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JavaScript Data Types – A Complete Guide

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that provides various Data Types for storing and manipulating values. The language has revolutionised the domain of web development since its inception, providing users with convenient features to build websites. One of these features is JavaScript Data Types, which allow developers to store and manipulate different values.  

According to W3Techs, JavaScript remains one of the most popular languages among developers and one of the most sought-after skills by businesses – given that it is used by 98.6% of all websites. Its widespread popularity means that more and more people want to learn about the language and its features every year. Further, read this blog to explore the concept of JavaScript Data Types, its broad classifications, Data Type conversion and type checking.  

Table of Contents 

1) What are JavaScript Data Types? 

a) Primitive JavaScript Data Types 

b) Complex JavaScript Data Types 

2) Methods of Data Type conversions 

3) Type checking 

4) Conclusion 

What are JavaScript Data Types? 

JavaScript Data Types allow developers to store and manipulate different kinds of values. These Data Types can be broadly categorised into two main groups: Primitive Data Types and Complex Data Types. 

Primitive JavaScript Data Types 

Primitive Data Types are known as the fundamental building blocks of JavaScript. They are immutable, meaning their values cannot be changed once assigned. Here are the five primitive Data Types in JavaScript:

Primitive JavaScript Data Types

1) Number:

let age = 25; // Integer 

let temperature = 36.5; // Floating-point number 

let pi = 3.14159; // Floating-point number 

2) String: The string Data Type represents textual data. Strings can be defined as sequences of characters that are enclosed in single or double quotes. They allow developers to work with and manipulate textual information, such as names, messages, or paragraphs. For example: 

let greeting = "Hello, world!"; // String 

let name = 'John Doe'; // String 

let message = "It's a beautiful day."; // String with quotes 

3) Boolean: The boolean Data Type represents logical values. It can have two possible values: true or false. Booleans are often used in conditional statements and comparisons to control the flow of execution in a program. For example: 

let isRaining = true; // Boolean 'let hasPermission = false; // Boolean 

4) Null:

let data = null; // Null

5) Undefined:

let name; // Undefined

let age = undefined; // Undefined 

Complex JavaScript Data Types

In addition to primitive Data Types, JavaScript also provides complex Data Types. These Data Types are mutable, meaning their values can be changed. Here are the main complex Data Types in JavaScript:

Complex JavaScript Data Types

1) Object: The object Data Type is a versatile and powerful Data Type in JavaScript. It allows developers to store collections of key-value pairs. Objects can represent more complex data structures and can be created using object literals or constructor functions. For example: 

let person = {

 name: "John",

 age: 25,

profession: "Developer" 


2) Array: Arrays store multiple values in a single variable. They are ordered, indexed collections of values. Arrays may contain elements of any Data Type, including numbers, strings, objects, and even other arrays. They provide various methods for manipulating and accessing their elements. For example:

let fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let mixedArray = [1, "two", { key: "value" }]; 

3) Function: Functions are also considered a Data Type in JavaScript. Functions are reusable blocks of code that can be called, passed as arguments, and returned as values. Functions play a vital role in JavaScript's functional programming capabilities, as they allow developers to organise and encapsulate code, making it more modular and reusable. For example:

function greet(name) { 

  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!"); 

greet("John"); // Output: Hello, John! 

4) Symbol:

let id = Symbol("unique identifier"); 

let obj = { 

 [id]: "123"


console.log(obj[id]); // Output: 123 

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Methods of Data Type conversions 

JavaScript allows for both implicit and explicit Data Type conversion. Let's take a closer look at each of these conversion methods: 

Implicit conversion 

Implicit Data Type conversion, also known as type coercion, occurs when JavaScript automatically converts one Data Type to another without explicit instructions from the developer. This happens in certain situations, such as when performing operations between different Data Types. For example: 

let number = 10; 

let result = number + "20"; // Implicit conversion: number is coerced to a string 

console.log(result); // Output: "1020" 

In the example above, the number variable is implicitly converted to a string in the context of the addition operation. JavaScript converts the number to a string and concatenates it with the string "20", resulting in the string "1020". 

Explicit conversion 

Explicit Data Type conversion, also known as type casting, occurs when the developer explicitly instructs JavaScript to convert a value from one Data Type to another using built-in functions. JavaScript provides several functions for explicit Data Type conversion, including String(), Number(), and Boolean(). Some examples of explicit conversion are given as follows: 

let numberString = "123"; 

let number = Number(numberString); // Explicit conversion: string to number 

console.log(number); // Output: 123 

In this example, the Number() function is used to explicitly convert the string "123" to a numeric value. The resulting value is assigned to the number variable, which becomes a number Data Type. Now, let us look at another example: 

let booleanValue = Boolean("true"); 

console.log(booleanValue); // Output: true 

In this example, the Boolean() function is used to explicitly convert the string "true" to a boolean value. The resulting value is assigned to the booleanValue variable, which becomes a boolean Data Type. Explicit conversion allows developers to control the transformation of values between different Data Types, ensuring the desired outcome. 

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Type checking in JavaScript  

Type checking is the process of determining the Data Type of a value in JavaScript. It allows developers to perform specific actions or validations based on the type of value. JavaScript provides several mechanisms for type checking, including the typeof operator, the instanceof operator, and the constructor property. 

The typeof operator 

The typeof operator is a built-in operator in JavaScript that returns a string indicating the Data Type of a value. It can be used with variables, expressions, or literals. For example: 

typeof 42; // "number" 

typeof "Hello"; // "string" 

let person = { name: "John", age: 25 }; 

typeof person; // "object" 

In the examples above, the typeof operator is used to determine the Data Type of different values. It returns strings such as "number", "string", and "object", representing the respective Data Types. 

The instanceof operator 

The instanceof operator is used to check if an object belongs to a specific type. It checks whether an object is an instance of a particular constructor or a class. For example:  

let today = new Date(); 

today instanceof Date; // true 

let fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]; 

fruits instanceof Array; // true 

In the examples above, the instanceof operator is used to check if an object is an instance of a specific type. It returns true if the object is an instance of the specified constructor or class. 

The constructor property 

The constructor property is a property available on objects that indicates the constructor function that created the object. It can be used to check the type of an object. For example: 

let person = { name: "John", age: 25 }; 

person.constructor === Object; // true 

let greeting = new String("Hello"); 

greeting.constructor === String; // true 

In the examples above, the constructor property is used to compare the constructor of an object with a specific value. It returns true if the object's constructor matches the specified value.

JavaScript for Beginners



JavaScript offers a range of JavaScript Data Types that allow developers to work with different kinds of values. By understanding all JavaScript Data Types, you can create robust and efficient code. Additionally, knowledge of Data Type conversion and type checking helps ensure the reliability and accuracy of your JavaScript applications. 

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