a clear separation of concerns in object-oriented programming. They facilitate the creation of robust, maintainable, and extensible Java applications.

Here are the key aspects that define the concept of an Interface in Java:

a) Abstraction and contracts: An Interface defines a contract or a set of rules that classes must adhere to. It outlines the methods that implementing classes must provide, ensuring a consistent structure and behaviour across various parts of a program.

b) Method signatures: Interfaces contain method signatures, which include the method name, return type, and parameters, but lack method bodies or implementations. This enforces a clear separation of Interface and implementation.

c) Implementation by multiple classes: One of the significant advantages of Interfaces in Java is that a class can implement multiple Interfaces. This allows for achieving multiple inheritance of behaviour, which is not possible with classes.

d) Loose coupling: Implementing an Interface promotes loose coupling between classes, making the code more modular and maintainable. It allows different classes to interact based on a common contract rather than being tightly bound to specific implementations.

e) Public Access: All methods declared in an Interface are implicitly public and abstract, meaning they can be accessed by any class implementing the Interface.

Features of an Interface in Java

Interfaces are crucial in Java, championing abstraction, polymorphism, and adaptable software architecture. For developers with a discerning eye, understanding their intricacies unlocks potent development paradigms. Below are the fundamental attributes of Java Interfaces, dissecting their functionality and potential applications:

Features of an Interface in Java

a) Embodiment of Abstraction: Interfaces establish contracts, specifying functionalities without divulging implementation details. This decoupling promotes modularity and the reuse of code. Abstract methods declare "what" needs to be done, leaving the "how" to the classes that implement the Interface. Concrete methods (introduced in Java 8) offer optional default implementations, enriching the contract without compromising flexibility.

b) Unleashing Polymorphism: Interfaces empower polymorphism, allowing objects of diverse classes that implement the same Interface to be treated uniformly. Collections can hold references to various implementing classes, simplifying code that operates on the shared functionalities defined by the Interface. Runtime binding permits the dynamic selection of implementations based on the actual object at runtime, enhancing adaptability and dynamic behaviour.

c) Enabling Multiple Inheritance: Unlike classes, Interfaces support multiple inheritance, allowing a class to implement multiple Interfaces and inherit their methods and contracts. This broadens the scope of functionalities a class can provide, promoting code reusability and consolidating shared behaviours among different components. Prudent design is essential to avoid conflicts or ambiguities stemming from overlapping methods in inherited Interfaces.

d) Defining Static constants: Interfaces can declare static final fields, serving as shared constants accessible from all implementing classes and throughout the application. These constants ensure consistent values for configurations, error codes, or version information, fostering stability and code clarity. Static methods can also find a home within Interfaces, offering utility functions shared by all implementing classes.

e) Granularity through Nested Interfaces: Interfaces can nest other Interfaces, establishing a hierarchical organisation of functionalities. Nested Interfaces refine the parent Interface, supplying additional specialised methods or restricting access to nested methods. This hierarchical structure encourages modularity and code organisation, especially for intricate functionalities with layered levels of Abstraction.

f) Identification via Marker Interfaces: Marker Interfaces lack methods and function solely as tags to categorise classes. They impose minimal overhead but prove potent for filtering, querying, or implementing custom sorting based on the Interface tag. For instance, the Serialisable Interface distinguishes classes for object serialization without introducing additional methods.

g) Conciseness with Lambda expressions: Since Java 8, Interfaces can harness lambda expressions to offer concise, anonymous implementations of their methods. This elevates code brevity and simplifies logic in scenarios requiring brief, functional implementations. Lambda expressions within Interfaces find utility in event listeners, comparator functions, or any situation demanding lightweight, on-the-fly implementations.

Difference Between Abstract Class and Interface in Java

Java offers two powerful tools for Abstraction, namely Abstract Classes and Interfaces. Abstract Classes provide partial implementation and serve as base classes for inheritance, while Interfaces define pure contracts (method signatures) enforced by implementing classes.  

Now, the key differences involve:

a) Implementation details (absent in Interfaces)

b) Method types (both concrete and abstract allowed in Abstract Classes)

c) Inheritance options (single class vs. multiple Interfaces)  

Each plays a crucial role, such as the use of Abstract Classes for shared code and specialisation and Interfaces for standard behaviours and loose coupling. Choose wisely for a robust and flexible architecture:  


Abstract Class


Multiple Inheritances

Supports single inheritance.

Supports multiple inheritance.

Default implementation

Can have both abstract and concrete methods. Concrete methods can provide default implementations. 

Only abstract methods are allowed; no default implementations.

Access modifiers

Abstract Classes can have public, protected, or package-private access modifiers.

Interface methods are implicitly public.

Application of Access modifiers

Access modifiers can be applied to fields, methods, and inner classes. 

Access modifiers are not applicable to Interface methods or fields.

Constructors or Destructors

Can have constructors for initialisation but not destructors.

Cannot have constructors or destructors.

Usage of the Abstract keyword

Abstract keyword is used to define abstract methods and classes.

The abstract keyword is required for declaring abstract methods but is optional for declaring the Interface itself.

Type of Class

Abstract Classes can be standalone classes with or without abstract methods.

Interfaces are purely abstract and cannot be instantiated as standalone classes.

Performance speed

Slightly faster due to direct method invocation and less method lookup overhead.

Slightly slower due to Interface method lookup and dynamic method binding.

Data fields

Can have instance variables (fields). 

Can only declare public static final fields (constants).

Structural variances

Supports a more hierarchical class structure with shared implementation.

Promotes a flatter structure with contracts shared among unrelated classes.


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Understanding the distinctions between Abstract Class vs. Interface in Java is paramount for today's developers. Both are indispensable tools for crafting modular and flexible code, with Abstract Classes providing shared implementation and Interfaces offering strict contracts. Mastery of these concepts empowers developers to design elegant and robust software solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better, an Abstract Class or an Interface in Java? faq-arrow

You can use Abstract Classes when you want to provide shared implementation and create a hierarchical class structure. Interfaces are preferable for defining contracts unrelated classes can adhere to, promoting flexibility and multiple inheritance. Your preferred choice depends on the specific requirements of your project and how you intend to structure your code.

Is an Abstract Class faster than an Interface? faq-arrow

Abstract Classes tend to be slightly faster than Interfaces because they allow direct method invocation and involve less method lookup overhead. Interfaces, on the other hand, involve method lookup and dynamic method binding, which can introduce a slight performance overhead.


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