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CISM Benefits

The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification is a globally recognised credential that validates expertise in information security management. Acquiring the CISM certification helps professionals elevate their capabilities in information security management. 
A survey by ISACA reveals that more than 40 per cent of CISM-certified employees received a pay hike. Another survey by Payscale indicates that a CISM professional earns an average of GBP 60,882 in the UK. The CISM certification equips professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage these risks and safeguard sensitive data effectively. This blog discusses the top benefits of getting the CISM certification in 2023.Learn about cisa vs cism and its importance, job scope, certification process, and more.

Table of Contents 

1) A brief look at CISM Certification 

2) General Benefits of CISM Certification 

      a)  Career advancement 

      b) Global recognition 

      c) Improved networking 

      d) Higher salary  

      e) Development of personality and skills

3) Benefits of CISM Certification to organisations 

       a) Robust information security management 

       b) Enhanced risk management 

       c) Regulatory compliance 

       d) Improved incident response 

       e) Stronger information security culture 

       f) Competitive advantage 

       g) Trust and confidence 

4) Conclusion 

A brief look at CISM Certification 

CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) is a globally recognised certification for information security management. It focuses on four domains such as governance, risk management, program development, and incident management. CISM-certified professionals have expertise in managing information security programs and are highly sought after in the industry. Candidates must pass the exam and meet experience CISM requirements, and continuing education is necessary to maintain the certification. Overall, CISM enhances professionals' ability to effectively protect and manage information assets.

CISM Certified Information Security Manager

General Benefits of CISM Certification

Here are the key benefits of obtaining a CISM Certification:

General Benefits of CISM Certification

1) Career advancement

CISM certification can significantly boost career prospects. It opens opportunities for leadership roles in information security management, such as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Information Security Manager. CISM-certified professionals are highly sought after by organisations seeking expertise in information security governance, risk management, and program development. 

2) Global recognition

CISM certification can significantly boost career prospects. It opens opportunities for leadership roles in information security management, such as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Information Security Manager. CISM-certified professionals are highly sought after by organisations seeking expertise in information security governance, risk management, and program development. 

3) Improved networking

Being a part of the CISM community provides access to a vast network of professionals worldwide. The certification allows professionals to expand their professional network by connecting with like-minded individuals who share a common interest in information security management. Engaging with fellow CISM-certified individuals through conferences, forums, and local chapters can foster valuable connections, knowledge sharing, and collaboration opportunities.  

Furthermore, the CISM network offers local chapters and online forums where professionals can participate in discussions, seek advice, and share experiences with a supportive community. These platforms facilitate mentorship and professional guidance, allowing individuals to learn from seasoned professionals and seek career advice or guidance in specific areas of information security management. 

4) Higher salary

CISM-certified professionals are paid salaries on the higher end of market packages as their CISM credentials give them an edge over their counterparts. CISM-certified professionals earn 66,532 GBP annually, more than their non-certified counterparts. Additionally, the average annual salary for the CISM certification is about 41,972 GBP. Furthermore, about 48 per cent of information security professionals certified with CISM are offered appraisals within a year.    
Here are the salary details of various CISM professionals in the UK:

Job Title 

Average Salary (UK) 

Information Security Manager 

GBP 62,000 - 90,000 

IT Risk Manager 

GBP 60,000 - 85,000 

Security Consultant 

GBP 50,000 - 75,000 

IT Auditor 

GBP 45,000 - 70,000 

Security Analyst 

GBP 40,000 - 65,000 

Security Engineer 

GBP 35,000 - 60,000 


5) Development of personality and skills

The development of personality and skills is a crucial aspect of professional growth, and the CISM certification plays a significant role in enhancing both. Through the certification process, professionals develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills necessary for effective information security management. Additionally, the certification fosters qualities such as leadership, ethics, and communication, which are vital for successfully navigating the complex landscape of information security and building strong professional relationships.  

Through the CISM certification, professionals gain valuable problem-solving, risk management, and decision-making skills. They learn to assess and mitigate information security risks, identify vulnerabilities, and implement appropriate controls. These skills enable them to make informed decisions that protect an organisation's valuable information assets, ensuring continuity.  

Learn to mitigate risk and manage data security, by signing up for the Certified Information Security Manager Training Course now!  

Benefits of CISM Certification to organisations

Below is a list of the key benefits of the CISM Certifications to organisations:

Benefits of CISM Certification to Organisations

1) Robust information security management

CISM-certified professionals deeply understand information security governance, risk management, program development, and incident management. This expertise enables them to develop and implement comprehensive information security programs that align with the organisation's goals, protect critical assets, and mitigate risks effectively.  

With CISM-certified professionals, organisations can establish a structured and strategic approach to information security governance. They can define and implement policies, procedures, and guidelines that align with industry standards and regulatory requirements. These guidelines protect the organisation's information assets against unauthorised access, misuse, or compromise.  

CISM-certified professionals are adept at identifying and assessing information security risks. They can conduct thorough risk assessments, considering internal and external factors and identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats. They can develop and implement risk mitigation strategies and controls based on the risk assessment findings. This proactive approach to risk management helps organisations minimise the likelihood of security incidents. 

2) Enhanced risk management

With CISM-certified professionals leading the information security efforts, organisations can better identify, assess, and manage risks. They can implement appropriate controls, monitor vulnerabilities, and respond promptly to emerging threats, minimising the potential impact of security incidents and maintaining business continuity.   

CISM-certified professionals can then develop and implement risk mitigation strategies and controls. They deeply understand various risk management frameworks and methodologies, enabling them to select and apply the most appropriate measures for the organisation's specific needs. They can prioritise risks based on their potential impact and likelihood, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to address the most significant risks.  

By enhancing risk management practices, CISM certification helps organisations minimise the likelihood and impact of security incidents. It helps them make better informed decisions related to risk acceptance, transfer, or mitigation measures, considering the organisation's overall business objectives and priorities. Ultimately, this leads to increased resilience, improved protection of critical assets, and greater stakeholder confidence in the organisation's ability to manage information security risks effectively. 

3) Regulatory compliance

CISM certification equips organisations with the knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and frameworks in information security. CISM ensures that they meet regulatory requirements, demonstrate compliance, and avoid penalties or reputational damage associated with non-compliance.  

CISM-certified professionals can assess the organisation's current security practices against regulatory obligations. They can identify gaps or non-compliance issues and develop remediation plans to address them. By conducting thorough assessments and audits, they ensure that the organisation's information security program aligns with the required controls and safeguards mandated by regulators.  

By ensuring regulatory compliance, organisations can gain the trust and confidence of their customers, partners, and other stakeholders. They demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive information, maintaining data privacy, and meeting industry-specific requirements. This compliance can also open doors to new business opportunities and partnerships where regulatory compliance is a prerequisite. 

4) Improved incident response

CISM-certified professionals are skilled in developing incident response plans and implementing incident handling procedures. They can effectively lead and coordinate incident response efforts, minimising the impact of security incidents, reducing downtime, and preserving the organisation's reputation.  

CISM-certified professionals are well-versed in developing comprehensive incident response plans. They understand the importance of having a documented and well-structured approach to address security incidents promptly and effectively. These plans outline the roles, responsibilities, and procedures to be followed during an incident, ensuring a coordinated and efficient response.  

With CISM-certified professionals leading the incident response efforts, organisations can effectively detect, contain, and mitigate the impact of security incidents. They are equipped with the expertise to identify the root cause of incidents, assess the extent of the breach, and take appropriate remedial actions. This includes implementing technical controls, conducting forensic analysis, and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to minimise the impact and prevent further incidents. 

5) Stronger information security culture

Having CISM-certified professionals within the organisation promotes a culture of information security awareness and responsibility. They can educate employees on security best practices, conduct training programs, and foster a proactive approach to information security, resulting in a more resilient and security-conscious workforce.  

CISM-certified professionals understand that information security is the responsibility of both the IT department and every individual within the organisation. They can educate employees at all levels about the value of information security, the potential risks, and the role of every employee in protecting sensitive data.  

CISM-certified professionals also advocate for a proactive approach to information security. They encourage employees to promptly report security incidents, suspicious activities, or potential vulnerabilities. They foster a culture where individuals feel empowered to take responsibility for maintaining a secure environment and understand that their actions can significantly impact the organisation's overall security posture. 

6) Competitive advantage

Organisations with CISM-certified professionals gain a competitive edge by demonstrating their commitment to information security excellence. The certification enhances the organisation's reputation and can be a differentiating factor when competing for contracts or partnerships that require strong information security practices.  

The CISM certification sets organisations apart by showcasing their investment in qualified professionals with specialised knowledge and skills in managing information security. This certification is globally recognised and respected, giving organisations a competitive edge when bidding for contracts or partnerships that require stringent information security practices.  

Clients and customers increasingly prioritise information security when selecting vendors or service providers. By having CISM-certified professionals, organisations can assure their clients that they have experts who understand the complexities of information security management and can effectively protect their sensitive data. This assurance builds trust and confidence, increasing the likelihood of securing new business opportunities and maintaining long-term partnerships. 

7) Trust and confidence

The CISM certification instils confidence in stakeholders, including clients, customers, and partners, by assuring them that the organisation has skilled professionals who can effectively manage and protect their sensitive information. This trust and confidence can lead to stronger business relationships and increased customer loyalty.  

CISM-certified professionals are well-versed in regulatory requirements and industry best practices. They can guide the organisation in aligning its information security practices with these standards, demonstrating compliance and due diligence. This commitment to meeting and exceeding industry requirements strengthens stakeholders' trust in the organisation's information security measures.  

Additionally, CISM-certified professionals enhance the organisation's incident response capabilities. In a security incident, stakeholders can have confidence that the organisation has trained professionals who can effectively handle the situation. This reassurance helps mitigate potential reputational damage and reinforces stakeholders' trust in the organisation's ability to address and recover from security incidents. 


The CISM certification offers numerous benefits to professionals and organisations. CISM-certified professionals possess specialised knowledge and skills in information security management, enabling them to identify, assess, and mitigate security risks effectively. They contribute to developing a more robust information security culture within organisations, fostering employee awareness and responsibility. 
Enhance your information security management skills with CISM Training courses. Sign up now! 

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