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Types of Shell in UNIX: A Brief Guide

The UNIX Operating System is known for its versatility and flexibility. A critical aspect of this flexibility is its variety of Shells, which are User Interfaces for accessing the UNIX Operating System's functionalities. In this blog, we will provide an overview of the different Types of Shell in UNIX and offer insights into their individual strengths and use cases. 

Table of Contents 

1) Types of Shell in UNIX 

     a) The Bourne Shell (sh

     b) The C Shell (csh

     c) The Korn Shell (ksh

     d) The Bourne Again Shell (bash) 

     e) The Tcsh Shell 

     f) The Z Shell (zsh

2) How to choose the right Shell? 

3) Conclusion 

Types of Shell in UNIX  

This section of the blog will expand on the different Types of Shell in Linux.

Types of Shell in UNIX

The Bourne Shell (sh)  

Introduced with Version 7 UNIX in 1979, the Bourne Shell (often denoted as sh) has become synonymous with UNIX Shell scripting. This pioneering Shell offered users a programming environment, complete with variables, control structures, and built-in operators. Its simplicity was its strength, ensuring widespread adoption in UNIX environments.  

As the foundational Shell, sh paved the way for the development of subsequent Shells. Its scripts are characterised by portability across various UNIX-based systems, making it the go-to choice for many legacy applications even today. 

The C Shell (csh)  

Emerging from the University of California, Berkeley in the late 1970s, the C Shell (csh) aimed to offer an improved User Experience. Notably, its syntax mirrors that of the C programming language, providing an intuitive environment for those familiar with C. Enhanced scripting features, including job control and command history, make it quite interactive.  

However, csh has faced criticism for certain scripting quirks and behaviours, making it less favoured for scripting tasks compared to other Shells. Despite this, for interactive use, many found its features compelling. 

The Korn Shell (ksh)  

David Korn's brainchild in the early 1980s, the Korn Shell (ksh), brought the best of both the Bourne and C Shells. Infusing the simplicity of sh with advanced features of csh, ksh introduced associative arrays and advanced string manipulation capabilities.  

The Korn Shell’s adaptability has seen it become the default Shell for many commercial UNIX systems. Over the years, ksh has enjoyed several upgrades, each refining its capabilities and improving User Experience. For scriptwriters seeking a balanced Shell, ksh often stands out as an optimal choice. 

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The Bourne Again Shell (bash)  

A product of the GNU project in 1989, the Bourne Again Shell (bash) sought to enhance the Bourne Shell experience. Incorporating features from both ksh and csh, bash presents one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly Shell environments.  

The Bourne Again Shell’s ubiquity in the Linux realm is testament to its versatility and power. Being the default Shell for most Linux distributions and even macOS, it offers users a consistent interface packed with advanced features. From scripting to interactive usage, bash caters to both novices and experts alike. 

The Tcsh Shell  

An evolution of the C Shell, tcsh surfaced in the late 1980s, addressing many of csh's limitations. Introducing command-line editing, autocompletion, and improved scripting capabilities, tcsh aimed to give users a more rounded experience.  

The enhancements made the Tcsh Shell a preferred choice for many who appreciated the csh lineage but sought a richer feature set. While not as prominent as some of the other Shells, tcsh has its loyal user base, especially among those who began their UNIX journey during its heyday. 

The Z Shell (zsh)  

A relative newcomer, zsh, was released in 1990, it combined the best of bash, ksh, and tcsh. What sets zsh apart is its customisability, advanced features such as shared command history, spelling correction, and themeable prompts. It offers users a tailored Shell experience.  

Over the years, zsh has grown in popularity, particularly among developers and power users. This ascent was further cemented when macOS Catalina chose zsh as its default Shell. Its dynamic community ensures regular updates, making zsh a compelling choice for modern users. 

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How to choose the right Shell?  

Choosing the right Shell for your tasks in a UNIX or Linux environment can make a significant difference to your productivity and overall user experience. The decision, however, isn't always straightforward. Here's a guide to help you navigate the myriad choices and land on the perfect Shell for your needs.

Factors to consider while choosing the right Shell

1) Evaluate your prior knowledge: If you've previously worked with a specific Shell or its syntax, it might be more productive to stick with it or one with a similar syntax. For instance, those familiar with C programming might find csh or tcsh more intuitive. 

2) Consider your main usage: If you're primarily writing scripts, you'll need a Shell with robust scripting capabilities like bash or ksh. For primarily interactive use, Shells with good autocompletion, history, and interactive features like zsh or tcsh might be more suitable. 

3) Portability concerns: If you're developing scripts that need to run on various systems, consider the Bourne Shell (sh) for its wide compatibility or bash as it's the default on many modern systems. 

4) Customisability and features: Some users crave a Shell that they can personalise and enhance. Shells like zsh offer extensive customisation options, plugins, and themes, which appeal to those who want a tailored command-line experience. 

5) Performance and overhead: While most Shells are lightweight, if you're working on resource-constrained environments, you might want to opt for Shells that are lean and have minimal overhead. 

6) Legacy systems: If you're working on older systems, you may be limited to using older Shells like sh or csh. However, it's essential to understand their limitations and quirks. 

7) Explore and experiment: Before settling on a Shell, spend some time experimenting with a few different options. Sometimes, personal experience is the best indicator. Trying out different Shells in real-world scenarios can provide insights that reading about them might not. 

8) Keep an eye on evolution: The world of UNIX Shells isn't static. New features, improvements, and even entirely new Shells emerge over time. Staying updated with the latest developments ensures you're not missing out on any efficiency or functionality improvements.

UNIX Fundamental


Understanding the characteristics of the different Types of Shell in UNIX can help users and administrators make informed decisions. Regardless of whether you're scripting, administrating, or just navigating, there's a UNIX Shell perfectly tailored to your needs. 

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