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Top Cloud Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

If you have been in the Information Technology (IT) industry, then you have been familiar with the terms “Cloud based technology”, “Cloud Computing Security”, etc. However, if you want to become a Cloud Engineer you have to face some crucial Cloud Engineer Interview Questions. If you are searching for the answers to these questions, you have come to the right place. 

As per Glassdoor, the base salary of a Cloud Engineer is around £61,081/yr. To become a Cloud Engineer not only do you have to focus on your technical knowledge but also on your soft skills. In this blog, you are going to learn some of the top Cloud Engineer Interview Questions which will test your technical knowledge, scenario-based questions, as well as your soft skills. 

Table of Contents 

1) Who is a Cloud Engineer? 

2) Top Cloud Engineer interview Questions and answers 

   a) In-depth technical interview questions and answers 

   b) Scenario-based interview questions and answers 

   c) Interview questions based on Cloud best practices and security 

   d) Soft skills and experience-based interview questions and answers 

3) Conclusion 

Who is a Cloud Engineer? 

A Cloud Engineer designs, develops, and manages Cloud computing systems and solutions. They play a pivotal role in the digital infrastructure of modern businesses. Their expertise spans across various Cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.  

Cloud Engineers ensure the seamless transition of business operations to the Cloud, optimise Cloud resources for cost-effectiveness, and enhance data security. They possess a blend of technical skills in virtualisation, networking, software development, and cybersecurity. 

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Top Cloud Engineer Interview Questions and answers 

Now you have a brief idea of what a Cloud Engineer does. In the following section we have prepared some top interview questions and answers.  

In-depth technical interview questions and answers 

For aspiring Cloud Engineers like you, in-depth technical interview questions serve as an opportunity to demonstrate your proficiency. Below, we've highlighted some of these questions along with comprehensive answers.  

1) What are the primary service models of Cloud computing? 

Answer: a) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): It provides users with virtualised computing resources over the internet. An example is Amazon EC2. 

b) Platform as a Service (PaaS): It offers a platform allowing developers to build, deploy, and manage applications without worrying about underlying infrastructure. Google App Engine is a popular example. 

c) Software as a Service (SaaS): Here, software applications are provided to users over internet on a subscription basis, like Microsoft Office 365. 

2. What is the difference between Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud

difference between Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud

Answer: a) Public Cloud: It is owned by a third-party Cloud service provider and delivers resources like servers and storage over the internet. AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure are examples. 

b. Private Cloud: It is used exclusively by a single business or organisation. The data centre resources can be located on-site or hosted by third-party service providers. 

c. Hybrid Cloud: It combines Public Cloud and Private Cloud, allowing for data to be shared between them. This provides greater flexibility and optimisation of existing infrastructures. 

3) How does a Content Delivery Network (CDN) function? 

Answer: A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system comprising distributed servers that delivers web content to a user according to their geographical location, the origin of webpage, and the content delivery server itself. The primary purpose is to reduce latency, ensuring faster content delivery to users.  

4) What do you understand by 'Cloud bursting'? 

Answer: Cloud bursting refers to a scenario where an application running in a Private Cloud "bursts" into a Public Cloud when demand for computing capacity spikes. This provides businesses with scalability, ensuring they meet sudden demands without investing in physical infrastructure.  

5) What are the key security concerns in Cloud Computing? How can they be addressed? 

Answer: Key concerns include data breaches, data loss, insecure APIs, and traffic hijacking. Addressing them requires a combination of strategies:  

a) Data encryption: Encrypts data both at rest and in transit. 

b) Multi-factor authentication: Ensures only authorised individuals have access. 

c) Regular audits: It involves conducting security assessments to detect vulnerabilities. 

d) Backup and recovery plans: Regularly backing up data to recover from potential data loss scenarios. 

6) Describe auto-scaling and its benefits. 

Answer: Auto-scaling is a Cloud computing feature which allows users to automatically scale Cloud resources up or down based on predefined policies, workload demands, or schedules. Benefits include:  

a) Cost efficiency: Pay only for the resources you use. 

b) Performance maintenance: Ensure consistent application performance during demand spikes or lulls. 

c) Resource optimisation: Allocate resources where they're most needed.

Cloud Computing


Scenario-based interview questions and answers 

Here are some key scenario-based interview questions and their possible answers for Cloud Engineers. 

1) You're migrating a mission-critical application to the Cloud. Halfway through, you encounter unexpected performance issues. How would you handle this? 

Answer: Firstly, I would halt the migration to avoid further complications. By analysing logs and utilising monitoring tools, I would identify the root cause of the performance issues. It might be related to resource allocation, configuration errors, or compatibility issues. I'd consult with the application team to understand its architecture better, ensuring optimised Cloud resources are allocated. Once the issues are addressed, I'd proceed with a phased migration, closely monitoring the performance at each stage.  

2) A company's e-commerce application experiences sudden traffic spikes during sales, leading to downtime. How would you address this for future sales?  

Answer: Implementing Auto-scaling is paramount. By doing so, the application can automatically scale resources up during high traffic and scale down when traffic reduces. Load balancers would distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, preventing server overload. I'd also integrate a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to ensure users from various locations access the site from the nearest server, reducing latency. Regular stress testing before sales events can help anticipate potential issues and ensure robustness.  

3) You receive a report that there's suspicious activity in the company's Cloud environment, indicating a potential breach. What steps would you take? 

Answer: Immediate action is essential. I would initiate an incident response plan, which would involve:  

a) Isolating the affected areas to contain the breach. 

b) Conducting a preliminary assessment to understand the extent and source of the breach. 

c) Notifying senior management and relevant stakeholders, including any legal or regulatory bodies, if necessary. 

d) Collaborating with cybersecurity teams to patch vulnerabilities and reinforce security measures. 

e) Conducting a thorough investigation to prevent future breaches and learning from the incident. 

4) The finance department needs to use Cloud Computing Tools for a month, a post they'll no longer need. How would you ensure cost-effectiveness?

Answer: For such temporary needs, I'd opt for a pay-as-you-go or on-demand Cloud service model. This way, we only pay for what we use without long-term commitment. Once the tool is no longer needed, I'd ensure all related resources are terminated or de-provisioned, so there are no ongoing charges. Regularly monitoring and setting up alerts for resource usage can also prevent unforeseen expenses.  

5) A team struggles with slow data retrieval from the Cloud, impacting their productivity. How would you resolve this?  

Answer: I'd start by assessing the current architecture. Factors like the physical distance between the Cloud data centre and the company location, the type of storage used, and the retrieval methods might be contributing to the latency. Implementing caching mechanisms, choosing a Cloud data centre closer to the company, or optimising the data retrieval code can address this. A CDN might also be beneficial if data retrieval needs are widespread geographically.  

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Interview questions based on Cloud best practices and security 

Here are some key interview questions in the Cloud best practices domain and their detailed answers.  

1) What are some key best practices for Cloud cost management?

Best practices for Cloud cost management

a) Answer: Right sized resources: Ensure you choose the appropriate size for Cloud resources to meet the workload's needs without overprovisioning. 

b) Monitor and analyse spend: Use Cloud cost management tools to regularly monitor and analyse spending. 

c) Set budget alerts: Set up notifications to inform when the spending goes beyond the stipulated budget. 

d) Opt for reserved instances: If you anticipate consistent workloads, commit to Cloud resources for a longer duration for discounts. 

e) Clean unused resources: Regularly review and delete unused resources like storage volumes, old snapshots, and unattached IP addresses. 

2) How would you ensure data security and compliance in the Cloud?  

a) Answer: Data encryption: You can use strong encryption algorithms and key management practices. 

b) Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA to ensure that only authorised individuals can access Cloud resources. 

c) Regular audits: Periodically assess Cloud configurations and access rights, ensuring adherence to security policies. 

d) Data backups: Regularly back up data and ensure its encrypted and stored securely. 

e) Stay updated on regulations: Understand the data protection regulations of regions where your organisation operates, ensuring compliance. 

3) How do you manage sensitive data in the Cloud?  

Answer: Sensitive data should be treated with additional caution. Implement data classification to differentiate between sensitive and non-sensitive data. Ensure data masking and tokenisation to replace sensitive data with non-sensitive equivalents. Restrict access to sensitive data using role-based controls. Always store sensitive data in encrypted form and use secure methods for data transmission.  

4) What strategies would you employ to ensure a robust disaster recovery plan in the Cloud?  

a) Answer: Regular backups: Schedule frequent backups of data, applications, and configurations. 

b) Multi-region strategy: Store backups in different geographical regions to avoid data loss from regional disasters. 

c) Test recovery procedures: Regularly simulate disaster scenarios to test and refine the recovery process. 

d) Document the plan: Maintain a detailed document specifying roles, responsibilities, and step-by-step recovery processes. 

e) Update the plan: As Cloud infrastructure evolves, periodically review and update the disaster recovery plan. 

5. How do you ensure the secure transmission of data to and from the Cloud?  

Answer: Use Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) for data in transit. Implement VPN tunnels for secure communication between the on-premises infrastructure and Cloud. Ensure strict access controls, where only authorised devices and networks can communicate with Cloud resources. 

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Soft skills and experience-based interview questions and answers 

Below are some pertinent soft skills and experience-based interview questions and their answers. 

1) How do you handle a situation where you disagree with a team member about a Cloud solution approach?  

Answer: I believe open communication is key. Firstly, I would listen to their perspective fully, ensuring I understand their rationale. I'd then present my viewpoint, providing a detailed explanation. If we still disagree, I'd suggest a collaborative approach, possibly prototyping both solutions, or seeking input from other team members or experts. It's crucial to ensure that the chosen solution is in the best interests of the project and organisation.  

2) Describe a challenging Cloud project you’ve worked on and how you overcame the challenges.  

Answer: In a previous role, I worked on migrating a legacy application to the Cloud. The application had tightly coupled components, making the migration tricky. I collaborated with the software development team to refactor certain parts of the application to make them more modular. We also performed extensive testing to ensure there were no performance or security issues post-migration. Through teamwork and proactive problem-solving, we managed a smooth transition.  

3) How do you ensure you stay updated with the rapidly evolving Cloud technologies? 

Answer: I regularly attend workshops, webinars, and industry conferences. I'm also a member of several Cloud computing forums and online communities where experts share updates and insights. Reading documentation of major Cloud providers and industry journals helps me stay abreast of the latest advancements. Moreover, hands-on experimentation with new tools and features ensures I understand their practical applications.  

4) How do you explain complex Cloud-related issues to non-technical stakeholders?  

Answer: I strive to use analogies and real-life examples that can resonate with the listener. Visual aids, like diagrams or flowcharts, can be helpful. It's essential to break down the information into bite-sized chunks, focusing on the 'why' and 'how' without delving too deep into technical jargon. The goal is to convey the impact and the solution without overwhelming them with the intricacies.  

5) Can you describe a time when you made an error in your work and how you resolved it?  

Answer: Absolutely. Once, while setting up a new Cloud environment for a project, I misconfigured certain access controls, inadvertently providing broader access than intended. When I realised the mistake during a routine audit, I immediately rectified the configuration and informed my team. We reviewed the access logs to ensure no unauthorised access had occurred. The incident made me adopt a peer-review approach for critical configurations. 


Cloud Engineering requires both technical knowledge and practical insight. By preparing for these top Cloud Engineer Interview Questions, you can confidently showcase your expertise and adaptability. These questions will also help you in ensuring they stand out from other candidates. 

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