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14 Best Performance Review Questions & Answers

Asking the right questions can be the difference between progress and stagnation, and nowhere is this truth more pronounced than in Performance Review Questions. These questions can help Managers and employees gain deeper insights into the organisation's current state and future prospects. It's about inspiring productive conversations, highlighting strengths, and identifying areas for development. 

But what are the right questions to ask during a Performance Review that covers every aspect of individual performance and the overall organisational workflow? This blog provides that answer with a list of the 14 best Performance Review Questions and answers that can prove to be a game-changer for your company's progress trajectory. So read on and learn why Performance Reviews are the spark to ignite growth and innovation. 

Table of Contents

1) What is a Performance Review? 

2) Performance Review Questions for Employees 

3) Performance Review Questions for Managers 

4) Performance Review Questions for Both Employees and Managers 

5) Conclusion 

What is a Performance Review? 

Performance Review is a systematic process to evaluate the employee’s past performance and articulate future expectations for the job. The purpose of reviews is twofold:

1) Managers utilise performance feedback to motivate employees, spotlight career development opportunities and clarify responsibilities and accountability. 

2) Employees use performance feedback to reorient their efforts toward the right goals and accordingly moderate their behaviour. 

Fair, regular, and diverse feedback substantially improves employee performance and employee engagement and prevents talent attrition. To capture these benefits, regular Performance Reviews must be scheduled for each team member (typically once or twice a year).

Art Of Performance Review Training


Performance Review Questions for Employees 

The following Performance Review Questions will help gain deeper insight into the employee’s work and ambitions. Evaluation of the answers will clarify any shortage of resources or support that might hamper workflow, and the Manager can work towards rectification 

1) What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of? 

This question is a great way to start off on a positive note, helping employees shake off any nerves and be comfortable opening up during the rest of the meeting. The answer should include not just the successes or how they've been achieved but also the challenges along the way. 

Sample Answer: “This year, one of my proudest accomplishments was leading a cross-departmental project that streamlined our content creation process. Implementing a new Content Management System reduced our production time by 30%, allowing us to deliver high-quality work with greater efficiency.” 

2) In which area(s) would you like to improve? 

This is a natural follow-up to the previous question that reveals whether an employee’s perception of their weaknesses aligns with the evaluation. 

Sample Answer: “I want to improve my public speaking and presentation skills. While I’m comfortable communicating with the team, I recognise that elevating my ability to present ideas in larger forums would definitely increase my impact. I plan to seek out practice opportunities, such as presenting at team meetings.” 

3) What have I done to help you do your job better? What have I Done to hinder your job performance? 

While the employee is the prime focus of the evaluation, Leadership is a major factor in the employee's success and shortcomings. This meeting is a great opportunity to gain honest feedback on how the guidance of company leaders affected the employees. 

Sample Answer: “You have been incredibly supportive by providing regular feedback and guidance on my projects, which has helped me grow significantly in my role. However, when multiple projects are assigned simultaneously, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the competing priorities. Establishing clearer priorities will help me focus on delivering the best results.” 

Components of Performance Review

4) Do you have the resources and tools you need to perform your job? 

This is one of the most constructive Performance Review Questions. This can inspire immediate plans for how the other employees, or the company as a whole, could contribute to stronger performances from the employee being reviewed. 

Sample Answer: “Yes, I have the essential resources and tools to handle my job well. Additionally, the recent upgrade to our Content Management System has streamlined so many of the processes. However, some additional training on the new features can further increase my efficiency and help me leverage the tools more effectively.” 

5) How can I help our team succeed? 

The answer to this question highlights to the Manager whether the employee being reviewed is a team player. A quality employee wants the entire company to succeed, which can only happen through cooperation and collaboration. The answer spotlights what contributions the employee can make to help the team achieve its goals. 

Sample Answer: “Encouraging more open communication within the team will greatly help us succeed. Hosting regular brainstorming sessions and team bonding activities can strengthen our dynamics and improve morale.” 

6) What is your favourite and least favourite part of your role? 

This question allows the employee to highlight what they like and dislike about the current role. These answers help their Manager gain insight into any pain points they face while allowing the Manager to learn what aspects of the job their direct report enjoys. 

Sample Answer: “My favourite part is the creative process of brainstorming and developing new content ideas. My least favourite part is the administrative tasks, such as scheduling revisions, which can sometimes be tedious and take time away from more creative pursuits.” 

7) What are your goals for the next six months/year? 

Identifying and discussing measurable benchmarks gives the employees a clear path to success at the next Performance Review. There should be a clear idea of what must be included in their short and long-term goals. 

Sample Answer: “My goals for the next year include increasing my Leadership skills by taking on more Project Management responsibilities. I also plan to complete a professional certification in Content Marketing.” 

Want to learn the art of managing and dealing with different kinds of people? Sign up for our detailed Introduction to Managing People Course now! 

Performance Review Questions for Managers 

The following questions and the respective answers will help understand the state of Leadership in the organisation and how it’s helping or hindering progress for individual or team performances 

Benefits of Performance Review

1) Am I meeting your expectations? 

This question will involve the Manager explaining their expectations and highlighting the areas the employee could improve on. If the employee is meeting expectations, the feedback should be positive. 

Sample Answer: “Yes, you are meeting my expectations. Your constructive feedback and support have made a substantial difference in my performance. I appreciate your Leadership style and feel inspired to bring new ideas to the table.” 

2) How are you measuring my progress? 

This question helps the employee understand the metrics the Manager uses to measure progress. Going forward, the employee can rely on these metrics to analyse progress and improve. The Manager generally has set criteria for employee progress, including progress reports, charts, or graphs. 

Sample Answer: “Your progress is measured through key performance indicators (KPI) related to quality of work, project completion, and feedback from team members. Regular check-ins help assess your achievements and any areas where you may need additional support or resources.” 

3) How can I support my team better? 

There might be times when the employee needs clarification on what task or goal to accomplish next. This question can help get ideas for things that can be done to help everyone. The key is to look for answers that explain what the coworkers might be struggling with. 

Sample Answer: “You can support the team better by encouraging members to share their challenges and successes. Additionally, helping to balance workloads during peak times can help everyone remain motivated and productive.” 

4) Are there any opportunities for professional development? 

Many companies offer continued education for their employees. This question can help the employee determine whether the Manager would be open to this or other professional development resources. They may share different courses or seminars offered by the company or outside sources. 

Sample Answer: “Yes, there are several opportunities for professional development, including workshops and industry conferences that are focused on advanced content strategies. Additionally, we could explore online courses that prioritise specific skills related to our team goals.” 

5) What would make me a candidate for a promotion? 

If the employee wants a promotion, this question helps them gauge exactly what must be done to achieve this goal. A good answer includes the goals the Manager wants to see the employee work toward. They may assign more responsibilities to see if the employee possesses the capabilities for this position. Additionally, the Manager might explain the application process for promotion within the company. 

Sample Answer: “I would focus on exceeding performance metrics and taking on Project Leadership responsibilities. Additionally, seeking constant feedback and proactively mentoring junior team members would demonstrate my readiness for a more advanced role.” 

Gain deeper insight into personal skills, including strengths and weaknesses, in our comprehensive Personal & Organisational Development Course – Sign up now! 

Performance Review Questions for Both Employees and Managers 

The following questions are directed at both the employee being reviewed and the Manager. Often, employees aren’t recognised for what they accomplish beyond their job descriptions. These questions allow the employee-Manager pair to discuss the individual’s general mindset and contributions outside their day-to-day role. 

1) What company values did you/your employee embody? 

Every company wants its values to be more than just words on its website. This Performance Review question reminds employees and Managers to keep company values at the forefront of their minds and do their best to embody them daily. 

Sample Answer: “This employee embodies the values of innovation and collaboration. Their willingness to share knowledge and work with others reflects our commitment to teamwork, and their creative approach to problem-solving aligns with our desire for innovation.” 

2) What areas does this employee excel in? 

This question aims to help employees learn more about themselves and see their strengths from an outside perspective, rather than just elicit praise. Once they are aware of their strengths, they can strategise how to use those skills at the company and throughout their careers. 

Sample Answer: This employee excels in creative thinking and collaboration. They consistently generate innovative ideas to enhance the content strategy process and are always willing to assist teammates. 


In conclusion, the right Performance Review Questions can help you gain valuable insights, catalyse individual and organisational growth, and strengthen team dynamics. The questions outlined in this blog can spark meaningful and open conversations that drive success for individual and team success. Whether you are a Manager or an employee, these questions and their answers can transform a generic review into a golden opportunity for success and innovation. 

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