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How to Become a Big Data Engineer in 2023

Big Data Engineers are skilled professionals who design and manage systems to process and analyse vast datasets. With an ever-increasing demand for their expertise, many are looking to forge a career in this lucrative field.  

According to a 2022 Statista report, the global Big Data analytics market is predicted to reach a record growth value of more than 506 billion GBP in 2029. These statistics demonstrate how Big Data has emerged as a revolutionary force, transforming how organisations operate and make decisions. If you want to be a Big Data Engineer but don't know where to start, then explore this blog on Big Data Engineer, their roles, salary, skills, & how to become one. 

Table of Contents 

1) Looking at the importance of Big Data 

2) Understand What is a Big Data Engineer 

3) How to gain more experience to become a Big Data Engineer? 

4) A brief look at the salaries of Big Data Engineers 

5) Looking at the future for a Big Data Engineer 

6) Conclusion 

Looking at the importance of Big Data 

Big Data has become the lifeblood of modern businesses, effectively serving as the backbone of the digital era. With an unprecedented explosion of data in the form of online transactions, social media interactions, digital processes, and IoT devices, Big Data has earned its reputation as a transformative tool for businesses across the globe. 

The importance of Big Data lies in how it's used to extract meaningful insights, enabling businesses to make strategic decisions. It allows companies to understand their customer behaviour better, improving personalisation and customer service. Moreover, it helps identify market trends and patterns, enabling businesses to adapt quickly in an ever-evolving market landscape. 

Furthermore, Big Data provides insights into operational efficiency, helping to streamline processes and reduce costs. It also aids in risk management, helping businesses predict and mitigate potential challenges. In a world increasingly driven by digital transformation, data has emerged as a strategic asset, and Big Data plays a crucial role in leveraging that asset to drive innovation, growth, and success.

Big Data and Analytics Training


Understand What is a Big Data Engineer 

A Big Data Engineer is a professional who creates, tests and manages Big Data solutions within an organisation. Their role is akin to a bridge between data analysts and the vast oceans of data they need to navigate. Here are the various aspects of a Big Data Engineer’s pathway and job description discussed in detail as follows: 

The key responsibilities of a Big Data Engineer 

As an essential part of a data-focused organisation, a Big Data Engineer holds an array of responsibilities. Below, we provide a breakdown of these key responsibilities:

Responsibilities of a Big Data Engineer

a) Designing Big Data systems: The primary role of a Big Data Engineer is to design and build the infrastructure to store and process Big Data. This may involve selecting appropriate technologies, designing the overall architecture, and ensuring the system can handle the required scale of data. 

b) Developing ETL processes: A crucial task of a Big Data Engineer involves developing and managing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes. This ensures data is effectively extracted from various sources, transformed into an appropriate format, and loaded into the database for analysis. 

c) Data modelling and mining: Big Data Engineers are responsible for creating data models that define how the stored data is related to the other data types. They also conduct data mining to uncover hidden patterns in these massive volumes of data. 

d) Ensuring data quality: The value of data analysis heavily relies on the quality of the data. As such, a Big Data Engineer needs to develop and implement data quality checks and monitoring strategies to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the data. 

e) Collaborating with data scientists: Working closely with data scientists is an integral part of the job. A Big Data Engineer must provide data scientists with efficient, reliable access to data and assist them in optimising their algorithms for performance and scalability. 

f) Managing and optimising Big Data systems: Ongoing management of Big Data systems is a key responsibility. This includes ensuring the systems are secure, reliable, and performant. They also need to continually optimise the systems as data volumes grow and business needs change. 

g) Keeping up with industry trends: Finally, a Big Data Engineer must keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies in Big Data. This helps them incorporate these advancements into their own work, optimising systems and processes for improved performance. 

Acquire the knowledge to install, configure and navigate a Big Data platform, by signing up for the Hadoop Big Data Certification Training Course now! 

The necessary skills for becoming a Big Data Engineer 

To succeed as a Big Data Engineer, one must possess a robust combination of technical skills, analytical abilities, and an innovative mindset. Below are the key skills that one should acquire: 

a) Programming skills: Proficiency in programming languages like Java, Python, or Scala is a must. These languages are extensively used in Big Data processing and analytics. 

b) Knowledge of Big Data technologies: Familiarity with Big Data technologies, such as Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka, is essential. These tools are often used to store, process, and analyse vast amounts of data. 

c) Database management: Expertise in SQL for managing relational databases and understanding of NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, or HBase is crucial for handling structured and unstructured data.

d) ETL tools

e) Data mining and processing: Strong skills in data mining and processing are needed to extract valuable insights from large data sets. 

f) Data modelling and architecture: Knowledge of data modelling and designing data architectures enables a Big Data Engineer to structure and define data relationships effectively. 

g) Analytical abilities: Big Data Engineers need strong analytical skills to understand complex data and convert it into actionable insights. 

h) Problem-solving skills: Given the complex nature of the work, excellent problem-solving skills are a must. Engineers often need to troubleshoot issues or devise efficient solutions to data-related challenges. 

i) Understanding of machine learning: While not a strict requirement, a basic understanding of machine learning algorithms can be beneficial in designing more effective data processing systems. 

j) Soft skills: Finally, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and project management are just as important. These skills help in collaborating effectively with different teams and managing projects to successful completion. 

Learn about the many analytics platforms and databases, by signing up for the Big Data and Analytics Training now! 

Educational prerequisites 

Acquiring the right education is a critical step towards becoming a Big Data Engineer. Here are the key educational prerequisites for this role: 

a) Bachelor's degree: As a baseline requirement, aspirants typically need a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, or a related field. These programs provide a fundamental understanding of programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and more. 

b) Master's degree or postgraduate diploma: While not always required, a Master's degree or Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science, Big Data Analytics, or a related discipline can significantly boost one's career prospects. These programs delve deeper into specific areas of data handling, processing, and analysis. 

c) Certifications: Various industry-recognised certifications can enhance one's skill set and make them stand out in the job market. These include the Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP), Google's Certified Professional Data Engineer, IBM Certified Data Engineer, and more. 

d) Online courses and bootcamps: There are numerous online courses and bootcamps available on platforms like Coursera, Udacity, and edX that provide hands-on experience with Big Data tools and technologies. These can be a great way to gain practical skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. 

e) Internships and industry experience: Though not a formal education prerequisite, internships or related industry experience can provide invaluable practical insights and skills. These experiences often give aspiring Big Data Engineers a chance to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world problems. 

f) Continual learning: Due to the fast-paced nature of the tech industry, Big Data Engineers need to commit to lifelong learning. This could involve attending workshops, webinars, or conferences or consistently learning about new tools, techniques, and trends in the field of Big Data. 

How to gain more experience to become a Big Data Engineer? 

Here are the further means to become a Big Data Engineer, discussed as follows: 

Internships and entry-level jobs 

Gaining practical experience through internships and entry-level positions is crucial in building a successful career as a Big Data Engineer. Here are some points describing these experiences:

Experience to become a Big Data Engineer

a) Internships: Internships offer a great opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems. As a Big Data intern, one might assist in developing data processing systems, creating ETL pipelines, and optimising existing databases. 

b) Working on projects: Whether during an internship or in an entry-level position, working on tangible projects helps reinforce learning and develop practical skills. This could involve anything from data cleaning tasks to building complex data architectures. 

c) Collaboration with experienced professionals: Entry-level positions and internships often offer the chance to work closely with experienced Big Data Engineers. This provides a valuable learning experience, offering insights into how seasoned professionals tackle challenges and manage projects. 

d) Developing soft skills: In these roles, one can also work on developing important soft skills like effective communication, teamwork, and project management. These skills are crucial when working in a multi-disciplinary team environment. 

e) Building a portfolio: The projects undertaken during internships and entry-level roles can contribute towards building a strong portfolio. This portfolio can showcase one's abilities and serve as a testament to their skills when applying for future roles. 

f) Understanding the industry: Finally, such experiences provide insights into the industry, the latest trends, and the tools commonly used in Big Data engineering. This helps in staying updated and informed about the developments in the field. 

Online certifications 

Here are a few valuable certifications that aspirants can pursue, as a prerequisite to becoming a Big Data Engineer: 

1) Big Data and Analytics training: Aspirants can learn about the various major analytics platforms and databases such as Hadoop, Spark and Apache. They will also be introduced to Data analytics and Big Data on an introductory level. 

2) Big Data for Data Engineering training: Aspirants can learn about various essential concepts like Big Data characteristics, working with data engineers, business intelligence tools, and more. 

Looking at the future for a Big Data Engineer 

The future for Big Data Engineers appears bright and filled with numerous opportunities. Here's a glimpse into what one can expect:

Future for a Big Data Engineer

a) Increased demand: The demand for Big Data Engineers is projected to grow in the coming years, as more businesses realise the value of data and look to leverage it to drive decision-making. 

b) Advancement in technologies: With continuous advancements in technologies like machine learning, AI, and cloud computing, Big Data Engineers will have the opportunity to work on innovative solutions and exciting projects. 

c) Greater emphasis on real-time processing: The need for real-time data processing and analysis will increase, offering challenges and opportunities for Big Data Engineers to develop more efficient and speedy data pipelines. 

d) Rise in data governance and security: As data breaches become more prevalent, the focus on data governance and security will heighten. Big Data Engineers will play a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and security. 

e) Emergence of new roles: As the field of Big Data evolves, new roles like Data Strategist, Data Architect, and Machine Learning Engineer will emerge, providing diverse career paths for Big Data Engineers. 

f) Increased use of Big Data in various industries: From healthcare to finance to logistics, numerous industries are ramping up their use of Big Data, creating a range of sector-specific opportunities for Big Data Engineers. 

g) Higher salaries: Given the rising demand and the critical role they play, Big Data Engineers can expect attractive compensation packages. 

h) Need for continuous learning: The rapidly changing nature of technology will necessitate continuous learning and upskilling, keeping Big Data Engineers on their toes. 

i) Greater influence in decision making: As businesses become more data-driven, Big Data Engineers will have a significant impact on strategic decision-making processes, elevating their role within organisations. 

Acquire extensive knowledge of making better decisions, by signing up for the Decision-Making Skills Training Course now! 

A brief look at the salaries of Big Data Engineers 

Here is a table highlighting the average annual salaries of various Big Data Engineers according to their experience levels, as follows:


Average Annual Salary (GBP) 

Experience Level 

Junior Big Data Engineer 

£35,000 - £45,000 

Less than 3 years 

Big Data Engineer 

£60,000 - £80,000 

3-7 years 

Senior Big Data Engineer 

£85,000 - £105,000 

More than 7 years 

                                                                                                                           Source: Indeed Uk


Becoming a Big Data Engineer in 2023 involves a combination of formal education, practical experience, acquiring key skills, and continuous learning. With the increasing importance of Big Data in today's digital era, the demand for skilled Big Data Engineers is skyrocketing. Thus, those aspiring to embark on this career path can look forward to exciting opportunities and a promising future in a field at the cutting edge of technology and innovation. 

Gain the in-depth knowledge to critically analyse massive datasets, by signing up for the Big Data Analysis Course now! 

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