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Nature vs Nurture

If you asked your thoughts on “What influences a person’s personality more, their genetics or the way they are raised?” what would your answer be? Well, if you aren’t so sure, it is time for you to explore the long-standing debate on Nature vs Nurture.  

Nature refers to your genetic make-up, and Nurture refers to the way you were raised. Both elements play a big role in the formation of your personality! A recent study in the Human Brain Mapping Journal explored the contributions of genetics and environment to cognitive and emotional processing without favouring as predominant. 

The Nature vs Nurture debate undoubtedly remains one of the most pivotal discussions in psychology. Why wouldn’t it when every study that intended to study it differed in results? Well, it is simply a matter of perceptions. Undoubtedly, the best way to form a perception is to hear both sides! So, what are you waiting for? Read along to see which side of the argument you would bet your pretty pennies on!   

Table of Contents 

1) Nature 

2) Nurture  

3) Nature vs Nurture 

   a) Personality Development  

   b) Child Development  

   c) Mental Illness Development  

   d) Therapeutic Approaches  

4) Conclusion 


Before we dive into the argument let us understand them separately, starting with Nature. In the context of this debate, Nature refers to the genetic material of the individual, that is passed down to them by their biological parents. In other words, all the hereditary elements that contribute to one’s behaviour.  

It is often seen that if one or more parents suffer from an illness, it is very likely that the child is also susceptible to suffer from the same! For example, if a mother has suffered from prenatal depression during her pregnancy, it is likely that the child may suffer from depression at some point in their life.    

Just like illnesses, personality traits may also be hereditary. Traits like stubbornness, temper or people-pleasing tendencies may offer transfer from parent to child. However, some may argue that it has less to do with genetics and more to do with the fact that their parents and the traits that raise them are acquired through Nurture.     

What is Nativism? 

Nativism is a rather controversial ideology that led to some dramatic trouble in some parts of history! It is an ideology that believes that everything about a person, like mental and physical characteristics, is inherited and predetermined during birth.   

In the early 20th century, this ideology gave way to a racially biased eugenics movement. Lucky for us, the concept of “selective breeding”, which suggested only certain people should be allowed to reproduce, did not stick around. It was rather looked down upon after losing momentum during World War II as it was the ideology behind the Nazis’ ethnic cleansing (killing people based on their ethnicity or religious beliefs).  

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When acquainted with a fine gentleman, women often say, “This man was raised right!” and give credit for his manners to his mother. Now that is a fine example of representing the other side of the debate: Nurture!    

Nurture refers to the upbringing of the individual and how it effects how they perceive the world around them and interact with it. A raised in the care of a joyful family is likely to be jovial. A child that was forced to raise himself on the streets may be a little more bitter but may posses’ greater survival skills in the real world. 

What is Empiricism? 

Just like the extreme belief that your Nature is completely responsible for who you are. There is also an extreme perception to oppose it that believes only your upbringing builds the person you are. Empiricism believes that at birth, the human mind is a blank slate that gradually fills up with real life experiences.  

It suggests all our behavioural differences are due to improper learning during our childhood and adolescence. It is simply the result of upbringing that governs the psychological aspect of Childhood Development. It also believes that maturation is simply a physiological aspect and has nothing to do with the development of the mind. 

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Nature vs Nurture  

Aren’t both perspectives absolutely fascinating? No wonder they debate on research on this subject matter has been around since the 1800’s and stayed relevant throughout. The term ‘Nature vs Nurture was coined by the psychologist Francis Galton. Galton was a Nativist that believed that intelligence was only passed down genetically.  

Galton was known for his controversial view that only intelligent people should be encouraged to marry one another and reproduce as much as possible. At the same time, non-intelligent people should be discouraged from reproducing.  

The argument of Nature vs Nurture grew subbranches over time. The most popular ones that were highly researched were personality development, child development and mental illness.

Subbranches of Nature vs Nurture

Personality Development 

There have been many arguments about the governing factor of personality. Is it genetics or upbringing? The answer lies in the school of psychology you choose to follow.   

Behaviourists believe that your personality is simply your reactions to the environment and the world around you based on your perception and experience of it. At the same time, the biological theorist suggests that your parents inherit your personality and is a mix and match of your parents’ personality traits. 

Child Development 

In child development, there are two major theories that call the shots on each side. There is the concept of a Language Acquisition Device (LAD) by Chomsky and the social learning theory by Albert Bandura.   

According to LAD by Chomsky, children are born with an instinctive ability to learn and produce language. While Bandura’s social learning theory, suggest that people learn by observing. He proved his theory with the Bobo doll experiment, which showed that children can learn violent and aggressive behaviour by observing someone else be aggressive.   

Mental Illness Development 

The core of the debate lies in the substantial proof that both inherited traits and environmental factors play roles in the onset of mental disorders, making it impossible to dismiss either. Genetic predisposition can be a factor, as it may affect the brain’s chemical balance, leading to mental health issues. 

Similarly, environmental elements such as exposure to harmful substances and drugs can also alter brain chemistry. Moreover, upbringing plays a crucial role; for instance, a girl raised by a mother fixated on appearances may develop an eating disorder in her efforts to meet her mother’s expectations. 

In this complex interplay, the causes of mental illness could stem from genetic, environmental, or a combination of both influences. 

Therapeutic Approaches   

The effectiveness of a therapeutic method for an individual often hinges on the underlying causes of their condition, which genetic factors or life experiences can influence. Typically, the treatment strategy is tailored to the nature of the disorder and its origins. However, therapy itself is generally seen as an aspect of environmental shaping, aiming to address issues that may arise from innate predispositions or external factors. 

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This blog addressed the never-ending debate between Nature and Nurture. It explained both sides with their extremist views and the varies areas in which their views apply. Nature or Nurture the whichever side your opinions may lay, the Nature vs Nurture debate is one that will be long standing. It will consistently be a grey area in psychology demanding more and more research. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Nurture change Nature? faq-arrow

It is true that Nurture has the ability to change. Nature studies have shown that environmental factors can influence and change our genetic makeup. This phenomenon is known as Epigenetics 

Is intelligence Nature or Nurture? faq-arrow

Intelligence can be both Nature and Nurture. Smart genetics may produce a smart baby, but if environmental factors are restrictive in its growth, then the child can grow up to be dull. A child born with average genetics may grow up to be a genius simply because his Nurture facilitated it or out of bare necessity

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