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SQL Operators

Structured Query Language, or SQL, is an incredibly popular tool used to manage and manipulate data in relational databases. SQL is distinctly useful in handling structured data, which is the data with all the relations among entities and variables incorporated into it. One of the key components of SQL operators, which allow users to perform various operations on the data.   

According to Market Splash, SQL is the third most used language amongst developers, with almost 52 per cent of developers using it. The wide use case for SQL has meant that more and more young professionals are trying to learn the basics of this language. In this blog, you will find an overview of SQL Operators, along with examples and types of SQL Operators and their functions. 

Table of contents 

1) Introduction to SQL Operators 

2)Types of SQL Operators 

3) Operator precedence 

4) Using parentheses to control operator precedence 

5) Best practices for using SQL Operators 

6)Real-world examples 

7) Conclusion 

Introduction to SQL Operators 

SQL Operators are fundamental components of structured query language (SQL) that enable users to perform various operations on data within relational databases. These operators act as powerful tools for querying, filtering, and manipulating data. They encompass a wide range of functionalities, including arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise, and assignment operations. Each operator serves a unique purpose and plays a crucial role in crafting efficient and precise SQL queries. Whether it's performing basic mathematical calculations, comparing values, combining conditions, or handling NULL values, SQL Operators empower developers to extract meaningful insights and valuable information from databases, making them indispensable in the world of data management and analysis. 

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Types of SQL Operators

Types of SQL Operators

SQL Operators refer to the diverse set of symbols and keywords used to perform various operations on data in relational databases. These operators include arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise, unary, assignment, membership, NULL-safe equality, and concatenation operators, each serving specific purposes in crafting efficient SQL queries. 

Arithmetic operators 

Arithmetic operators allow you to perform basic mathematical operations on numerical data within the database. 

1) Addition operator (+): The addition operator is represented by a plus sign (+) and is used to add two numeric values together. 

2) Subtraction operator (-): The subtraction operator (represented by a minus sign, -) subtracts one numeric value from another. 

3) Multiplication operator (*): The multiplication operator (represented by an asterisk, *) multiplies two numeric values. 

4) Division operator (/): The division operator (represented by a forward slash, /) divides one numeric value by another. 

Comparison operators 

Comparison operators compare two values or expressions in different fields. 

1) Equal operator (=): The equal operator (=) checks if two values are equal. 

2) Not equal operator (!=): The not equal operator (!=) checks if two values are not equal. 

3) Greater than operator (>): The greater than operator (>) checks if the left value is greater than the right value. 

4) Less than operator (<): The less than operator (<) checks if the left value is less than the right value. 

5) Greater than or equal operator (>=): The greater than or equal operator (>=) checks if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value. 

6) Less than or equal operator (<=): The less than or equal operator (<=) checks if the left value is less than or equal to the right value. 

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Logical operators 

Logical operators in SQL are vital for combining and evaluating conditions in queries, offering flexibility and precision in data retrieval. Here are some key points about logical operators: 

1) AND operator (&&): It returns true only if all conditions are true, filtering results that meet multiple criteria simultaneously. 

2) SQL operator: It returns true if at least one condition is true, broadening query results to include different possibilities. 

3) NOT operator (!): It negates the result of a condition, useful for excluding specific data or selecting the opposite of a given condition. 

Logical operators empower SQL developers to craft versatile and efficient queries, making them an indispensable tool in data manipulation and retrieval. 

Bitwise operators 

Bitwise operators carry out operations on the individual bits of values. 

1) Bitwise AND operator (&): The bitwise AND operator performs a bitwise AND operation between two values. 

2) Bitwise OR operator (|): The bitwise OR operator performs a bitwise OR operation between two values. 

3) Bitwise XOR operator (^): The bitwise XOR operator performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation between two values. 

4) Bitwise NOT operator (~): The bitwise NOT operator performs a bitwise negation of a value. 

5) Left shift operator (<<): The left shift operator shifts the bits of a value to the left. 

6) Right shift operator (>>): The right shift operator shifts the bits of a value to the right. 

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Unary operators 

In SQL, unary operators are operators that work with a single operand, either before or after it. These operators perform specific actions on the operand and are commonly used for data manipulation and filtering. Here are some important unary operators in SQL: 

1) Unary plus (+): The unary plus operator is used to indicate a positive value explicitly. For example, "+10" represents a positive number. 

2) Unary minus (-): The unary minus operator negates the value of the operand. For example, "-5" represents a negative number. 

3) NOT operator: The NOT operator is a logical unary operator that negates a Boolean expression. It converts true to false and false to true. For example, NOT(TRUE) is false, and NOT(FALSE) is true. 

Unary operators are essential for performing calculations, changing the sign of numeric values, and logical negation in SQL queries. They provide flexibility and power in manipulating data and expressing conditions within a query. 

Assignment operators 

Assignment operators assign values to variables. 

1) Simple assignment operator (=): The simple assignment operator (=) assigns a value to a variable. 

2) Add and assign operator (+=): The add and assign operator (+=) adds a value to the current value of a variable and assigns the result to the variable. 

3) Subtract and assign operator (-=): The subtract and assign operator (-=) subtracts a value from the current value of a variable and assigns the result to the variable. 

4) Multiply and assign operator (*=): The multiply and assign operator (*=) multiplies a variable by a value and assigns the result to the variable. 

5) Divide and assign operator (/=): The divide and assign operator (/=) divides a variable by a value and assigns the result to the variable. 

6) Modulus and assign operator (%=): The modulus and assign operator (%=) calculates the modulus of a variable and assigns the result to the variable. 

Membership operators 

Membership operators in SQL database are used to check if a value exists within a specified set of values. They allow for efficient data filtering and categorisation, making SQL queries more concise and effective.  

1) IN operator: The IN operator checks if a value matches any of the values in a provided list, array, or subquery.  

2) NOT IN operator: The NOT IN operator verifies if a value does not match any of the values in the specified list or subquery. 

Membership operators are particularly useful for filtering data based on predefined categories or specific criteria. By using membership operators, SQL queries can be streamlined, reducing the need for multiple separate conditions. Incorporating these also enhances the readability of SQL queries, making them more intuitive and concise. These operators find applications in various scenarios, from simple data filtering to complex query conditions. Membership operators function as set-based operations, allowing for easy data manipulation and extraction. By leveraging membership operators, developers can improve query performance and efficiently retrieve relevant data. 

Null-safe equality operator (<=>) 

The null-safe equality operator (<=>) in SQL is used to compare two values, even when one or both of them are NULL. Unlike the standard equal operator (=), which returns NULL when comparing with a NULL value, the <=> operator considers NULL values as equal, simplifying NULL handling in queries. 

Concatenation operator (||) 

The concatenation operator (||) in SQL is a powerful tool for combining text or string values from multiple columns or literals into a single string. It facilitates the creation of more informative and readable output by joining text elements together. For instance, in a customer database, the concatenation operator can be employed to merge the first name and last name columns to generate a full name field. Additionally, it allows the inclusion of static text and variables, making it useful for constructing dynamic messages or generating custom reports. The concatenation operator is an asset for enhancing the presentation and readability of SQL query results. 

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Operator precedence 

Operator precedence refers to the rules that determine the order in which SQL Operators are evaluated in each query. When a query involves multiple operators, it's essential to understand their precedence to ensure the correct execution of the query and obtain accurate results. 

In SQL, different operators have different levels of precedence. For example, arithmetic operators, such as division and multiplication, have higher precedence than addition and subtraction. Similarly, comparison operators, like equal and not equal, have higher precedence than logical operators like AND and OR. 

Understanding operator precedence is crucial when crafting complex queries with multiple conditions. If parentheses are not used to specify the desired evaluation order explicitly, SQL will follow the predefined precedence rules. This can lead to unexpected results if operators are not evaluated in the intended sequence. 

For instance, consider a query with multiple arithmetic and logical operators. Without parentheses to control precedence, SQL might evaluate the logical operators before the arithmetic ones, leading to incorrect results. 

To maintain clarity and accuracy in queries, developers can use parentheses to overrule the default precedence. By grouping expressions within parentheses, they can ensure that specific parts of the query are evaluated together, following the desired order. 

Operator precedence plays a crucial role in SQL queries. It governs the sequence of operator evaluation and impacts the final output of a query. To avoid confusion and obtain accurate results, developers should understand these precedence rules and use parentheses strategically to control the evaluation order in complex queries. 

Using parentheses to control operator precedence 

Using parentheses to control operator precedence in SQL is a vital technique for ensuring the correct evaluation of complex expressions. Parentheses group related conditions together, overriding the default precedence rules. This practice allows developers to explicitly specify the order in which operations should be performed, preventing unexpected results. For example, when combining logical and arithmetic operators in a query, placing parentheses around logical conditions ensures that they are evaluated first, followed by the arithmetic computations. By employing parentheses strategically, SQL developers gain greater control over the query's execution, enhancing clarity and accuracy in obtaining the desired results from the database. 

Best practices for using SQL Operators 

Best practices for using SQL Operators are essential to enhance the efficiency and maintainability of database queries. Firstly, understanding operator precedence and using parentheses to control evaluation order in complex expressions ensures accurate results. Secondly, selecting the appropriate operator for each task promotes better query performance. Avoiding redundant operators and utilising SQL's built-in functions whenever possible streamlines queries. Additionally, using comments to explain complex expressions aids in code readability and future maintenance. Moreover, ensuring consistent and descriptive naming conventions for variables and aliases helps to comprehend the query's purpose. Lastly, testing queries with various scenarios and datasets helps uncover potential issues and ensures robustness. By following these best practices, developers can craft efficient, concise, and reliable SQL queries. 

Real-world examples 

Practical examples of SQL Operators usage in real-world scenarios showcase the versatility and power of SQL in handling data effectively. 

1) In a retail setting, arithmetic operators can be used to calculate the total cost of items in a shopping cart. The addition operator sums up the prices of selected products, while the multiplication operator calculates discounts or taxes, providing the final cost to the customer. 

2) In a customer database, comparison operators come into play when filtering data based on specific criteria. For instance, the greater than operator can be employed to identify high-value customers who have made purchases above a certain threshold. 

3) Logical operators find utility in inventory management. The AND operator can be used to filter products that are both in stock and fall under a specific category, streamlining inventory control processes. 

4) In financial applications, SQL's assignment operators prove valuable. They can update the account balance by adding or subtracting funds based on deposits or withdrawals, respectively. 

5) Membership operators are helpful when dealing with data categorisation. For instance, the IN operator can be used to extract sales data for products that belong to a specific product line or department. 

These real-world examples of SQL Operators usage demonstrate the effectiveness of SQL in handling complex data manipulations, filtering, and analysis. Whether it's performing calculations, filtering data based on conditions, or categorising information, SQL Operators offer a robust and efficient means of extracting valuable insights from databases across various industries and use cases.


SQL Operators play a pivotal role in data management, enabling users to perform arithmetic calculations, compare values, combine conditions, and more. Understanding their types and usage is crucial for crafting efficient and precise queries, empowering developers to extract valuable insights from relational databases with ease and accuracy. 

Improve your organisational efficiency through our Introduction to SQL Course.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the four basic operations of SQL? faq-arrow

Create, Read, Update and Delete.

What are the 5 types of commands in SQL? faq-arrow

Data Definition Language (DDL) commands, Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands, Data Control Language (DCL) commands, Transaction Control Language (TCL) commands and Data Query Language (DQL) commands.

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The Knowledge Academy offers various SQL Courses, including Introduction to SQL Course, Advanced SQL Training and Introduction to MySQL Course. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into Perl Operator: A Comprehensive Overview 

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