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7 Strategic Marketing Goals

Marketing is not just about promoting your service or products. It is also about aligning your business objectives with your target audience's needs and preferences. This is where Strategic Marketing Goals come in. Strategic Marketing Goals are the long-term outcomes that you want to achieve through your marketing efforts. In this blog, we will cover seven Strategic Marketing Goals that you should consider for your business and how to attain them. 

Table of Content  

1) What are Strategic Marketing Goals? 

2) Goal 1: Drive organic website traffic 

3) Goal 2: Enhance brand awareness 

4) Goal 3: Generate high-quality leads 

5) Goal 4: Enhance customer retention 

6) Goal 5: Increase customer engagement 

7) Goal 6: Expand market reach 

8) Goal 7: Attain positive marketing ROI 

9) Conclusion 

What are Strategic Marketing Goals?  

A Marketing Goal is a clear and quantifiable target that supports your overall business vision. It can range from attracting more qualified prospects and enhancing your brand recognition to boosting your customer loyalty and growing your referral network.

Strategic Marketing Goals


Goal 1: Drive organic website traffic 

A key Strategic Marketing goal is to increase organic website traffic. Organic traffic includes the visitors who arrive at your website from search engines, social media, or other sources without the need for paid advertisements.  

This type of traffic holds significant value as it indicates that your website is perceived as relevant, authoritative, and trustworthy by potential customers. Moreover, organic traffic contributes to improved search engine rankings, leading to enhanced visibility and increased conversions. 

Strategies for goal attainment 

To increase organic website traffic, it's essential to optimise your website for both users and search engines. It means that you need to: 

a) Perform keyword research and integrate pertinent keywords into your content, titles, headings, meta tags, and URLs. 

b) Develop top-notch, captivating, and informative content that addresses your audience's queries and delivers value. 

c) Incorporate both internal and external links to interconnect your pages and offer supplementary resources for your audience. 

d) Improve your site speed, mobile-friendliness, navigation, and User Experience (UX). 

e) Update your content regularly and fix any broken links or errors. 

f) Use analytics tools to monitor your traffic sources, behaviour, and conversions. 

How to measure it 

To measure your organic website traffic, you can use SEO tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Google Search Console. These tools can help you track the number of organic visitors, the keywords they used, the pages they visited, the time they spent, the bounce rate, and the conversion rate.  

You can also compare your organic traffic with your paid traffic and your competitors' traffic to see how you are performing.

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Goal 2: Enhance brand awareness 

Another Strategic Marketing goal is to enhance brand awareness. Brand awareness represents the degree to which your target audience recognises and recalls your brand. It is important because it helps you build trust, loyalty, and reputation among your potential and existing customers. It also helps you differentiate yourself from your competitors and increase your market share. 

Strategies for goal attainment 

To enhance brand awareness, you need to increase your brand exposure and engagement. It means that you need to: 

a) Create a consistent and unique brand identity that reflects your mission, vision, values, and brand personality. 

b) Use a memorable logo, slogan, colour scheme, and tone of voice across all your marketing channels and touchpoints. 

c) Develop and distribute valuable content that demonstrates your expertise, authority, and thought leadership within your field. 

d) Use social media platforms like Instagram, Linkedin, etc., to interact with your audience, share your stories, and encourage user-generated content. 

e) Use influencer marketing, PR, and word-of-mouth to reach new audiences and amplify your brand message. 

f) Utilise both online and offline events, webinars, podcasts, and giveaways to generate enthusiasm and anticipation for your brand. 

How to measure it? 

For gauging your brand's awareness, consider employing tools such as Google Trends, Brandwatch, or BuzzSumo. These tools can help you track the volume, sentiment, and reach of your brand mentions, keywords, and hashtags.  

You can also use surveys, polls, or quizzes to measure your brand recall, recognition, and preference among your audience. You can also compare your brand awareness with your competitors and your industry's benchmarks to see how you are doing. 

Goal 3: Generate high-quality leads 

A third Strategic Marketing goal is to generate high-quality leads. Leads are the prospects who have shown interest in your service or products and have provided their contact information. High-quality leads are the ones who are most likely to become your customers based on their demographics, behaviour, and needs. Generating high-quality leads is crucial because it helps you increase your sales pipeline, conversion rate, and revenue. 

Strategies for goal attainment 

To generate high-quality leads, you need to attract, capture, and nurture your prospects. It means that you need to: 

a) Create and optimise landing pages that showcase your value proposition, benefits, and social proof. 

b) Use lead magnets, such as ebooks, whitepapers, reports, webinars, or free trials, to offer something valuable in exchange for your prospects' contact information. 

c) Use lead capture forms, pop-ups, or chatbots to collect your prospects' information and segment them based on their interests, pain points, and stages in the buyer's journey. 

d) Use email marketing, SMS marketing, or remarketing to follow up with your leads and provide them with relevant and personalised content and offers. 

e) Use lead scoring, lead qualification, and lead nurturing to identify and prioritise your most qualified leads and move them along the sales funnel. 

How to measure it

To measure your lead generation, you can use tools like HubSpot, Salesforce, or Mailchimp. These tools can help you track the number, source, quality, and status of your leads. You can also measure your lead conversion rate, which is the percentage of leads who become your customers.  

You can also compare your lead generation with your lead generation goals and your industry's averages to see how you are doing. 

Goal 4: Enhance customer retention 

The fourth Strategic Marketing goal is to improve customer retention. Customer retention involves maintaining the satisfaction and loyalty of your current customers with your products or services over time. 

This objective is significant as it aids in decreasing customer acquisition costs, elevating customer lifetime value, and increasing referrals and reviews. Moreover, it cultivates longer relationships with your customers, transforming them into advocates for your brand. 

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Strategies for goal attainment 

To enhance customer retention, you need to delight, support, and reward your customers. It means that you need to: 

a) Ensure that you fulfil your promises and surpass your customers' expectations.  

b) Offer outstanding customer service and support across various channels, including phone, email, chat, and social media. 

c) Solicit and act on customer feedback and reviews to improve your products or services and show that you care. 

d) Implement loyalty programs, offer discounts, distribute coupons, or provide freebies as incentives to reward your customers for their repeat purchases and referrals. 

e) Use cross-selling, upselling, or bundling to offer your customers more value and solutions. 

f) Use re-engagement campaigns, newsletters, or social media posts to stay in touch with your customers and remind them of your value. 

How to measure it 

To measure your customer retention, you can use tools like Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, or Mixpanel. These tools can help you track the number, frequency, and duration of your customers' visits, purchases, and interactions.  

You can also measure your customer retention rate, which represents the percentage of customers who stay with your company over a specific period.  

You can also measure your customer churn rate, the percentage of customers who leave you over a given period. You can also compare your customer retention with your customer retention goals and your industry's standards to see how you are doing. 

Goal 5: Increase customer engagement

The fifth Strategic Marketing goal is to enhance customer engagement. Customer engagement denotes the level of interaction between your customers and your product, brand or services. It is important because it helps you build trust, loyalty, and advocacy among your customers. It also helps you increase your customer satisfaction, retention, and revenue. 

Strategies for goal attainment 

To increase customer engagement, you need to create and deliver engaging and relevant content and experiences for your customers. Here is the table explaining strategies for customer engagement:




Understand your customer 

Create content that matches your customer’s needs, preferences, and challenges. 

Use customer feedback, surveys, or analytics to identify your customer segments and personas. 

Use storytelling, humour, emotion, or personalisation 

Make your content more captivating and memorable by using narrative, jokes, feelings, or customisation. 

Use stories or testimonials to showcase your brand values or customer success. 

Use multimedia 

Make your content more diverse and engaging by using different formats, such as images, videos, infographics, or podcasts. 

Use videos or infographics to explain complex concepts or data. 

Use interactive content 

Make your content more fun and engaging by using elements that require user input, such as quizzes, polls, surveys, or games. 

Use quizzes or games to test your customer’s knowledge or skills. 

Use social media, blogs, forums, or communities 

Make your content more conversational and social by using platforms that allow you to create and join discussions with your customers and encourage user-generated content. 

Use social media or blogs to share your content and invite feedback or comments. 

Use gamification, contests, or challenges 

Make your content more rewarding and motivating by using elements that create and reward customer engagement and behaviour, such as points, badges, leaderboards, prizes, or goals. 

Use contests or challenges to incentivise your customers to complete a task or achieve a goal. 


How to measure it

To measure your customer engagement, you can use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or Twitter Analytics. These tools can help you track the number, type, and quality of your customers' interactions, such as likes, comments, shares, views, clicks, or downloads. 

You can also measure your customer engagement rate, which is the percentage of customers who interact with your content or brand over a given period of time. 

You can also compare your customer engagement with your customer engagement goals and your industry's benchmarks to see how you are doing. 

Goal 6: Expand market reach

A sixth Strategic Marketing goal is to expand market reach. Market reach is the number of potential customers who are aware of and interested in your products or services. It is important because it helps you increase your brand awareness, lead generation, and sales opportunities. It also helps you grow your business and enter new markets. 

Strategies for goal attainment

To expand market reach, you need to identify and target new segments, channels, and regions for your products or services. It means that you need to: 

a) Perform market research and analysis to pinpoint gaps, opportunities, and trends within your industry and niche. 

b) Segment your market based on demographics, psychographics, behaviour, or needs 

c) Create and execute a market entry strategy that includes product adaptation, pricing, distribution, and promotion. 

d) Use online and offline advertising, such as PPC, SEO, social media, TV, radio, or print, to reach and attract your target audience. 

e) Employ content marketing, email marketing, or influencer marketing strategies to inform and convince your prospects and customers. 

f) Use partnerships, collaborations, or referrals to leverage your existing network and expand your reach. 

How to measure it

To measure your market reach, you can use tools like Google Analytics, SimilarWeb, or Alexa. These tools can help you track the size, growth, and share of your target market and audience.  

You can also measure your market penetration rate, which is the percentage of your potential customers who have become your actual customers. You can also compare your market reach with your market reach goals, your competitors, and the industry’s performance to see how you are doing. 

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Goal 7: Attain positive marketing ROI

The seventh and ultimate Strategic Marketing objective is achieving a positive marketing Return on Investment (ROI). Marketing ROI measures the return generated from your marketing endeavours. It is important as it enables the assessment of the efficacy and efficiency of your marketing strategy and budget. Additionally, it aids in optimising your marketing mix and judiciously allocating your resources. 

Strategies for goal attainment 

To attain positive marketing ROI, you need to plan, track, and analyse your marketing costs and revenues. It means that you need to: 

a) Define precise marketing objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with your business goals, ensuring they are quantifiable and realistic. 

b) Set your marketing budget and allocate it to the most relevant and profitable marketing channels and campaigns. 

c) Use tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, or Salesforce to track and measure your marketing costs, revenues, and KPIs. 

d) Use tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, or Power BI to visualise and report your marketing data and insights. 

e) Use tools like Google Optimize, Optimizely, or VWO to test and optimise your marketing elements, such as headlines, images, CTAs, or landing pages. 

f) Use tools like Google Attribution, Marketo, or Bizible to attribute your marketing revenues to the specific marketing channels and campaigns that contributed to them.

How to measure it

To measure your marketing ROI, you can use the following formula: 

Marketing ROI = (Marketing Revenue - Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost * 100% 

This formula calculates the percentage of profit or loss derived from your marketing efforts. You can also measure your marketing ROI for each marketing channel and campaign to see which are most effective and profitable. You can also compare your marketing ROI with your marketing ROI goals and industry averages to see how you are doing. 


Strategic Marketing Goals are the long-term outcomes you want to achieve through marketing efforts. They help you focus your resources, guide your actions, and evaluate your performance. This blog has covered seven Strategic Marketing Goals you should consider for your business and how to attain them. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many Strategic Marketing Goals should I have? faq-arrow

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on your business size, type, stage, and objectives. However, a general rule of thumb is to have between three to five Strategic Marketing Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). 

How often should I review and update my Strategic Marketing Goals? faq-arrow

You should review and update your Strategic Marketing Goals at least once a year or more frequently if any significant changes in your business environment, customer behaviour, or competitor activity exist. You should also monitor your progress and performance regularly and adjust as needed. 


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The Knowledge Academy offers various Marketing Courses, including Strategic Marketing Masterclass, Content Marketing Course, Mobile Marketing Masterclass and more. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into Digital Marketing Tools.   

Our Digital Marketing Blogs cover a range of topics related to Strategic Marketing, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your Digital Marketing skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have you covered. 

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