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Top 10 Coffee Alternatives

To sip a cup of Coffee is the first thing many people do in the early mornings. At the same time, others may not like this beverage for numerous reasons. Drinking Coffee in moderate amounts can be beneficial, but irregular or higher caffeine intake can cause harmful effects on the human body. Others may not prefer the coffee or Red Bull beverage for numerous reasons. While drinking coffee in moderate amounts can be beneficial, opting for irregular or higher caffeine intake, such as that found in Red Bull, can lead to harmful effects on the human body. It's crucial to be mindful of your caffeine consumption and choose your beverages wisely to maintain overall well-being.

A few people might feel jitters (nervousness and agitation) as Coffee contains a high amount of caffeine – 95mg per serving. Some might even get headaches and digestive problems. And some might not like the bitter taste of Coffee or are bored with the same routine drink.    

According to a study conducted by UK Biobank on 395,539 individuals, the results showed that the individuals with a high level of Coffee intake were prone to 31 medical conditions.   

Do you want to drink less Coffee? Or are you only looking for something unique? Try these Coffee Alternatives discussed in this blog that are delicious and healthy.   

Table of Contents

1) What is Coffee? 

2) Side effects of Coffee 

3) Coffee Alternatives 

   a) Green Tea 

   b) Chicory Root Coffee 

   c) Matcha Tea 

   d) Apple Cider Vinegar 

   e) Golden Milk 

   f) Smoothies 

   g) Rooibos Tea 

   h) Kahwa 

   i) Lemonade 

   j) Black Tea 

4) Conclusion 

Basic Barista Course

What is Coffee?

Most of you might be aware of Coffee as a roasted Coffee bean or Coffee powder (ground Coffee beans). But have you ever wondered about how Coffee is grown?  

The Coffee plants can grow over 30 feet, but to preserve the energy of these Coffee plants, they are regularly pruned, which also aids in harvesting. As this plant grows continuously, it is not surprising to see ripe fruit, green fruit, and flowers on a single tree.   

The Coffee plants can live up to 100 years, with the most yield expected between the ages of 7 and 20. Based on the variety and proper care, its production can increase over the years mentioned. 

What is Coffee?

The commercial Coffee industry has two types of Coffee bean variants or species – Coffee Arabica and Coffee Robusta. It has a rich Caffeine content, tastes bitter and is slightly acidic, stimulating the human body. It can be prepared and served in different ways.   

The common ways to prepare Coffee are French press, espresso, caffe latte, or canned Coffee. Usually, milk, sugar, cream or other substitutes are used to cover the bitter taste of the Coffee and enhance its flavour. It has the highest sales in the global market, especially hot drinks. 

Health And Safety In The Workplace Training

Side Effects of Coffee 

Research has shown that consuming Coffee in low-to-moderate amounts is safer compared to those who take an overdose. The reason is the rich caffeine content in Coffee. 

Following is a list of some common side effects of too much caffeine consumption: 

a) Insomnia 

b) Irritability 

c) Headache 

d) Nervousness 

e) Rise in Heartbeat 

f) Muscle fatigue and tremors 

If you are a person who drinks too much Coffee, then you should consider choosing alternatives to Coffee. 

Register with Health and Safety in the Workplace Training course to enhance your skills and responsibility towards your staff. 

Coffee Alternatives 

Are you willing to try something new and healthy Alternative to Coffee? Then, the following are some Coffee Alternatives you can try and assess which of these drinks suits your taste and health. 

Green Tea 

Green Tea is an ideal alternative to Coffee and is considered the standard regular Coffee alternative. Green Tea is undoubtedly one of the healthiest beverages available in the market. Given the immunity-boosting properties against various health issues, this hot cup of Green Tea with antioxidant-rich and disease-fighting properties can help the human body to shield itself from sicknesses.   

The benefits of drinking Green Tea include the ability to reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes and reduce the risk of colorectal, stomach, and pancreatic cancers. 

Green Tea

Chicory Root Coffee 

The chicory plant's roots are used to make chicory. It is a popular beverage that serves as a healthier substitute for conventional Coffee. Its roots are roasted, ground, and brewed to create a beverage. Most Coffee lovers enjoy its woody flavour.   

Chicory Coffee includes inulin, a prebiotic fibre with significant weight-loss benefits and characteristics to maintain blood sugar levels. The other essential elements found in abundance are proteins, dietary fibres, manganese, vitamin B6, and other vital nutrients.   

Chicory Root Coffee

Matcha Tea 

Matcha Tea is created when Matcha, a root plant, is ground into a fine green powder. It has approximately half as much caffeine as a cup of Coffee, an excellent energy booster source and a bodily detoxifier.   

After drinking a cup of Matcha Tea, many have reported a more relaxed feeling, as it also improves and uplifts the mood. You will also gain great glowing skin that is healthy and radiant. 

Matcha Tea

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Given its numerous health advantages, Apple Cider Vinegar can be an excellent substitute to Coffee. You will gain an energy boost from it, and it also aids with weight loss, inflammation reduction, and diabetes prevention. Due to its highly acidic property, the side effects usually seen are that it can harm your teeth if consumed directly. Hence, you must dilute it with water before drinking it to enjoy its benefits. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Golden Milk 

Golden Milk, also known as Haldi (Turmeric) Milk, is a traditional Indian beverage and is a great supplement to Coffee. Golden Milk is usually consumed at night, sometime before sleeping. Turmeric is the key ingredient for this majestic non-caffeinated drink.  

Golden Milk is filled with excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It will boost your strength, reduce the risk of cardiovascular ailments, protect against cancer, and improve your mental health, while also playing a role in enhancing your sleep pattern. 

Golden Milk


Smoothies are an excellent alternative to Coffee, as they combine a list of natural fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients and delicious to consume. The nutrients, minerals, fibre, carbohydrates, antioxidants and proteins present in this set of ingredients serve as a great source of energy boosters essential for the body's smooth functioning.


Rooibos Tea 

Rooibos Tea, often known as Red Rea, is a caffeine-free beverage with South African roots that makes a wonderful alternative to ordinary Coffee. Rooibos has a pleasant, fruity flavour and healthy antioxidant levels, in contrast to other types of Tea. 

Rooibos Tea


Kahwa is a type of Tea which dates back to the Kushan period, as per popular belief. The Kahwa drink is served hot in Kashmiri households for its numerous benefits.  

This soul-warming drink (Kahwa) from the Himalayan valley resonates with the potential of Indian spices. Kashmiri Kahwa is usually prepared with green Tea leaves (optional), saffron, cinnamon, rose petals, cardamom, crushed walnuts and almonds. All these ingredients mentioned are boiled in water with the required sugar or honey added to serve.   

This wonder drink is rich in vitamins E, C, and B12. It aids in building immunity and reduces the risk of heart disease by burning fat and aiding digestion. It improves metabolism and is also a great stress buster. It has multiple other benefits like maintaining Blood pressure, weight loss, skin health, and more. 



This decaffeinated regular Coffee Alternative can keep you alert and active throughout the day, unlike beverages high in caffeine, whose effects wear off with time. Vitamin C found in lemon water can strengthen your immune system and shield your skin from UV rays damage. 


Black Tea 

Black Tea, also known as Sulaimani Tea, is a spiced tea without milk. The name Sulaimani Tea comes from the city of Iraq. And the origin of Black Tea is said to be China. This Tea is brewed with cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, Tea powder, ginger, and a dash of mint leaves and lemon with sugar or honey for taste. The ingredients can vary based on the region, who is brewing it, and the required taste.  

Drinking this antioxidant-rich Tea can offer numerous benefits, such as improving brain functions, reducing the risk of cancer, weight loss, increasing immunity and more. 

Black Tea


Monotonously drinking the same cup of Coffee might make you get bored and increase the chances of getting affected due to an overdose at some point. Therefore, this blog will surely help those willing to try some new varieties of drinks against Coffee as an alternative. 

If you are interested in becoming a professional Barista, you can register with the Basic Barista Course now!

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