CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course Overview

CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course Outline

Our CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course is thoughtfully structured to meet the 269 Guided Learning Hours requirement, providing delegates with 40 hours of comprehensive course material and 229 hours of interactive e-learning content.  

Qualification Level: Diploma

Credit Value: 53

The below-mentioned topics will be delivered by our professional instructor in the Online Instructor-Led Training.

Unit (M&L 9): Manage Personal and Professional Development (CV: 3)

Module 1: Identify Personal and Professional Development Requirements

  • Compare Sources of Information
  • Identify Trends and Developments that Influence the Need for Professional Development
  • Evaluate Personal and Professional Development Needs

Module 2: Fulfil a Personal and Professional Development Plan

  • Benefits of Personal and Professional Development
  • Types of Development Actions
  • Identify Skills, Knowledge, and Experience Needs Using Skills Gap Analysis
  • Agree a Development Plan with Business Needs and Personal Objectives
  • Execute the Plan within the Agreed Budget and Timescale
  • Take Advantage of Development Opportunities Made Available by Professional Networks or Professional Bodies

Module 3: Maintain the Relevance of a Personal and Professional Development Plan

  • Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound (SMART) Objectives
  • Performance from a Range of Valid Sources
  • Review Progress Toward Objectives
  • Amend the Plan in the Light of Feedback Received from Others’

Unit (M&L 26): Provide Leadership and Management (CV: 5)

Module 4: Principles Supporting Leadership and Management

  • Analyse How Leadership and Management Theories Applied
  • influence of an Organisation’s Culture
  • Influence of an Organisation’s Structure
  • Analyse How Theories of Motivation Applied in the Practice of Leadership
  • Role of Stakeholder Engagement in Leadership and Management
  • Assess the Suitability of a Range of Leadership Styles and Management Practices

Module 5: Engage and Inspire Stakeholders and Colleagues

  • Behaviours and Attitudes that Show a Commitment
    • Achievement of an Organisation’s Goals
    • Fulfilment of an Organisation’s Vision and the Expression of its Values
  • Identify Stakeholders are Nature of their Interest
  • Take Action to Ensure that Colleagues and Other Stakeholders Understand their Role
  • Win the Trust and Support of Colleagues and Other Key Stakeholders
  • Take Action to Maintain Morale
  • Secure the On-Going Commitment of Colleagues and Other Key Stakeholders

Module 6: Deliver Results

  • Make Planning and Resourcing Decisions
  • Use Delegation Techniques Whilst Delivering Targets
  • Empower Individuals to Take Responsibility for their Decisions and Actions
  • Adapt Plans, Priorities, and Resource

After completing the instructor-led training, we'll move to our Self-Paced Training to complete the certification.

Unit (M&L 27): Develop and Implement an Operational Plan (CV: 5)

Module 7: Principles of Operational Planning

  • Use of Risk Analysis Techniques in Operational Planning
  • Components of an Operational Plan
  • Analyse the Relationship Between Strategic and Operational Plans
  • Use of Planning Tools and Techniques in the Operational Planning Process
  • How to Carry Out a Cost-Benefit Analysis

Module 8: Develop an Operational Plan

  • Identify SMART Bound Objectives and KPIs
  • Mechanisms Appropriate to the Plan
  • Take Action to Ensure that Plans are Consistent with Organisational Strategy, Objectives, Values, Policies and Procedures
  • Develop Proportionate and Targeted Plans to Manage Risks
  • Take Action to Ensure that Plans Complement and Maximise Synergy
  • Organisational Policies and Procedures, Legal, and Ethical Requirements

Module 9: Implement an Operational Plan

  • Implement Plans within Agreed Budgets and Timescales
  • Communicate the Requirements of the Plans to those who will be Affected
  • Changing Circumstances with Strategic Objectives and Identified Risks

Module 10: Evaluate the Effectiveness of an Operational Plan

  • Conduct Periodic Reviews of the Progress and Effectiveness of the Plans
  • Report on the Effectiveness of Operational Plans in the Appropriate Format

Unit (M&L 32): Develop Working Relationships with Stakeholders (CV: 4)

Module 11: Working Relationships with Stakeholders

  • Analyse Stakeholder Mapping Techniques
  • Influencing Skills and Techniques Used to Enhance the Relationship with Stakeholders
  • Expectation Management and Conflict Resolution Techniques
  • Advantages and Limitations of Different Types of Stakeholder Consultation
  • Risks and Potential Consequences of Inadequate Stakeholder Consultation

Module 12: Scope for Collaboration with Stakeholders

  • Identify the Stakeholders with Whom Relationships Should Be Developed
  • Roles, Responsibilities, Interests, and Concerns of Stakeholders
  • Business Benefit from Collaboration with Stakeholders
  • Scope and Limitations of Collaborating with Stakeholders

Module 13: Develop Productive Working Relationships with Stakeholders

  • Create a Climate of Mutual Trust and Respect
  • Take Account of the Advice Provided by Stakeholders
  • Minimise the Potential for Friction and Conflict Amongst Stakeholders

Module 14: Evaluate Relationships with Stakeholders

  • Monitor Relationships and Developments with Stakeholders
  • Address Changes that Effect on Stakeholder Relationships
  • Recommend Improvements Based on Analyses of the Effectiveness of Stakeholder Relationships

Unit (M&L 40): Manage a Project (CV: 7)

Module 15: Management of a Project

  • How to Carry Out a Cost-Benefit Analysis for a Project?
  • Use of Risk Analysis Techniques
  • Project Planning and Management Tools and Techniques
  • Impact of Changes to Project Scope, Schedule, Finance, Risk, Quality and Resources
  • Analyse the Requirements of Project Governance Arrangements

Module 16: Plan a Project

  • Analyse How a Project fits with an Organisation’s Overall Vision, Objectives, Plans and Programmes of Work
  • Agree the Objectives and Scope of Proposed Projects with Stakeholders
  • Assess the Interdependencies and Potential Risks within a Project
  • Develop a Project Plan with SMART Bound Objectives, KPIs, and Evaluations Mechanisms Appropriate to the Plan
  • Develop Proportionate and Targeted Plans to Manage Identified Risks and Contingencies
  • Apply Project Lifecycle Approaches to the Progress of a Project

Module 17: Manage a Project

  • Allocate Resources in Accordance with the Project Plan
  • project Team Members on their Roles and Responsibilities
  • Implement Plans within Agreed Budgets and Timescales
  • Communicate the Requirements of the Plans to those who will be Affected
  • Revise Plans in the Light of Changing Circumstances in Accordance with Project Objectives and Identified Risks
  • Keep Stakeholders Up to Date with Developments and Problems
  • Complete Close-Out Actions in Accordance with Project Plans
  • Adhere to Organisational Policies and Procedures, Legal, and Ethical Requirements when Managing a Project

Module 18: Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Project

  • Conduct Periodic Reviews of the Progress and Effectiveness of a Project Using Information from a Range of Sources
  • Evaluate the Effectiveness of Capturing and Managing Project-Related Knowledge
  • Report on the Effectiveness of Plans

Unit (M&L 38): Manage a Budget (CV: 4)

Module 19: Identify Financial Requirements

  • calculate the Estimated Costs of Activities, Resources and Overheads Needed to Achieve Objectives
  • Analyse the Components of a Business Case to Meet Organisational Requirements
  • Analyse the Factors to be Taken into Account to Secure the Support of Stakeholders
  • Describe the Business Planning and Budget-Setting Cycle

Module 20: Set Budgets

  • Purposes of Budget-Setting
  • Analyse the Information Needed to Enable Realistic Budgets to be Set
  • Address Contingencies
  • organisational Policies and Procedures on Budget-Setting

Module 21: Manage a Budget

  • Use the Budget to Control Performance and Expenditure
  • Identify the Cause of Variations from Budget
  • Actions to be Taken to Address Variations from Budget
  • Propose Realistic Revisions to Budget, Supporting Recommendations with Evidence
  • Provide Budget-Related Reports and Information within Agreed Timescales
  • Actions to be Taken in the Event of Suspected Instances of Fraud or Malpractice

Module 22: Evaluate the Use of a Budget

  • Identify Successes and Areas for Improvement in Budget Management
  • Make Recommendations to Improve Future Budget Setting and Management

Unit (M&L 37): Conduct Quality Audits (CV: 3)

Module 23: Principles Underpinning the Management of Quality

  • Analyse the Principles of Quality Management
  • Purpose and Requirements of a Range of Quality Standards
  • Advantages and Limitations of a Range of Quality Techniques
  • Management of Quality Contributes to the Achievement of Organisational Objectives

Module 24: Prepare to Carry out Quality Audits

  • Establish the Quality Requirements Applicable to the Work Being Audited
  • Develop a Plan for a Quality Audit
  • Prepare the Documentation Needed to Undertake a Quality Audit
  • Specify Data Requirements to those who will Support the Audit

Module 25: Conduct Quality Audits

  • Confirm that any Previously Agreed Actions have been Implemented
  • Analyse Information Against Agreed Quality Criteria
  • Identify instances where Business Processes, Quality Standards, and/or Procedures Could be Improved
  • Agree Actions and Timescales that will Remedy Non-Conformance or Non-Compliance

Unit (M&L 11): Manage Team Performance (CV: 4)

Module 26: Management of Team Performance

  • Use of Benchmarks in Managing Performance
  • Range of Quality Management Techniques to Manage Team Performance
  • Constraints on the Ability to Amend Priorities and Plans

Module 27: Allocate and Assure the Quality of Work

  • Identify the Strengths, Competences and Expertise of Team Members
  • Allocate Work on the Basis of the Strengths, Competences and Expertise of Team Members
  • Identify Areas for Improvement in Team Members’ Performance Outputs and Standards
  • Amend Priorities and plans to Take Account of Changing Circumstances
  • Recommend Changes to Systems and Processes to Improve the Quality of Work

Module 28: Manage Communications within a Team

  • Team Members the Lines of Communication and Authority Levels
  • Communicate Individual and Team Objectives, Responsibilities and Priorities
  • Use Communication Methods that are Appropriate to the Topics, Audience and Timescales
  • Provide Support to Team Members When they Need it
  • Agree with Team Members a Process for Providing Feedback on Work Progress and Any Issues Arising
  • Review the Effectiveness of Team Communications and make Improvements

Unit (M&L 17): Manage Conflict within a Team (CV: 5)

Module 29: Principles of Conflict Management

  • Suitability of Different Methods of Conflict Management in Different Situations
  • Personal Skills Needed to Deal with Conflict Between Other People
  • Potential Consequences of Unresolved Conflict within a Team
  • Role of External Arbitration and Conciliation in Conflict Resolution

Module 30: Reduce the Potential for Conflict within a Team

  • Communicate to Team Members their Roles, Responsibilities, Objectives and Expected Standards of Behaviour
  • Team Members the Constraints Under which Other Colleagues Work
  • Review Systems, Processes, Situations and Structures that are Likely to Give Rise to Conflict in Line with Organisational Procedures
  • Minimise the Potential for Conflict within the Limits of their Own Authority
  • How Team Members’ Personalities and Cultural Backgrounds May Give Rise to Conflict

Module 31: Deal with Conflict within a Team

  • Assess the Seriousness of Conflict and its Potential Impact
  • Treat Everyone Involved with Impartiality and Sensitivity
  • Action that Offers Optimum Benefits
  • Importance of Engaging Team Members’ Support for the Agreed Actions
  • Communicate the actions to be taken who May Be Affected by it
  • Adhere to Organisational Policies and Procedures, Legal, and Ethical Requirements when Dealing with Conflict within a Team

Unit (B&A 42): Negotiate in a Business Environment (CV: 4)

Module 32:  Principles Underpinning Negotiation

  • Requirements of a Negotiation Strategy
  • Use of Different Negotiation Techniques
  • Research on the Other Party can be Used in Negotiations
  • Cultural Differences Might Affect Negotiations

Module 33: Prepare for Business Negotiations

  • Identify the Purpose, Scope, and Objectives of the Negotiation
  • Scope of their Own Authority for Negotiating
  • Prepare a Negotiating Strategy
  • Prepare Fall-Back Stances and Compromises with the Negotiating Strategy and Priorities
  • Assess the Likely Objectives and Negotiation Stances of the Other Party
  • Research the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Other Party

Module 34: Carry Out Business Negotiations

  • Carry out Negotiations within Responsibility Limits in a Way that Optimises Opportunities
  • Adapt the Conduct of the Negotiation in Accordance with Changing Circumstances
  • Maintain Accurate Records of Negotiations, Outcomes, and Agreements Made
  • Adhere to Organisational Policies and Procedures, and Legal and Ethical Requirements when Carrying Out Business Negotiations

Unit (B&A 41): Contribute to the Improvement of Business Performance (CV: 6)

Module 35: Principles of Resolving Business Problems

  • Use of Different Problem-Solving Techniques
  • Organisational and Legal Constraints Relating to Problem-Solving
  • Role of Stakeholders in Problem-Solving
  • Steps in the Business Decision-Making Process
  • Analyse the Implications of Adopting Recommendations and Implementing Decisions to Solve Business Problems

Module 36: Improvement Techniques and Processes

  • Purpose and Benefits of Continuous Improvement
  • Analyse the Features, Use and Constraints of Different Continuous Improvement Techniques and Models
  • Carry Out a Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Importance of Feedback from Customers and Other Stakeholders in Continuous Improvement

Module 37: Solve Problems in Business

  • Scope and Scale of a Problem
  • Analyse the Possible Courses of Action that can be Taken in Response to a Problem
  • Use Evidence to Justify the Approach to Problem-Solving
  • Develop a Plan and Success Criteria that are Appropriate to the Nature and Scale of a Problem
  • Obtain Approval to Implement a Solution to a Problem
  • Take Action to Resolve or Mitigate a Problem
  • Evaluate the Degree of Success and Scale of the Implications of a Solved Problem

Module 38: Contribute to the Improvement of Activities

  • Identify the Nature, Scope, and Scale of Possible Contributions to Continuous Improvement Activities
  • Measure Changes Achieved Against Existing Baseline Data
  • Calculate Performance Measures Relating to Cost, Quality, and Delivery
  • Justify the Case for Adopting Improvements Identified with Evidence
  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures and Resource Plans that are Capable of Implementing Agreed Changes

Unit (MK3-1): Analyse Competitor Activity (CV: 3)

Module 39: Identifying Competitor Activity

  • Identify Organisations Competing for the Same Customers
  • Identify Potentially Threatening Competitor Activity
  • Identify Competitors’ Objectives
  • Identify Valid Sources of Information on Competitors and Their Activity
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Sources of Information on Competitors and their Activity

Module 40: Determine the Nature of the Threat Posed by Competitor Activity

  • Assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of Competitor Activity Against Agreed Criteria
  • Assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of Competitors’ Products and/or Services Against Agreed Criteria
  • Determine the Nature and Extent of the Possible Threat Posed by Competitor Activity and Products and/or Services

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Who should attend this CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course?

This CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course is designed for anyone who wants to understand various aspects of management and become a successful management professional. This course is more beneficial for:

  • Team Leader/Supervisor
  • Operations Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Department Manager
  • Shift Manager
  • Assistant Manager

Prerequisites of the CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for attending the CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course.

CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course Overview

The CMI Level 4 Training in Management, particularly the NVQ Diploma, is a course of substantial relevance in today's business landscape. It focuses on developing robust management skills, essential for navigating the complexities of the modern corporate world. This training is crucial for those seeking to elevate their managerial abilities and organisational effectiveness.

Mastering the principles of management is crucial for professionals aspiring to excel in leadership roles. The CMI Level 4 and Certification are particularly valuable for junior and mid-level managers, team leaders, and those in supervisory positions. These individuals will greatly benefit from the course by developing skills that are critical for successful management.

The 4-day CMI Level 4 Training offered by the Knowledge Academy in the CMI Level 4 Course is a concentrated effort to impart essential management skills. The training aims to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application, enhancing the managerial capabilities of delegates and preparing them to face real-world management challenges effectively.

Course Objectives

  • To enhance leadership and management skills
  • To improve strategic thinking and operational planning
  • To develop effective communication and team management techniques
  • To understand and apply principles of financial management
  • To cultivate a problem-solving and results-driven mindset

Upon completion of the course, delegates will have a thorough understanding of effective management practices. They will be equipped with the skills necessary for leading teams, strategic planning, and making informed decisions. These competencies will empower them to contribute significantly to their organisation's success and progress in their managerial careers.

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What’s included in this CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course?

  • CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course Assessment   
  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors  
  • Flexible Self-Paced Training 
  • CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Certificate    
  • Digital Delegate Pack  

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CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Assessment Information 

  • Learners need to complete the assessment for each attended unit, aiming for a word count of 2500 to 3000 per unit.  
  • Assignments are marked by CMI Assessor, and you will receive detailed feedback on the work you have submitted to The Knowledge Academy.  
  • You will receive the learner assessment guide once you’ve registered for the course.

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Why choose us

Ways to take this course

Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

Unlock your potential with The Knowledge Academy's CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course, accessible anytime, anywhere on any device. Enjoy 90 days of online course access, extendable upon request, and benefit from the support of our expert trainers. Elevate your skills at your own pace with our Online Self-paced sessions.

Experience the most sought-after learning style with The Knowledge Academy's CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course. Available in 490+ locations across 190+ countries, our hand-picked Classroom venues offer an invaluable human touch. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive, interactive experience with our expert-led CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course sessions.


Highly experienced trainers

Boost your skills with our expert trainers, boasting 10+ years of real-world experience, ensuring an engaging and informative training experience


State of the art training venues

We only use the highest standard of learning facilities to make sure your experience is as comfortable and distraction-free as possible


Small class sizes

Our Classroom courses with limited class sizes foster discussions and provide a personalised, interactive learning environment


Great value for money

Achieve certification without breaking the bank. Find a lower price elsewhere? We'll match it to guarantee you the best value

Streamline large-scale training requirements with The Knowledge Academy’s In-house/Onsite CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course at your business premises. Experience expert-led classroom learning from the comfort of your workplace and engage professional development.


Tailored learning experience

Leverage benefits offered from a certification that fits your unique business or project needs


Maximise your training budget

Cut unnecessary costs and focus your entire budget on what really matters, the training.


Team building opportunity

Our CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course offers a unique chance for your team to bond and engage in discussions, enriching the learning experience beyond traditional classroom settings


Monitor employees progress

The course know-how will help you track and evaluate your employees' progression and performance with relative ease

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CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course FAQs

The CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course focuses on building essential management skills. These skills are important for effective leadership in various organisational settings. It makes sure delegates are competent in team management.
This course is structured with practical assessments and modules, based on management. This course ensures a hands-on learning experience tailored to different delegates. It focuses on developmental needs and competency building among the delegates.
It helps learners to develop the ability to lead and manage individuals and teams, improves their critical skills in management and leadership, and aids them to create working relationships with stakeholders.
This CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course aims to provide you with comprehensive knowledge to lead and manage individuals and teams. You will learn about various essential topics such as principles of supporting leadership and management, managing a project, types of development actions, operational plan, evaluating the effectiveness of a project, and many more.
This course spans over a duration of 4 days.
This course does offer the flexibility of online study, which accommodates diverse learning preferences and schedules. It allows delegates to access course materials, lectures, and interactive resources from anywhere with an internet connection.
Interactive online modules help in engagement and collaboration among delegates. This provides an opportunity for discussions and peer-to-peer learning. Additionally, it makes real-time feedback possible, which can enhance the overall learning experience.
Accredited by CMI, the course holds industry recognition for its quality and importance. It is known for providing delegates with assurance of the course’s credibility. The certification earned through this course shows a commitment to rigorous standards of excellence.
Completion of the course opens pathways for further education or specialisation in management. This allows the delegates to pursue advanced studies or certifications to further enhance their career prospects and professional development.
Career prospects upon finishing this course can be pretty diverse. The prospect spans across managerial roles across various industries like business, healthcare, finance, and hospitality. Each of these roles are good for offering opportunities for advancement and further growth.
Featuring unique elements like practical assessments and tailored modules, the course offers a distinctive learning experience designed to address the specific needs. It focuses on specific challenges faced by aspiring and practicing managers in today's competitive landscape.
Staying updated on course announcements and upcoming events is facilitated through online platforms. This helps in ensuring the delegates remain informed about important dates, program updates, and relevant opportunities for engagement and networking.
Alumni networks and associations provide ongoing support, mentorship, and networking opportunities. This can help a lot while fostering connections and collaboration among graduates. It is important as it facilitate continuous learning and professional development.
Student support services, including access to tutors, study materials, and online assistance, are available to provide guidance. They also provide assistance throughout the duration of the course. This helps in ensuring a seamless and enriching learning experience for delegates.
Applying for the course is straightforward, with participation conducted through The Knowledge Academy's website. The course has specified deadlines ensuring timely processing of applications and participations for prospective delegates.
Participants can expect significant career advancements upon completion of the course, with opportunities for progression into managerial roles across various industries, leveraging the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the program to drive success and innovation in their respective fields.
The Knowledge Academy stands out as a prestigious training provider known for its extensive course offerings, expert instructors, adaptable learning formats, and industry recognition. It's a dependable option for those seeking best CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course.
The training fees for CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course certification in the United Kingdom starts from £2995
The Knowledge Academy is the Leading global training provider for CMI Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management Training Course.
Please see our CMI Level 4 courses available in the United Kingdom
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Best price in the industry

You won't find better value in the marketplace. If you do find a lower price, we will beat it.


Many delivery methods

Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

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"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

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