Java Courses

Online Instructor-led (3 days)

Online Self-paced (24 hours)

Java Programming Course Outline

Module 1: Java Fundamentals

  • What is Java?
  • How did it all Begin?
  • Change of Direction
  • Java and the Internet
  • Java and Program Solutions for the Internet
  • What is Bytecode?
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Basic Program
  • Variables and Code Block
  • Semicolon and Braces
  • Keywords and Identifiers

Module 2: Data Types and Operators

  • Data Types
  • Java’s Primitive Types
  • Integers
  • Floating-Point Types
  • Characters
  • Boolean Type
  • Instructions and Literals
  • Variables
  • Initialising Variables
  • Variables - Blocks and Scopes
  • Variables - Nested scope
  • Operator
  • Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operators
  • Short-Circuit Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operator
  • Type Conversion
  • Casting Incompatible Types

Module 3: Program Control Statements

  • Introduction to Program Control Statements
  • If Statement
  • Nested If Statements
  • If-Else-If Ladder
  • Switch Statement
  • For Loop
  • Variations on the for Loop
  • Multiple Loop Control Variables
  • Missing Pieces and The Infinite Loop
  • Loops with No Body
  • Declaring Loop Control Variables Inside the For Loop
  • While Loop, Do-While Loop, and Java’s Loops
  • Break and Continue Statement

Module 4: Classes, Objects and Methods

  • What is a Class?
  • General Class Form
  • Defining a Class
  • How are Objects Created?
  • Reference Variables
  • Methods
  • Returning from a Method
  • Constructor and New Operator
  • Garbage Collection
  • Finalise and This Keyword

Module 5: More Data Types and Operators

  • Arrays
  • One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • Irregular Array
  • Multidimensional Array
  • Length Member
  • For-each Style for Loop
  • Strings
  • Operations on String
  • Bitwise Operators
  • ? Operator

Module 6: Closer Look at Methods and Classes

  • Controlling Access
  • Access Modifiers
  • Pass Objects to Methods
  • Passing an Argument
  • Returning Objects
  • Method Overloading
  • Automatic Conversions
  • Overloading Constructors
  • Recursion
  • Understanding Static and Quicksort
  • Nested and Inner Classes
  • Varargs

Module 7: Inheritance

  • Foundation Principles
  • Constructors
  • Using Super to Call Superclass Constructors
  • Multilevel Hierarchy
  • Superclass References and Subclass Objects
  • Method Overriding
  • Super Keyword in Overriding
  • Dynamic Method Dispatch
  • Abstract Classes and Methods
  • Using Final and Object Class

Module 8: Packages and Interfaces

  • Packages and Package Statement
  • Finding Packages
  • Packages and Member Access
  • Protected Members
  • Importing Packages
  • Interfaces and Implementing Interfaces
  • Using Interface References
  • Variables and Extending Interfaces
  • Default Interface Methods
  • Default Method Fundamentals
  • Multiple Inheritance

Module 9: Exception Handling

  • Exception Hierarchy and Handling Fundamentals
  • Using Try and Catch
  • Handle Errors Gracefully
  • Catching Subclass Exceptions
  • Nested Try Blocks
  • Using the Throw Statement
  • Rethrowing an Exception
  • Throwable
  • Using Finally and Throws
  • Exception Features and Try-with-Resources Statement
  • Multi-Catch and Final Rethrow
  • Java’s Built-in Exceptions
  • Creating Exception Subclasses

Module 10: Using I/O

  • Introduction to Streams
  • Byte and Character Streams
  • Byte and Character Stream Classes
  • Predefined and Using Byte Streams
  • Reading Console Input
  • Writing Console Output
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Closing a File Automatically
  • Try Statement
  • Reading/Writing Binary Data
  • Random-Access Files
  • Using Character-Based Streams
  • Methods Defined by Reader and Writer
  • Console Input and Output
  • How to Construct a BufferedReader?
  • Reader Characters
  • Console Output Using Character Streams
  • File I/O Using Character Streams
  • Type Wrappers and Numeric Strings

Module 11: Multithreaded Programming

  • Multithreading Fundamentals
  • Thread Class and Runnable Interface
  • Thread Class Methods
  • Creating a Thread and Multiple Threads
  • Determining When a Thread Ends
  • Thread Priorities, Synchronisation, and Communication
  • Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads

Module 12: Enumerations, Autoboxing, Static Import and Annotations

  • Enumerations and its Fundamentals
  • values() and valueOf() Methods
  • Constructors, Methods, Instance Variables, and Enumerations
  • Enumerations Inherit Enum
  • Using Enumerations
  • Autoboxing and Type Wrappers
  • Autoboxing and Methods
  • Autoboxing and Unboxing in Expressions
  • Static Import and Annotations

Module 13: Generics

  • Generics Fundamentals
  • Generic and Bounded Types
  • Wildcard Arguments
  • Bounded Wildcards
  • Generic Constructors and Interfaces
  • Raw Types and Legacy Code
  • Diamond Operator
  • Erasure and Ambiguity Errors
  • Generic Restrictions

Module 14: Swing

  • Origins of Swing
  • MVC Architecture
  • Components and Containers
  • Top-Level Container Panes
  • Layout Managers
  • JButton
  • Work with JTextField
  • Create a JCheckBox
  • Working with JList
  • Handling Events
  • Create Swing Applet

Module 15: JavaFX

  • Origins of JavaFX
  • Launching JavaFX Application
  • JavaFX Application Skeleton
  • Compiling and Running JavaFX
  • Label, Button, and Events
  • Button Control
  • CheckBox Control
  • ListView Control
  • Using ListView
  • TextField Control
  • Effects and Transforms

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Who should attend the Java Programming Course?

The Java Programming Course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding to individuals who want to learn how to program in the Java language and develop applications using Java. This Java Programming Course will benefit a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Software Developers
  • Application Programmers
  • Java Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Systems Analysts
  • IT Professionals
  • Software Engineers
  • Application Architects

Prerequisites for the Java Programming Course

There are no formal prerequisites to attend the Java Programming Course. However, some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and a foundational programming language can be beneficial.

Java Programming Course Overview

Java, a powerful and versatile programming language, is essential in the modern technological landscape. This Java Programming Course offers an in-depth understanding of Java's applications, from web development to software engineering. Its widespread use in various industries underscores its relevance, making Java Programming Course an asset for aspiring and current programmers alike.

Professionals in IT, Software Development, and System Engineering should consider mastering Java. This language's robustness and cross-platform capabilities make it a sought-after skill in these fields. Java Programming Course equips individuals with the skills needed to excel in creating complex, high-performance applications, making it a key component of a tech professional's education.

The Knowledge Academy's 1-day Java Programming Course is designed to offer a concise yet comprehensive overview of Java. This Java Programming Course caters to both beginners and those looking to refresh their skills. Delegates will gain practical knowledge and insights, equipping them with the tools to apply Java effectively in their professional endeavours.

Course Objectives

  • To provide a solid understanding of Java programming fundamentals
  • To enhance skills in writing, testing, and debugging Java applications
  • To familiarise delegates with Java's advanced features and libraries
  • To develop proficiency in object-oriented programming using Java
  • To explore Java's application in real-world scenarios and projects
  • To prepare participants for further advanced Java Courses and certifications

Upon completion of this Java Programming Course, delegates will possess a strong foundation in Java programming. They will be well-prepared to tackle challenging projects, contributing effectively to their organisations and advancing their professional careers in the field of technology.

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What’s included in the Java Programming Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors   
  • Java Programming Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (1 days)

Online Self-paced (8 hours)

JavaScript for Beginners Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript

  • Introduction
  • Key Concepts
  • JavaScript Programming
  • HTML and JavaScript

Module 2: JavaScript Alert and Confirm Boxes

  • Alert Boxes
  • Confirm Boxes

Module 3: JavaScript Variables

  • JavaScript Variables Overview
  • Naming Variables
  • Variable Scope and Lifetime

Module 4: JavaScript Operators

  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators

Module 5: Control Statements, Functions and Objects

  • JavaScript Control Statements
  • Functions
  • Objects
  • Form Object

Module 6: Date, Math and Cross-Browser Compatibility

  • Date Object
  • Math Object
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility

Module 7: Libraries, Frameworks and Templates

  • Libraries
  • jQuery
  • jQuery Plugins
  • Introduction to Templates
  • Template Library
  • Underscore.js
  • Handlebars.js
  • Making the Right Choice

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Who should attend the JavaScript for Beginners Course?

The JavaScript for Beginners Course is designed for individuals who want to learn JavaScript with the basics of JavaScript programming for Web Development and interactive web applications. This course will be beneficial to the following professionals:

  • Web Developers
  • Front-End Developers
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Application Programmers
  • Software Engineers
  • IT Professionals
  • UI Developers

Prerequisites for the JavaScript for Beginners Course

There are no formal prerequisites to attend the JavaScript for Beginners Course. However, some basic knowledge of a foundational level programming language and HTML can be beneficial in order to learn JavaScript.

JavaScript for Beginners Course Overview

This JavaScript for Beginners Course introduces a fundamental technology of the web – JavaScript. As the scripting language behind most modern websites, JavaScript's relevance is unparalleled in web development. The course offers a comprehensive introduction to learn JavaScript, laying the groundwork for aspiring Web Developers and programmers.

Mastering JavaScript is crucial for Web Developers, Front-end Developers, and Full-stack Engineers. It is the backbone of dynamic and interactive web content, making it an indispensable skill in the digital era. Professionals seeking to thrive in Website Creation and Web Application Development will find JavaScript Training invaluable. Both JavaScript Courses and JavaScript Courses Online are geared towards these industry needs.

The Knowledge Academy’s 1-day course is meticulously designed to provide a swift yet thorough understanding of JavaScript essentials. The training equips delegates with the skills needed to create interactive and user-friendly web pages. This course serves as a steppingstone for more advanced programming in JavaScript and related technologies.

Course Objectives

  • To introduce the core concepts of JavaScript programming
  • To explore JavaScript's role in website interactivity and functionality
  • To provide practical experience in writing JavaScript code
  • To highlight JavaScript’s integration with HTML and CSS
  • To prepare for advanced JavaScript Training and projects
  • To establish a strong foundation for further specialised JavaScript Courses

Delegates will conclude this JavaScript for Beginners Training with a solid grasp of JavaScript fundamentals. Armed with these skills, they will be well-equipped to craft engaging, interactive web content and embark on more complex JavaScript projects, enhancing their professional competency in web development.

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What’s included in the JavaScript for Beginners Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors   
  • JavaScript for Beginners Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (2 days)

Online Self-paced (16 hours)

Hibernate Training Outline

Module 1: Hibernate Architecture

  • Basics of Java
  • What is Hibernate?
  • Advantages
  • Databases
  • Hibernate Architecture
  • Elements of Hibernate Architecture
  • Session Factory
  • Primary Key

Module 2: Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

  • Hibernate Query Language
    • Fetching Records
    • Constructs
    • HQL Syntax
    • Query Interface
    • Instance of a Query
    • Session Object
    • Fetching Rows of Data
    • Fetching Records from a Table
    • Pagination
    • Using Named Parameters (HQL)
    • Aliases
    • Native SQL
    • Case Sensitivity
    • Associations and Joins
    • Select Clause
    • Aggregated Functions
    • Polymorphic Queries
    • Expressions in the Where Clause
    • Updating and Deleting Data
    • Aggregated Methods

Module 3: Composite Identifiers

  • Introduction to Composite Identifiers
  • Setting the Composite-id Identifiers
    • Using Primary Key Class @Id
    • Using Primary Key Class and @Embeddedld
    • Using @IdClass

Module 4: Object Relational Mapping (ORM)

  • Object Identity
  • Object Relational Mismatch
  • Mapping an Object Model
  • ORM Advantages
  • Object Relational Mapping
  • Domain Model

Module 5: Working With Persistent Objects

  • Persistence Lifecycle
  • Persistent Object
  • Cascading Persistence

Module 6: Persistence

  • Persisting Maps
  • Annotations

Module 7: Associations

  • Multiplicity
  • Directionality
  • One-to-One Association
  • ID Generation Strategies

Module 8: Mapping Interface

  • Types of Inheritance Mapping
    • Table Per Concrete Class
    • Table Per Class
    • Table Per Subclass

Module 9: Spring and Hibernate Transaction Management

  • Spring Framework
  • Hibernate Transaction Management
  • Transaction Interface in Hibernate
  • Spring Framework’s Transaction Support Model
  • Transactions Interface in Hibernate
  • Example

Module 10: Performance and Tunning Optimisation

  • Hibernate Performance
  • Caching
  • Bulk Operations
  • Fetching

Module 11: Locking Best Practices

  • Locking Strategies
    • Optimistic Locking
    • Pessimistic Locking
  • LockMode Class

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Who should attend the Hibernate Training?

The Hibernate Training Course is designed for individuals who want to learn how to use the Hibernate framework for Java-based Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and database interaction. This course will benefit the following professionals:

  • Java Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Application Architects
  • Database Administrators
  • Backend Developers
  • IT Professionals
  • Software Developers

Prerequisites for the Hibernate Training

To take up this Hibernate Training, delegates must have a prior working experience with Java coding and an understanding of Relation Databases.

Hibernate Training Overview

Hibernate Training provides a deep dive into one of the most powerful and popular Java frameworks. As a cornerstone in the Java Courses offered, it stands out for its ability to simplify database operations and object-relational mapping. Its relevance in the Java landscape is unquestionable, making it a vital component of any comprehensive Java Course online.

Understanding Hibernate is crucial for Java Developers, especially those involved in enterprise-level application development. Professionals such as Software Developers, System Architects, and Database Administrators will find mastering Hibernate instrumental. The knowledge gained through this Java Training enhances their ability to manage complex data models and optimises application performance, which are key in today's data-driven environment.

The Knowledge Academy’s 2-day Hibernate Training is meticulously designed to equip delegates with practical skills and insights. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice, delegates will navigate the nuances of Hibernate within the Java ecosystem. This Java Course Online ensures a comprehensive understanding, enabling professionals to leverage Hibernate's capabilities fully in their projects.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the fundamental principles of Hibernate and its role in Java
  • To gain proficiency in object-relational mapping using Hibernate
  • To develop skills in configuring and optimising Hibernate applications
  • To learn effective data management strategies in Java applications
  • To enhance knowledge in querying databases using Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
  • To master advanced, Hibernate features and best practices

Upon completing these Java Courses, delegates will be well-equipped with the skills to implement Hibernate effectively in their Java projects. Their enhanced capabilities in managing complex data models and optimising application performance will significantly contribute to their professional growth and the success of their projects.

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What’s included in the Hibernate Training?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors   
  • Hibernate Training Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (2 days)

Online Self-paced (16 hours)

ECMAScript Training Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to ECMAScript and Block Bindings

  • Introduction to ECMAScript
  • Block-Level Declarations
  • Block Bindings in Loops
  • Global Block Bindings

Module 2: Strings and Regular Expressions

  • Overview
  • Better Unicode Support
  • UTF-16 Code Points
  • Regular Expression U Flag
  • Other String Changes
  • Multiline Strings

Module 3: Basics of Functions

  • Functions with Default Parameter Values
  • Working with Unnamed Parameters
  • Spread Operator and Name Property
  • Dual Purpose of Functions
  • Block-Level and Arrow Functions

Module 4: Expanded Object Functionality

  • Introduction
  • Object Categories
  • Object Literal Syntax Extensions
  • New Methods
  • Method
  • Object.assign() Method

Module 5: Destructuring for Data Access

  • Object Destructuring
  • Array Destructuring
  • Mixed Destructuring
  • Destructured Parameters

Module 6: Symbols and Symbol Properties

  • Creating Symbols
  • Using Symbols
  • Sharing Symbols
  • Symbol Coercion
  • Retrieving Symbol Properties

Module 7: Sets and Maps

  • Sets
  • Maps

Module 8: Overview of Iterators and Generators

  • What are Iterators and Generators?
  • Iterables and For-of Loops
  • Built-In Iterators
  • Spread Operator and Non-Array Iterables
  • Advanced Iterator Functionality

Module 9: JavaScript Classes

  • Class Declarations
  • Constant Class Names
  • Class Expressions
  • Classes as First-Class Citizens

Module 10: Improved Array Capabilities

  • Create Arrays
  • New Methods on All Arrays
  • Typed Arrays

Module 11: Promises and Asynchronous Programming Basics

  • Global Promise Rejection Handling
  • Chaining Promises
  • Responding to Multiple Promises
  • Inheriting from Promises

Module 12: Proxies and Reflection API

  • Overview
  • Proxy Traps in JavaScript
  • Creating a Simple Proxy
  • Validating Properties Using the Set Trap
  • Set Trap Receives Four Arguments

Module 13: Encapsulating Code with Modules

  • Modules
  • Basic Exporting and Importing
  • Importing a Single and Multiple Bindings
  • Importing All of a Module 

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Who should attend the ECMAScript Training Course?

The ECMAScript Training Course will equip individuals with comprehensive skills to learn and master the JavaScript programming language, with the ECMAScript standards. This course will benefit the following professionals:

  • Web Developers
  • Full-Stack Developers
  • JavaScript Developers
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Application Programmers
  • Software Engineers
  • IT Professionals

Prerequisites for the ECMAScript Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites to attend the ECMAScript Training Course. However, a basic knowledge of programming and JavaScript can be beneficial.

ECMAScript Training Course Overview

The ECMAScript Training Course delves into the core of modern web development, exploring the standard scripting language that forms the foundation of JavaScript. ECMAScript's evolving nature and its wide adoption in creating interactive web applications make it a pivotal skill in the digital era. This training is crucial for understanding the underpinnings of JavaScript, highlighting its relevance in today's tech landscape.

Understanding Java is imperative for professionals aiming to excel in software development, IT, and various tech-oriented fields. Java Courses provide vital knowledge for developers, Software Engineers, and IT professionals. Mastery in Java is not just about learning a language; it’s about equipping oneself with a tool that’s fundamental in creating efficient, secure, and scalable applications.

The Knowledge Academy’s 1-day ECMAScript Training course offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of ECMAScript's functionalities. Delegates will be guided through the nuances of the language, from basic syntax to advanced features, ensuring a well-rounded understanding. This intensive training is tailored to equip delegates with practical skills, enabling them to effectively implement ECMAScript in their web development projects.

Course Objectives

  • To introduce the fundamental concepts and syntax of ECMAScript
  • To demonstrate the use of ECMAScript in developing interactive web applications
  • To explore advanced features and updates in the latest ECMAScript versions
  • To develop proficiency in writing clean, efficient, and scalable code
  • To highlight best practices in ECMAScript programming for optimal web performance
  • To enable practical application of ECMAScript in solving real-world challenges

Upon completing these Java Courses, delegates will possess a thorough understanding of ECMAScript and its practical applications. They will be well-prepared to employ these skills in enhancing web development projects, thereby elevating their professional profile in the realm of modern web technologies.

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What’s included in the ECMAScript Training?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors   
  • ECMAScript Training Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (1 days)

Online Self-paced (8 hours)

Java Swing Development Training Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction

  • Introduction to Java Swing
  • Features
  • Architecture
  • Packages

Module 2: Swing Architecture

  • Design Goals
  • Roots in MVC
  • Separable Model Architecture
  • Pluggable Look-and-Feel Architecture

Module 3: Menus and Toolbars

  • JMenuBar
  • JMenu
  • JMenuItem
  • JSeparator
  • JCheckBoxMenuItem
  • JRadioButtonMenuItem
  • ButtonGroup
  • JPopupMenu
  • JToolBar

Module 4: Swing Layout Management

  • FlowLayout
  • BorderLayout
  • CardLayout
  • BoxLayout
  • GridLayout
  • GridBagLayout
  • GroupLayout
  • SpringLayout

Module 5: Swing Events and Dialogs

  • Introduction to Events
  • Types of Events
  • Event Handling
  • Callback Methods
  • An Overview of Dialogs
  • DialogDemo Example
  • JOptionPane Features

Module 6: Basic Swing Components

  • Imagelcon
  • JButton
  • JLabel
  • JPasswordFiled
  • Jtext

Module 7: Drag and Drop

  • Overview
  • Technologies Used
  • Drag and Drop Features

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Who should attend the Java Swing Development Training?

The Java Swing Development Training Course is designed for individuals who want to learn how to create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Java applications using the Java Swing framework. This course will benefit a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Java Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Application Architects
  • GUI Developers
  • Front-End Developers
  • Desktop Application Developers

Prerequisites for the Java Swing Development Training

There are no formal prerequisites to attend the Java Swing Development Training. However, basic knowledge of Java and GUI developments can be beneficial.

Java Swing Development Training Course Overview

Java Swing Development Training offers a focused exploration into the world of Java Graphical User Interface (GUI) design. As a significant aspect of Java programming, mastering Java Swing is crucial for creating interactive and visually appealing applications. This Java Course delves into the essentials of Swing components, layout management, and event handling, making it a vital Java Course Online for modern Software Development.

Understanding Java Swing is fundamental for Software Developers, UI/UX Designers, and Java Programmers aiming to excel in Desktop Application Development. This Java Training bridges the gap between basic Java knowledge and specialised GUI creation skills. Professionals in these fields will find the Java Courses Online crucial for enhancing their skill set and meeting the demands of the constantly evolving tech industry.

The Knowledge Academy's 1-day Java Course online is designed to provide delegates with a comprehensive yet concise overview of Java Swing. This Java Training is tailored to equip delegates with practical skills and theoretical knowledge, enabling them to implement Java Swing in real-world projects effectively. Delegates will leave the course with a clear understanding of Java Swing components, making them valuable assets in their respective professional environments.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the fundamentals and architecture of Java Swing
  • To learn about Swing components and their practical applications
  • To gain proficiency in layout management for designing user interfaces
  • To master event handling in Java Swing for interactive GUIs
  • To develop skills in creating robust and scalable Java applications
  • To explore advanced Java Swing features and best practices

Upon completing these Java Courses, delegates will be well-equipped with the skills to design and implement sophisticated Java-based GUIs. They will emerge as more competent and versatile Java developers, ready to tackle challenges in desktop application development with confidence.

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What’s included in the Java Swing Development Training?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors   
  • Java Swing Development Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (1 days)

Online Self-paced (8 hours)

Introduction to Java EE Training Course Outline

Module 1: Working with Servlets

  • Setting Up a Java Enterprise Environment
  • Packaging, Compiling, and Deploying a Servlet
  • Registering Servlets Without WEB-XML
  • Handling Requests and Responses
  • Managing Session Attributes

 Module 2: Working with Servlets

  • Configuring an Application for the MVC Framework
  • Making Data Available for the Application
  • Writing a Controller Class

Module 3: JDBC

  • Obtaining Database Drivers and Adding Them to the CLASSPATH
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Handling Database Connection Exceptions
  • Simplifying Connection Management
  • Performing CRUD Operations
  • Utilising Java Objects for Database Access

Module 4: Object-Relational Mapping

  • Creating an Entity
  • Mapping Data Types
  • Using Database Sequences to Create Primary Key Values
  • One-to-One Relationship
  • Many-to-Many Relationship

Module 5: Query API and JPQL

  • Querying All Instances of an Entity
  • Setting Parameters to Filter Query Results
  • Creating Native Queries
  • Querying More Than One Entity

Module 6: Java EE Containers

  • Installing GlassFish 5 or Payara 5 and Starting Up
  • Logging into the Administrative Console
  • Changing the Administrator User Password
  • Deploying
  • Adding a Database Resource
  • Adding Forms-Based Authentication

Module 7: Java Message Service

  • Creating JMS Resources and Session
  • Receiving and Filtering Messages
  • Inspecting Message Queues
  • Delaying Message Delivery

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Who should attend the Introduction to Java EE Training Course?

The Introduction to Java EE Training Course will enable individuals to learn the basics of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) for building robust and scalable enterprise applications. This course will benefit professionals, such as:

  • Java EE Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Application Architects
  • Backend Developers
  • Enterprise Application Developers
  • Systems Analysts
  • Application Programmers

Prerequisites for the Introduction to Java EE Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites to attend the Introduction to Java EE Training Course. However, some basic knowledge of Java Web Development can be beneficial.

Introduction to Java EE Training Course Overview

Java Enterprise Edition is built on the top of Java SE meant for developing distributed web applications as well as stand-alone command-line applications and UIs. Java EE is like increment of Java standard edition that includes several libraries like JEE Rest library.

Java EE uses containers to build applications that allow developers to focus on business logic rather than writing infrastructure. Java EE makes it quite easy to connect the app and systems to make our application capable for web, mobile phones, and other devices. Learning Java EE is highly recommended for all those developers who are the part of organisations and wants to learn and build enterprise applications.

The Knowledge Academy’s 1-day course Introduction to Java EE will serve delegates with a proper understanding of use cases of Java EE from scratch. This course does not expect any strict requirements from learners as our course outline is specially designed to teach the root of every concept of Java EE. Let's grow up from basic to advance level of Java with The Knowledge Academy.

Course Objectives

  • To provide an in-depth understanding of Java EE architecture and components
  • To enhance skills in developing robust and scalable Java applications
  • To impart knowledge of Java EE's security features and best practices
  • To enable proficiency in Java EE's web services and APIs
  • To equip delegates with the skills for effective database integration using Java EE
  • To foster an ability to troubleshoot and optimise Java EE applications

Upon completion of these Java Courses, delegates will have gained a substantial mastery of Java EE, equipping them to tackle complex enterprise-level projects with confidence. This newfound expertise will not only improve their technical prowess but also broaden their career opportunities in the vast realm of Java development.

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What’s included in the Introduction to Java EE Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors   
  • Java EE Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (1 days)

Online Self-paced (8 hours)

Web Development Using Java Training​ Course Outline

Module 1: Server Communication

  • What is HTTP?
  • Markup Language
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Forms Tags
  • Processing Form Data
  • What is JSPs?
  • How do JSPs Work?
  • Advantages of JSP
  • JSP Syntax
  • Steps for JSP
  • Tomcat and NetBeans
  • Setting up Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Set Environment Variable
  • Setting up the Web Server: Tomcat

Module 2: Controllers

  • Overview
  • Sending Data to Another Form
  • Using a Controller
  • Servlets in NetBeans

Module 3: Java Beans and Controller Helpers

  • Application
  • Java Beans
  • Application: Data Bean
  • Application: Default Validation
  • Member Variables in Servlets
  • Application: Shared Variable Error
  • Reorganising the Controller
  • Application: Reorganised Controller
  • Model, View, and Controller

Module 4:Enhancing the Controller

  • Logging in Web Applications
  • Eliminating Hidden Fields
  • Controller Logic
  • Filling a Bean
  • Application: Enhanced Controller
  • Libraries in NetBeans

Module 5: Hibernate

  • Required Validation
  • Application: Required Validation
  • POST Requests
  • Application: POST Controller
  • Saving a Bean to a Database
  • JAR File Modifications and Deployment
  • Application: Persistent Data
  • Hibernate Configuration Files

Module 6: Advanced HTML and Form Elements

  • Images
  • HTML Design
  • Cascading Style Sheet
  • Form Elements
  • Application: Complex Elements
  • Using Advanced Form Elements
  • Application: Initialised Complex Elements

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Who should attend this Web Development Using Java Training Course?

The Web Development Using Java Training Course covers the core concepts and advanced techniques of creating web applications using Java technologies. This course can be beneficial for various professionals, including:

  • Java Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Full-stack Developers
  • IT Consultants
  • Software Engineers
  • Backend Developers
  • System Designers
  • Application Architects

Prerequisites of the Web Development Using Java Training Course

There are no prerequisites required for the Web Development Using Java Training Course.

Web Development Using Java Training Course Overview

Java, a versatile and powerful programming language, stands at the forefront of web development technologies. Its relevance in today's digital world is unparalleled, making Java Training essential for professionals seeking to advance in the tech industry. The ability to create robust, secure, and efficient web applications using Java positions this language as a critical skill for developers.

For professionals in the fields of Software Development and Web Design, mastering Java is a strategic career move. Particularly, those aiming to excel in enterprise-level application development should consider Java Courses. This is because Java's platform-independent nature and robust security features make it an industry standard for building large-scale, high-performance web applications.

The Knowledge Academy's one-day Java Course online provides an intensive, focused learning experience. This Java Training is designed to equip delegates with the practical skills needed to build advanced web applications. Through Java Courses Online, delegates will gain hands-on experience, enabling them to apply Java's features effectively in real-world scenarios.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the basics of web development using Java
  • Develop server-side Java web applications using Java Servlets
  • Implement JavaServer Pages (JSP) for dynamic web content
  • Use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to connect to databases and retrieve data
  • Understand the fundamentals of web security and implement secure web applications

With the knowledge and skills acquired from these Java Courses, delegates can advance their careers as Java Web Developers and contribute to the growing demand for web development skills in the job market.

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What’s included in this Web Development Using Java Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • Web Development Using Java Training Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (2 days)

Online Self-paced (16 hours)

Log4j Training Course Outline

Module 1: Log4j

  • Introduction to Log4j
  • Log4j 2
  • Architecture

Module 2: Migrating from Log4j 1.x

  • Using the Log4j Bridge
  • Converting to the Log4j API
  • Configuring Log4j

Module 3: API

  • Flow Tracing
  • Markers
  • Event Logging
  • Messages
  • ThreadContext

Module 4: Configuration

  • Automatic Configuration
  • Chainsaw Support
  • Configuration Syntax
  • Configuring
    • Loggers, Appenders, and Filters
  • Property Substitution
  • Lookup Variables
  • Composite Configurations
  • Status Messages
  • Unit Testing in Maven
  • System Properties

Module 5: Web Applications and JSPs

  • Servlet
  • Context Parameters
  • Configuration Lookups
  • JavaServer Pages Logging
  • Asynchronous Requests

Module 6: Lookups

  • Context Map
  • Date
  • Environment
  • Java
  • JNDI
  • JVM Arguments
  • Log4j Config
  • Main Arguments
  • Map
  • Structured Data
  • System Properties
  • Web

Module 7: Layouts

  • CSV
  • GELF
  • HTML
  • JSON
  • Pattern
  • Serialised
  • Syslog
  • XML
  • YAML
  • Location Information

Module 8: Filters

  • Burst
  • Composite Filter
  • Dynamic Threshold
  • Map
  • Marker
  • Regex
  • Script
  • Structured Data
  • Thread Context Map
  • Threshold
  • Time

Module 9: Async Loggers

  • Trade-offs
  • All Loggers Async
  • Mixed Sync and Async
  • Location
  • Performance
  • Under the Hood

Module 10: Garbage-Free Logging

  • Configuration
  • Supported Appenders
  • Supported Layouts
  • API Changes
  • Impact on Application Code
  • Performance
  • Under the Hood

Module 11: JMX

  • Enabling JMX
  • Log4j Instrumented Components
  • Client GUI

Module 12: Logging Separation

  • Use Cases
  • Approaches

Module 13: Extending Log4j

  • LoggerContextFactory
  • ContextSelector
  • ConfigurationFactory
  • LoggerConfig
  • Lookups
  • Filters
  • Appenders
  • Layouts
  • PatternConverters
  • Custom Plugins

Module 14: Plugins

  • Core
  • Converters
  • Key Providers
  • Lookups
  • Preloading

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Who should attend this Log4j Training?

Log4j Training is designed for individuals and professionals who want to learn how to effectively use the Log4j framework for logging and monitoring in Java-based applications. The following professionals can benefit greatly by registering in this course:

  • Software Developers
  • System Administrators
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Testers
  • Security Analysts
  • Application Support Teams
  • Software Architects

Prerequisites of the Log4j Training

There are no formal prerequisites for attending this Log4j Training Course. However, a basic understanding of Java would be beneficial.

Log4j Training Course Overview

Log4j, a crucial component in Java programming, forms an integral part of many Java Courses. Its significance lies in its powerful logging capabilities, which are essential for debugging and monitoring Java applications. Understanding Log4j is not only beneficial but necessary for developers working with Java, making it a relevant topic in Java Courses Online and traditional Java Course settings.

Mastering Log4j is crucial for Java developers, System Administrators, and IT professionals involved in Java Application Development. It's a key skill that enhances one’s ability to efficiently troubleshoot and maintain Java applications. Professionals aiming to excel in Java should consider including Log4j in their Java Training curriculum, as it’s often a pivotal part of comprehensive Java Courses Online.

The Knowledge Academy’s 2-day Log4j Training is designed to empower delegates with practical, hands-on experience. This Java Course delves deep into Log4j, ensuring delegates gain a robust understanding of its functionalities and applications. By the end of this Java Course Online, attendees will be equipped with the skills necessary to implement Log4j effectively in their Java projects.

Course Objectives

  • To set runtime behaviour using a configuration file and support output Appenders
  • To supply the adapter components needed to create a logging implementation
  • To learn about formatting, filtering, and error handling in Log4j
  • To gain an in-depth knowledge of the architecture of Log4j
  • To lower the garbage for web applications during steady-state logging
  • To understand the setup, configuration, and advanced features of Log4j

At the end of these Java Courses, delegates will be able to enhance throughput and have orders of magnitude lower latency than Log4j using Asynchronous Loggers. They will also be able to support interesting and complex constructs using messages to pass through logging systems efficiently.

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What's Included in this Log4j Training?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • Log4j Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Online Instructor-led (1 days)

Online Self-paced (8 hours)

Java Engineer Training Course Outline

Module 1: JDK, JRE, and JVM

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  • JVM Architecture

Module 2: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • What is Object-Oriented Programming?
  • Pillars of OOP
  • OOPs Concepts
  • Benefits of OOPs
  • OOPs Applications

Module 3: Java Object Class

  • Naming Convention
  • Object and Class
  • Method
  • Constructor
  • static and this Keyword

Module 4: Creating Enumerations

  • Purpose of Enumerations
  • Declaration of Enum in Java
  • Enum and Inheritance
  • Initialising Specific Values to the Enum Constants
  • Java Enum in a Switch Statement

Module 5: Java Exceptions

  • Exception Handling
  • Reasons Why Exceptions Occur
  • Exception Hierarchy
  • Types of Exceptions

Module 6: Java Serialisation and Deserialisation

  • Serialisation Overview
  • Advantages of Serialisation
  • Serialising an Object
  • Deserialising an Object

Module 7: JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

  • JDBC Overview
  • Purpose of JDBC
  • Components of JDBC
  • JDBC Architecture
  • Drivers of JDBC
  • Working of JDBC

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Who should attend this Java Engineer Training Course? 

The Java Engineer Training course offers comprehensive coverage of Java programming concepts, frameworks, tools, and best practices. This course introduces both foundational and advanced concepts and can help be beneficial for various professionals, including:

  • Software Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Systems Engineers
  • Application Developers
  • Android App Developers
  • Software Architects
  • IT Consultants
  • Technical Managers
  • Full-stack Developers

Prerequisites of the Java Engineer Training Course

There are no prerequisites required for the Java Engineer Training Course.

Java Engineer Training Course Overview

Java, a cornerstone in the world of programming, continues to be pivotal in developing robust and scalable applications. Its enduring relevance in various sectors, from web development to enterprise solutions, underscores the importance of a comprehensive Java Course. This versatile language's adaptability to evolving technological demands makes it a sought-after skill in the tech industry.

Professionals in Software Development, System Architecture, and web application fields find Java Engineer Training indispensable. Mastery of Java is crucial for engineers aiming to excel in creating cross-platform solutions and secure, high-performance applications. Java Courses Online provide an accessible avenue for these professionals to enhance their skill set, ensuring they remain at the forefront of technology.

The Knowledge Academy's Java Courses are meticulously designed to impart critical Java skills efficiently. Delegates will experience a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, tailored to equip them with industry-relevant expertise. This Java Engineer Training serves as a catalyst for professional growth, opening doors to advanced opportunities in the tech sphere.

Course Objectives

  • To add security, separate the package for the Java classes
  • To implement interfaces and internally extend Enum classes
  • To facilitate the user in creating a distributed Java application
  • To support dynamic loading of classes and functions from native languages
  • To write a Java programme that deals with tasks by defining multiple threads
  • To run programme written in another language and compile it to Java bytecode

At the end of these Java Courses, delegates will be able to create Java applications and applets using the Java Development Kit (JDK). They will also be able to create an object that manages the runtime errors caused by invalid user input and opening an unavailable file.

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What’s included in this Java Engineer Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • Java Engineer Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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Not sure which course to choose?

Speak to a training expert for advice if you are unsure of what course is right for you. Give us a call on +44 1344 203999 or Enquire.

Java Courses FAQs

Java is a highly popular, versatile programming language used for building a wide range of applications. From mobile apps to enterprise solutions, Java's platform-independent nature makes it an integral skill in the tech industry.
Java allows developers to create robust, secure, and high-performance applications that run seamlessly across various computing platforms. Its capabilities extend from Web Development to Software Engineering, offering a broad scope of applications.
These Java Courses equip professionals with vital programming skills, enhancing their employability in the tech sector. It offers knowledge in a language that's critical for developing cross-platform applications, ensuring versatility and career advancement.
There are no formal prerequisites for taking these courses. However prior knowledge of Programming, Java, and OOPs concepts can be extremely beneficial.
These Java Training Courses come with training sessions from experienced trainers, a digital delegate pack, and a certificate upon completion of the course.
No, Java and JavaScript are distinct programming languages. While both can be integral parts of Java Courses, they serve different purposes. Java is a versatile, object-oriented language often used for building large-scale applications, whereas JavaScript is primarily employed for enhancing web pages and creating interactive web applications.
Professionals in Software Development, IT, and System Architecture will greatly benefit from these Java Certification Courses. They are also ideal for aspiring programmers seeking to enhance their skills in a versatile and widely used programming language.
Yes, our courses are updated regularly to align with industry changes, incorporate new features, and ensure relevance in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.
Yes, we provide corporate training for our courses. We offer courses tailored to your organisational needs for a smooth learning journey.
The difficulty level of these Java Certification Training varies, catering to both beginners and experienced programmers. From foundational training to advanced topics, each course is designed to meet different learning needs and skill levels.
The duration of this training varies depending on the specific course. We offer both short-term workshops and comprehensive Java Online Courses, ranging from one day to few days to suit diverse learning requirements.
Career prospects after completing these courses include roles such as Java Developer, Software Engineer, Web Developer, Mobile App Developer, and Software Architect, offering diverse opportunities in software development, technology, and related fields.
Yes. The Knowledge Academy offers 24/7 support for delegates before, during, and after this Java Training.
Should you encounter any difficulties accessing Java Training course materials, our customer support team is available to assist and promptly resolve any issues you may encounter.
Java Courses often cover industry-specific frameworks and technologies such as Spring for enterprise development, JavaFX for desktop applications, and Apache Kafka for data streaming.
Java certification provides an opportunity to improve programming skills, demonstrate expertise to employers, broaden job prospects, and potentially earn higher salaries in Java development.
Learning Java offers numerous advantages, including its versatility for building various applications, platform independence, strong community support, rich libraries, and scalability, making it a valuable skill in today's software development landscape.
Upon completing Java Courses, you're encouraged to pursue advanced Java certifications, apply your skills to real-world projects, or specialize in related fields like Android app development. Continuously learning and practicing will strengthen your Java proficiency and open up new career avenues.
Best practices in Java Training include teaching clean code principles, effective error handling, and adherence to established coding standards like those from Oracle and Google.
Java Courses offer robust career prospects in software development, web applications, and mobile apps. Mastery of Java enhances your employability and opens doors to lucrative opportunities in the tech industry.
Qualifications vary depending on the course level. Generally, a basic understanding of programming concepts suffices for beginners' courses, while advanced certifications may require prior Java knowledge and programming experience.
Yes, hands-on training is integral to our Java Certification Courses. Practical exercises, coding assignments, and projects ensure students gain practical skills and confidence in applying Java concepts to real-world scenarios.
Please see our Java Courses courses available in Cuba
The Knowledge Academy is the Leading global training provider for Java Courses.
The training fees for Java Courses in Cuba starts from $2895
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Best price in the industry

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Trusted & Approved

We are accredited by PeopleCert on behalf of AXELOS


Many delivery methods

Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

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"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

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