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How to Improve Public Speaking: 10+ Tips for Skill Enhancement

Stage fright is a common occurrence for newcomers in the world of Public Speaking. The nightmares of freezing on stage the night before you speak is truly tormenting, isn't it? Knowing How to Improve Public Speaking can help stand up against one’s own demons.

Public Speaking skills are valued in a variety of personal and professional endeavours. The ability to communicate confidently, is often admired in most professional settings. This blog will share with you tried and tested tips on How to Improve Public Speaking. So, read along and master the art of communication with the masses!

Table of Contents 

1) Understanding the importance of Public Speaking Skills  

2) Tips on How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills   

      a) Understand your audience

      b) Craft engaging speeches    

      c) Practise delivery and body language    

      d) Utilise visual aids effectively    

      e) Personalise the speech  

      f) Improve your delivery  

      g) Engage with the audience   

      h) Implement Public Speaking resources and tools  

      i) Record your speeches 

      j) Create a lasting impression  

3) Conclusion   

Understanding the importance of Public Speaking Skills 

Public Speaking skills are vital in both personal and professional settings. Communication skills are crucial considering that it is essential in personal as well as professional life. It is an essential tool in passing information, persuading others and even the act of constructing rapport. By realising the relevance of the necessity to improve Public Speaking skills, you will find purpose in practicing and improving this crucial capability. So, here's why Public Speaking matters: 

a) Professional advancement: It is crucial to note that public speaking skills are invaluable when working in an organisation. If you have to share ideas with colleagues, explain the project details to the clients or work on a keynote speech, public speaking is of  considerable value. As a result, avoiding public speaking or doing it ineffectively can be a major career detriment that will deprive you of your rightful place in the organisational limelight as well as a promotion to leadership positions.

b) Effective communication: Public Speaking can be defined as the communication of individuals with an audience that is formally gathered. It helps you state your message in a clear, direct, and precise manner so that the target  audience can understand it. Therefore, equipping oneself withhow to master the following skills can help you speak effectively and achieve your goals from the floor:

c) Building relationships: Public Speaking gives people a channel to which they can communicate with others in a better way. Regardless of being a one-to-one conversation or in front of a crowd, engaging and inspiring are useful adjectives that may help to get the listener on board. Public speakers are regarded trustworthy, responsible and possessing the ability to establish close working relationships with clients, co-workers and the general public.

d) Influencing others: Public Speaking Skills enable a person to change the course of his/her actions and those of others within a given community. When conveying information, it is possible to change minds and prompt a call-to-action (CTA), whether in the role of a social activist or a business person using persuasion to influence a decision. It helps in positively impacting people, garnering support, and getting the desired results.

e) Leadership development: Leadership and Public Speaking often go hand in hand. Strong Public Speaking Skills are crucial for inspiring and motivating teams, delivering clear instructions, and rallying people around a shared vision. Leaders who can effectively communicate their ideas and inspire others are more likely to gain respect and influence.   

f) Personal growth: Public Speaking challenges you to step outside your comfort zone and develop self-confidence. Overcoming the fear can boost your self-esteem and provide a sense of personal achievement. It allows you to conquer anxieties, build resilience, and develop skills applicable to various areas of your life.  

g) Amplifying your voice: Public Speaking provides a platform to share your knowledge, expertise, and unique perspective with a wider audience. It enables you to raise awareness, influence public opinion, and contribute to meaningful conversations. By honing your skills, you can amplify your voice and make a positive impact on society. 

Public Speaking Training

How to Improve Public Speaking Skills?

Now that you know the importance of Public Speaking, you may ask questions like "How to improve my Public Speaking skills", or "how to develop Public Speaking skills." The following are the top 10 tips for improving your Public Speaking skills: 

Tips on How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

1) Understand your audience

Acknowledging the people you are speaking to is very important! Pay attention to the sociodemographic details of your audience, their age and backgrounds in specific. That way you may appropriate your speech accordingly for it to resonate with the audience you are addressing. 

Learn the art of effective communication and master the skill of Assertiveness. Join our Assertiveness Skills - How And When To Be Assertive course

2) Craft engaging speeches 

Crafting engaging speeches involves structuring your content effectively to capture and hold the audience's attention. Begin with a compelling introduction that grabs their interest and clearly states your main message. Organise your speech into logical sections, each with a clear purpose. Incorporate storytelling, anecdotes, and relevant examples to make your speech relatable and memorable. The following are ten tips on How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills by helping you craft engaging speeches and command your audience's attention. 

a) Understand your audience well 

b) Tailor your speech to your audience’s needs 

c) Start with a powerful opening to grab their attention 

d) Structure your speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion 

e) Use storytelling to make your speech relatable and memorable 

f) Incorporate visuals or props to enhance your message 

g) Use rhetorical devices like repetition or rhetorical questions for emphasis 

h) Engage the audience through questions, pauses, or interactive elements 

i) Convey passion and enthusiasm through your delivery 

j) End with a strong conclusion that leaves a lasting impact 

3) Practise delivery and body language 

Delivery and body language significantly impact how your message is received. Practise your speech multiple times, paying attention to your tone, pacing, and emphasis. Record yourself or seek feedback to identify areas for improvement. Focus on maintaining an open and confident posture, using gestures that reinforce your words, and projecting your voice clearly. Pay attention to facial expressions, as they convey enthusiasm and authenticity. The following are some additional tips to help you practise your delivery and body language. 

a) Rehearse your presentation to become familiar with the content and flow 

b) Use vocal variety to engage your audience and emphasise key points 

c) Maintain eye contact to connect with your audience and build rapport 

d) Use gestures and body language to enhance your message and express Confidence in Public Speaking

e) Be aware of your posture in order to convey authority and presence 

f) Practice controlling nervous habits and facial expressions for a composed delivery 

4) Utilise visual aids effectively 

Visual aids can enhance the impact and understanding of your message. Use PowerPoint slides, charts, or props to support your speech, but use them sparingly and strategically. Visual aids should complement your speech, not overshadow it. Keep them simple, uncluttered, and visually appealing. Use easily readable font sizes and choose appropriate colours that convey your message effectively. The following are some additional ways to improve Public Speaking skills and help you implement visual aids effectively: 

a) Choose appropriate visual aids that align with your message and presentation style 

b) Keep visual aids simple and clear, avoiding clutter and using concise text 

c) Use visuals to enhance understanding, clarifying complex information 

d) Incorporate visual aids strategically to reinforce key messages or emphasise important concepts 

e) Interact with visual aids to increase engagement and create a dynamic experience 

f) Practice using visual aids and ensure proper timing for their introduction 

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5) Personalise the speech   

Engaging with your audience is more effective when you let your personality and unique flair shine through. Whether you’re naturally humorous or empathetic, being authentic can make your message more impactful. Use humour to enhance your presentation, but ensure it is appropriate and relevant.

When using a PowerPoint presentation, avoid reading it word for word. Instead, use images and videos to make your content more dynamic and engaging. Conclude your presentation with your contact information, allowing your audience to reach out to you afterward.

6) Improve your delivery

Your delivery is crucial when you speak in public. You want your audience to hear and understand your message, not just the words you say. Here are some tips to help you improve your delivery:

1) Avoid filler words

Don’t use filler words like “um” or “ah” that can make you sound unsure or unprepared. Instead, have a general outline of your main points to guide you through your speech. Don’t memorise a script, though, because it can backfire if you miss or forget a word.

2) Slow down and pronounce clearly

Don’t rush through your speech. Speak  slowly than you normally do, and make sure you pronounce every word clearly. This will help your audience follow your message.

3) Use pauses effectively 

Don’t be afraid to pause occasionally to let your audience digest what you’ve said. A pause can be very powerful after you’ve made a key point, explained something or asked a question. (For example: After asking, “What kind of a leader are you?”, pause for a few seconds.)

4) Use the correct tone of voice

Don’t speak in a flat or boring tone of voice. Speak loud enough to ensure that everyone can hear you clearly and use different pitches to emphasise your points and keep the audience interested. You can learn from famous public speakers you admire or watch TED talks to see how they use their voices to engage the audience.

7) Engage with the audience 

Engaging with the audience helps create a connection and keeps their attention. Make eye contact with individuals throughout the room, naturally shifting your gaze. Involve the audience by asking rhetorical questions, encouraging participation, or incorporating interactive elements. Involving them in your speech creates a more dynamic and memorable experience. The following are some additional tips on how to build Public Speaking Skills by helping you enhance engagement with the audience:

a) Start with a strong opening to capture their attention 

b) Encourage audience participation through questions or interactive elements 

c) Use storytelling to connect with their emotions and make your message relatable 

d) Incorporate visuals and multimedia to enhance engagement 

e) Pause for audience reactions and feedback 

f) Maintain a conversational tone and address individuals directly 

g) Adapt your presentation based on their reactions and level of understanding 

8) Dress for the occasion 

Dressing for the occasion is an important aspect of Public Speaking. Your appearance can influence how you feel and how the audience perceives you. You should dress appropriately for the event and the audience, as well as for your topic and your personality. 

You should also dress comfortably and professionally, avoiding anything that might distract you or the audience. By dressing for the occasion, you can make a positive impression, enhance your credibility, and boost your confidence. Remember that your appearance is part of your message, so make sure it aligns with what you want to say.

9) Implement Public Speaking resources and tools 

You can use several resources and tools to improve your Public Speaking skills further. Consider joining a local Public Speaking club, which offers a supportive environment for practising and receiving feedback. Online courses, books, podcasts, and workshops can also provide valuable insights and techniques. Explore these resources to expand your knowledge and refine your abilities as a Public Speaker.

10) Record your speeches  

Remember to film your speeches for future references. This will help you revisit the speech to see yourself from a third person view and identify the parts that you need to further work on. If you are doing it over a videocall setting, you will have the option to record the call as well.

11) Create a lasting impression

Once you're off the pedestal, make sure the word you have said retain in the minds of your audience. Prepare your speech in a way that you perfectly conclude it with all the hight lights of the speah for your audience to take back from it. 

12) Seek feedback and continuous improvement 

Feedback is invaluable for improving your Public Speaking Skills. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, or even audience members after your speeches. Analyse their input, identify areas for improvement, and incorporate their suggestions into your future speeches. Actively seek opportunities to practise your speaking skills, whether it's through joining speaking clubs, attending workshops, or volunteering for speaking engagements. Continuously striving for improvement will ensure steady progress over time.

13) Handle Q&A sessions 

Q&A sessions provide an opportunity for further engagement and clarification. Anticipate potential questions related to your topic and prepare thoughtful responses in advance. During the session, actively listen to each question and rephrase or summarise when necessary to ensure understanding. Respond concisely and confidently, using examples or anecdotes to support your answers. Be willing to admit if you don't know the answer and offer to follow up later if appropriate.

Unlock your full potential as a confident and impactful speaker - sign up for our Public Speaking Training Course today!


Improving your Public Speaking Skills is a journey that requires dedication and practise. By following the steps mentioned in this blog, you can gradually overcome your fears, develop confidence, and deliver impactful speeches and Benefits from Public Speaking. You can become a compelling and influential Public Speaker with persistence and continuous improvement. Hope this blog answered your questions about "How to Improve your Public Speaking Skills"! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to prepare for a presentation? faq-arrow

If you are unprepared for a presentation, you are likely to make errors in your delivery, that may end up conveying the wrong message. Besides, it is considered very unprofessional to not prepare for a Presentation.

What is the 5/5/5 rule for better presentation? faq-arrow

The 5/5/5 rule, is that your presentation should have 5 slides that convey your message, each slide with 5 lines that consist of 5 words in each line. This helps keep the presentation short and simple. 

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The Knowledge Academy offers various Communication Skills Courses including Assertiveness skills Training, Public Speaking Course etc. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into Types of Communication Skills

Our blogs about Business skills covers a range of topics related to communication skills along with negotiation techniques and examples, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your Communication skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have you covered. 

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