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Java Projects for Beginners

Although Java was conceived over two decades ago, it is still popular among programmers and application developers. Are you new to the world of Java? If yes, then the best way to learn about it is by experimenting with different Java Projects.

Based on a study conducted by Statista, it was found that Java was one of the skills with the highest demand in the Information Technology (IT) sector in 2022. It has been established by now that Java is one of the top programming languages. Work on some real-time Java Projects if you are just starting out with Java programming. Here are some of the top Java Projects to learn from.

Table of Contents

1) Why learn about Java Projects?

2) Top 20+ Java Projects for Beginners

   a) Snake game

   b) Number guessing game

   c) Chess game

   d) E-Healthcare management system

   e) Airline reservation system

   f) Library management system

  g) Attendance management system

  h) Supply chain management system

  i) Supermarket billing system

  j) Electricity billing system

  k) Password generator 

  l) Creating calculators

 m) Currency converter

 n) Online resume builder

 o) Online survey system

 p) Online banking

 q) Online examination

 r) Facial recognition

 s) Speech recognition

 t) Smart City project

 u) Virtual private network

 v) Budget tracker

 w) Chat application

3) Conclusion

Why learn about Java Projects?

Programming isn't a natural talent; like any other skill, it requires patience, dedication and, most importantly, practice. One way to truly grasp Java's functioning is by exploring real-time Java Projects for students. If you have a strong understanding of Java's theory, using it will become easier as you practice more.

Since Java can be used for many things, like the development of mobile applications, it can get a bit tedious to learn about all its projects. Thus, let's look at some of the Java projects that beginners can easily access and explore.

JavaScript for Beginners

Top 20+ Java Projects for Beginners

There are various applications and software that can be developed using Java. But, as a beginner, you must be aware of only a small portion of the many available projects. Here are the top basic Java Projects:

Snake game

Almost every 2000s kid has played the snake game at least once. Let's refresh your memory if you have forgotten about it. The snake game was a game that allowed you to control the movement of a snake to feed it. The items it fed on appeared on random parts of the screen, and you had to help the snake reach them. 

The snake grows bigger as it eats, and the game stops if you hit a boundary or the snake's body. This iconic game can be executed efficiently with Java with the MySQL database. Even Java Swing is used in its creation. Here is an example of a simple Java code used in the game to assign a random food location:

import java.util.Random;
public class SnakeGame
private int foodX, foodY;
public void generateFood()
Random random = new Random();
foodX = random.nextInt(10);
foodY = random.nextInt(10);
public static void main(String[] args)
SnakeGame game = new SnakeGame();
System.out.println("Food location: (" + game.foodX + ", " + game.foodY + ")");

This code uses the 'Random' class to generate random coordinates for the food. The 'nextInt()' method of the 'Random' class generates a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive) for both the 'foodX' and 'foodY' variables. The 'generateFood()' method sets these variables to the randomly generated values.


Food location: (3, 7)

Number guessing game

Flowchart of number guessing game


Any games with numbers are an instant hit, and the Number Guessing game is one of them. The game aims to guess a computer-generated number between the provided range. The correct guess means you've won, and the wrong guess means you lose. 

It is one of the simplest Java Projects for students that can be customised to your wish. You can always provide a time limit for the users to guess within, add more rounds or even double the points for specific rounds. It can be created using the Java Math.random() method.

 Chess game

One of the basic Java Project ideas included the Chess game. Its creation involves incorporating the rules of the game in the Java code. This includes setting up the pieces, the Chessboard, the different moves involved, and the game's basic flow, among other factors. 

This is a beginner-level project, so learning about it will increase your skill set. Most of the time, designing simple games like this is a common question asked to candidates using interviews.

E-Healthcare management system

Moving on from games the next important Java code implementation is in management systems. In the bustling environment of the Healthcare industry, sometimes it gets challenging to store and manage employee and patient data. This tedious task can be simplified using e-healthcare management systems.

This web-based project helps manage data regarding patient history, keep track of equipment and medicine usage, develop a direct line of contact between the doctor and the patient, and so on. It is a basic-level project that can be developed into an advanced one with the correct instructions or commands.

Airline reservation system

Airline reservation systems are online platforms that help users book their flights in advance. This is one of those projects that can help you improve in programming. Since it is a web application hosting dynamic interactions on the platform, it must be ready for multiple users to access it simultaneously. 

The system handles registration, booking of tickets, possible cancellations, and maintaining constant communication with customers. Core Java and JavaScript are some technologies that go into creating it.

Do you wish to learn about Java from scratch? Sign up for our Java Programming course and expand your knowledge horizons now!

Library management system

Library management systems are mainly used in universities or any educational institution. Besides its physical management, a virtual system helps librarians handle tasks efficiently. These systems use Java, MySQL community server, and other technologies for their development. 

This web-based application runs using the admin section (manages user records) and the user section (manages book entries). It is one of the easiest projects to design, via which you can gain experience working with Java.

Attendance management system

Attendance management systems have become a necessity at universities and offices. This Java project allows you to add, delete or edit information regarding users, students and faculty. The technologies involved in its development include Java Servlet, JavaScript, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), etc. 

Attendance management systems usually follow a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture with the build tool called Maven. MySQL can be used as the database, while Tomcat becomes the server where you can deploy the application.

Supply chain management system

A supply chain management system is one of those projects that helps perform activities that start from procuring raw materials to delivering finished products to consumers. One of the industries that make use of this service is the manufacturing industry. Tasks that would usually take a lot of time to complete can be finished in a shorter period using a supply chain management system. 

Like most Java Projects, this application also uses a Tomcat server to be deployed on. Developing this project can simplify communication between vendors and clients and at the same time, help you get better at using Java.

Supermarket billing system​

Supermarket billing system using Java


Supermarket employees are in charge of handling all items for sale alongside the hundreds of transactions that occur. Physically managing such heavy tasks can be challenging in the long run. This issue can be resolved using a supermarket billing system, one of the basic Java project ideas for beginners. 

The system helps track product availability and longevity and even user history. It supports a MySQL database that records details regarding the buyer, the items purchased, and more. You can also view the generated bills of the day with the edits made on them (if any).

Electricity billing system

Computerising the electricity billing system involves a lot of careful calculations to produce bills the correct way. Automating the physical processing of bills helps determine the final amount based on the electricity units used in a month. 

It shortens the time the tasks are completed and allows the employees to maintain continuous communication with customers. The concept of an electricity billing system is one of the Java project ideas that are highly suitable for beginners.

Password generator

With the recent uprise in cyber-attacks, it is imperative to possess a strong and unguessable password to protect your data. You must've noticed instructions to add uppercase letters, numbers, or special characters while generating passwords. Now you can develop generators that create strong passwords using Java. You can customise the application according to your preferences.

Creating calculators

Calculators are essential devices that are used personally and professionally every day. Developing a calculator is one of the most interesting projects for newcomers to Java. The objective of the calculator is to perform calculative tasks, mostly mathematical operations.

Java Swing is a perfect fit for this development. The calculator must include buttons that allow you to enter your desired values, the instructions to operate, and provide instantaneous outputs.

Currency converter

As the name suggests, currency converters are used to convert money from one currency to another. It is one of the most commonly pursued projects using Java, owing to its simplicity of design and development. Programming for a currency converter is a great project to invest your time and efforts in.

This web-based interface contains information regarding the different currencies of different nations. Users can choose the currency they wish to convert and the one they want it converted to. You can use Ajax and the web features of Java Servlets to develop it.

Online resume builder

If you have ever applied for a job, you might be aware that the first impression you make is through your resume. A potential interview call depends on whether you could make an impression on the manager with your resume. This is why resume-building is essential. 

Crafting the perfect resume is a time-consuming process. Online resume builders help quickly design resumes from the range of templates available. This basic Java Project will carry features like engaging templates and options to download in a pdf. or doc. format. Just enter details of your education, job experience, etc., and build organised and attractive resumes.

Acquire the skills that go into web development and enjoy its multiple benefits. Sign up for our Web Development Using Java Training course now!  

Online survey system

Online survey systems allow you to conduct surveys on different topics. Here, the aim is to develop an online platform using Java that can be used to collect information from various individuals regarding a particular topic. The responses are then tallied and represented in the users' desired manner.

The software must be able to send email notifications to the respondents as well. You can add functionality that restricts the number of respondents or limits access to authenticated users. Another essential feature of the application is the concealment of user identity and discreet data collection.

Online banking

Computerising bank processes helps users access their services from their homes. Online banking eliminates the need to approach physical banks to perform actions like cash withdrawals or deposits, money transfers, etc.

Online banking helps reduce the time spent on tedious tasks. Programming an application that allows online banking is a basic Java Project that can help polish your coding skills. While developing this application, you can learn about various topics like loops, methods, and strings.

Online examination

Online examination using java


The onset of COVID-19 resulted in the world shifting to a virtual workspace. Educational institutions also had to change from physical to online classes and examinations. The examination process involves signing up, setting up profiles, submitting your answers, and logging out. Tomcat is the preferred server for the application to be deployed on. 

Facial recognition

The security domain in various industries has grown considerably in the past decade. Facial recognition is a commonly used tool that restricts access to everyone except the registered user. 

The application must easily detect faces, store the IDs, provide easy login and log-out access, and more. Apache Ant is one of the most powerful tools you can work with to develop facial recognition applications.

Speech recognition

If you are aware of what Alexa is, then you are aware of speech recognition as well. Speech recognition software in Java processes human speech and converts it into text. You can make use of the javax.speech.recognition package to develop the application. Apart from speech recognition, the project must also be able to enable grammar and make any needed changes.

Smart City project

In today's world, the tiniest bit of information is extracted from the internet. A basic location like a supermarket can be looked up quickly. Smart City helps you access a city's details like famous restaurants, malls, theatres, parks, hotels, transportation facilities, etc. It is the perfect application to use when visiting a city for the first time. 

This web-based application guides you to new places, giving you details about the city, the location you're about to visit, and even the transportation modes and fares to get there. Smart City projects can be built on an Oracle database with the help of Ajax, Java, and more.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Developing a VPN using Java is one of the interesting projects to embark on. The objective of a VPN is to deploy a private network in the public domain. VPNs can be set up using the following steps – setting a point-to-point virtual connection through traffic encryption, dedicated links, or virtual tunnelling protocols.

The three modules in the project are the administration, marketing, and training modules. VPNs are used across various sectors in different organisations, and it is a highly scalable and reliable applications.

Budget Tracker

A basic budget tracker helps you track your daily expenses, thereby helping you gain more control of your finances. Developing a budget tracker is the perfect Java Project to hone your skills, and it uses JSP and Servlet with Source Code. 

The project shall include an admin and a user. While the admins help in system management, the users can use the app by logging in and tracking or managing their expenses. Budget trackers are useful tools for freshers in college or daily workers. You can always develop the application and add features which you desire. 

Chat application

Chat applications allow us to sign up, text, and connect. Social media applications like Instagram, Facebook, etc., are examples of chat applications. Developing this application can offer a good experience using MySQL database, a commonly used database. Java provides the Swing toolkit, which offers graphical components that can be used to create the application. 


Developing basic Java Projects is the best way to expand your skill set and gain experience with the programming language. We hope this blog has helped you learn about some of the projects you can pursue as a beginner.

Learn to combine the basics of Java with superior-quality software development. Enrol in our Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals Training course now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it necessary to create Java projects? faq-arrow

Java is utilised by Software Developers to build scalable, secure and efficient applications at an enterprise-level. The Java Enterprise-Edition (EE) offers developers with robust APIs and runtime environments for the creation of various enterprise applications. The programming language is utilised for mathematical operations, scientific calculations and various other simulations.

What are the advantages of working on Java Projects for Beginners? faq-arrow

There are many advantages to working on Java Projects for Beginners, such as its easy to learn nature, object-oriented characteristic and especially platform-independence. These features allow users to create modular programs and reusable code, and especially convenient to write, compile and debug. A distinctive feature is Java’s design to be platform-independent at the source and binary levels.

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