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What is Visual Basic History, Features and Applications

In a realm saturated with programming languages, one might ask, "What is Visual Basic?" Originating from Microsoft, VB offers a unique blend of rich history and user-centric design. Its intuitive 'drag-and-drop' interface has revolutionised Windows application development, making programming accessible for many. Beyond its visual prowess, VB introduced event-driven programming and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that further streamlined the creation process.  

According to Statista, VB is preferred by 4.07% developers across the world in 2023. Today, while newer languages have emerged, the legacy and relevance of VB continue to influence the software world. If you wish to find the answer to “What is Visual Basic?" then keep reading further.  

Table of Contents 

1) The genesis of Visual Basic 

2) Core features of Visual Basic 

3) The evolution: From VB to VB.NET 

4) Practical applications of Visual Basic 

5) Is Visual Basic relevant today? 

6) Conclusion 

The genesis of Visual Basic 

Visual Basic (VB) emerged from a need perceived by Microsoft: To make the art of programming more intuitive and accessible. The name "Visual Basic" encapsulates its essence—combining the simplicity of BASIC, a beginner-friendly programming language, with a graphical interface optimised for the Windows Operating System. This section of the blog will guide you through the journey of programming language paradigms and how they’ve changed over the years: 

Traditional programming 

The programming landscape was somewhat less forgiving than it is today. Developers were accustomed to writing long, often convoluted lines of code. The process was predominantly linear, meaning that once you wrote your code, you'd have to wait until the very end, after compilation, to get any visual or interactive feedback. This approach could be tedious, especially for complex applications, as the lack of real-time visual feedback made troubleshooting and design iteration cumbersome. 

The dawn of a new era: Birth of VB 

Microsoft, recognising the need for a more interactive and visual approach to software creation, unveiled Visual Basic. This was no minor update or iteration of an existing tool; it was a paradigm shift. VB introduced the revolutionary 'drag-and-drop' interface, forever altering the dynamics of application design. Rather than solely relying on abstract code to define User Interfaces, developers could now use VB to visually craft their application layouts.  

Elements like buttons, text boxes, and sliders could be placed on a canvas in a manner reminiscent of arranging assets on a digital design platform or a presentation slide. Not only did this make the design process more intuitive, but it also dramatically reduced development time, as immediate visual feedback allowed for rapid adjustments. 

Interested in Object Oriented Programming? Try our Visual Basic for Applications VBA Training! 

Core features of Visual Basic 

VB is renowned for its ease of use and visual capabilities, but its depth extends well beyond that surface appeal. Its robust architecture and versatility stem from an array of fundamental features that have stood the test of time: 

1) Event-driven programming: Among its many features, VB's most pronounced is its deep-rooted support for event-driven programming. This programming paradigm is centred on the principle that actions (code executions) are driven by events, such as user actions or system prompts.  

2) Take a button click in a software application: VB developers can seamlessly associate a specific action, like displaying a message, to this event. The result? Coding that's both intuitive and directly correlated to user interactions, streamlining both development and the end-user experience. 

3) Integrated Development Environment (IDE): A programmer's toolkit is crucial to their efficiency and VB offers one of the most comprehensive out there. The Visual Basic IDE is not just a code editor; it's a full-fledged environment where developers can write code, design interfaces, test functionality, and debug issues. Complete with visual aids, drag-and-drop features, and real-time feedback, VB's IDE epitomises a one-stop-shop for Windows application development. 

4) Rich library: An essential part of a programmer's workflow involves reusing code segments to streamline the development process. Recognising this, Microsoft equipped VB with an exhaustive library of predefined functions and routines. From mathematical calculations to string manipulations, this library accelerates the development process, offering developers a treasure trove of ready-to-implement solutions. 

5) Strong integration with windows: Given its inception as a tool tailored for Windows, VB boasts seamless integration with the OS. This ensures that applications developed with VB are inherently optimised for the Windows ecosystem, be it interfacing with Windows APIs or utilising system resources efficiently. 

6) ActiveX support: Another feather in VB's cap is its support for ActiveX components. This allows developers to not only create but also use ActiveX controls, DLLs, and even integrate with other applications that support COM (Component Object Model) standards. 

7) Database connectivity: In the modern era, software applications often require data storage and retrieval capabilities. VB facilitates easy connectivity with databases, leveraging technologies like ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) or Data Access Objects (DAO), making it straightforward to create data-driven applications. 

Interested in coding game mechanics? Try our Lua Programming Language Training! 

The evolution: From VB to VB.NET 

The evolution of Visual Basic is a fascinating journey of technological advancements, adapting to changing paradigms, and meeting the ever-evolving needs of developers. A pivotal chapter in this saga is the transition from the classic Visual Basic to its modern-day counterpart, VB.NET. 

The evolution From VB to VB.NET

Embracing the .NET framework 

The dawn of the 21st century was marked by a watershed moment in Microsoft's software development narrative - the advent of the .NET framework. This revolutionary platform was envisioned as the next big leap, providing a cohesive, integrated environment for developing both web-centric and Windows-centric applications. Visual Basic, with its established legacy, was prime for adaptation into this new age. The outcome of this was VB.NET, a version of Visual Basic reimagined, redesigned, and reborn to be in perfect harmony with the .NET ecosystem. 

Stepping into the world of OOP 

While the classic Visual Basic offered some object-oriented features, it was primarily a procedural programming language. VB.NET, on the other hand, embraced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) wholeheartedly. This shift was monumental. With VB.NET, developers could leverage the full gamut of OOP principles – from inheritance and polymorphism to encapsulation and abstraction. This transformative change not only enhanced the versatility of VB.NET but also placed it shoulder to shoulder with other prominent OOP languages, especially its .NET sibling, C#. 

Treading the compatibility waters 

Evolution often comes with its set of challenges, and for VB.NET, a prominent challenge was its compatibility with its predecessor. While VB.NET symbolised progress and modernity, it also drew a clear line of demarcation from the classic Visual Basic.  

Developers transitioning to VB.NET had to be cognisant of this reality: codebases constructed in classic VB were not readily portable to VB.NET. Although the syntax and core constructs had parallels, the underlying architectures were distinct, necessitating modifications, and sometimes overhauls, for older VB projects to be functional in the VB.NET environment. 

Richer standard library 

VB.NET, being a part of the .NET framework, benefited from the .NET Base Class Library (BCL). This expansive library provided a vast array of pre-defined classes and methods, greatly expanding the functionalities developers could tap into. From data access to network communications, the BCL empowered VB.NET developers with tools and functions that went beyond what classic VB offered. 

Interested in data modelling? Why not try our Delphi Course! 

Practical applications of Visual Basic 

The legacy of Visual Basic (VB) stands as a testament to its adaptability, efficiency, and user-centric design. Over the decades, its impact and imprint can be observed in a multitude of sectors, underscoring its broad-based appeal and proficiency. Let's journey through some of the key domains where VB has left an indelible mark:

Practical applications of Visual Basic

Visual Basic in desktop applications 

At its core, Visual Basic was conceived with the vision of simplifying and democratising Windows desktop application development. This vision was realised to its fullest. From creating elementary tools, such as calculators and notepads, to architecting advanced systems like CRM software or intricate database management platforms, VB's footprint is widespread.  

Its user-friendly 'drag-and-drop' interface, complemented by a robust backend, empowered developers to translate their visions into functional tools with minimal friction, making the entire development lifecycle smoother and more intuitive. 

Visual Basic in business software 

The corporate world, with its myriad challenges and dynamic needs, found a reliable ally in Visual Basic. Businesses, irrespective of their scale, leveraged VB's prowess to design bespoke solutions tailored to their unique requirements. Inventory management became streamlined with VB-powered systems that tracked stock levels and forecasted demand.  

Financial departments benefited from customised software that could handle complex calculations, generate reports, and maintain ledgers. Point of sale systems, crafted using VB, offered retailers an efficient mechanism to manage sales and inventory in real-time. One of VB's standout attributes in this domain was its capability to seamlessly interface with various databases, enabling businesses to handle vast volumes of data with ease and reliability. 

Visual Basic in games 

The realm of gaming, traditionally dominated by specialised languages and engines, witnessed an unexpected player in the form of Visual Basic. While VB might not have been the primary tool for AAA game titles, its ease of use and quick development cycles made it an attractive choice for indie developers and hobbyists. From puzzle games to strategy simulations, Visual Basic provided the canvas for creators to paint their gaming visions. Its ability to handle graphics, sound, and user interactions ensured that games developed using VB, though simpler compared to blockbuster titles, offered a compelling and enjoyable experience. 

Interested in Big Data solutions? Try our Clojure Programming Language Training! 

Is Visual Basic relevant today? 

In the rapidly evolving world of Software Development, where new programming languages and tools are unveiled frequently, one might wonder about the continued relevance of older languages like Visual Basic (VB). However, VB, with its storied history, still holds its ground today for several compelling reasons: 

Legacy systems 

A vast swathe of the corporate ecosystem, particularly organisations that blossomed during the earlier tech revolutions, heavily rely on infrastructure developed with VB. These aren't just rudimentary applications; they are often intricate, complex systems that serve as the backbone of day-to-day operations. Maintaining operational integrity, troubleshooting issues, and implementing incremental upgrades on these systems require an in-depth knowledge of VB. As a result, professionals proficient in this language remain in demand, ensuring VB's continued importance in many enterprise environments. 

Rapid Application Development (RAD) 

In a world where agility is prised, the need for swift development cycles has never been more pressing. VB, renowned for its RAD capabilities, is uniquely positioned to address this demand. Through its visual interface and 'drag-and-drop' functionalities, developers can quickly visualise, iterate, and deploy applications. This accelerated turnaround, from ideation to execution, renders VB an invaluable asset for businesses that prioritise rapid response to evolving market needs or internal requirements. 

Education and training 

VB's influence isn't confined solely to corporate or professional spheres; it casts a wide net encompassing academia and training institutes. One of VB's enduring strengths lies in its approachability. Its syntax is less convoluted than many other languages, and its visual nature provides immediate feedback, making it easier for beginners to link code with outcomes.  

For students embarking on their programming journey, VB acts as a gentle introduction, facilitating a smoother transition into more complex coding languages later. Educational curriculums across the globe, recognising this advantage, incorporate VB as a foundational course, ensuring that the language continues to inspire and educate budding developers. 

Integration capabilities 

Beyond its inherent features, VB's ability to integrate with other systems and platforms further amplifies its relevance. Be it databases, web services, or third-party tools, VB's robust integration frameworks ensure that it can function harmoniously within heterogeneous tech environments, making it a versatile choice for varied projects. 

Visual Basic For Applications VBA Training


As we conclude this blog on What is Visual Basic, its definition can be summed up as a Microsoft innovation that reshaped software development. VB has made it more intuitive and accessible for beginners. Its legacy as a pioneer in visual programming endures despite the evolution of newer coding languages. 

Interested in languages like Java and C++? Try our Object-Oriented Fundamentals Training! 

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