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Top 10 Microsoft SQL Server Books in 2023

Are you ready to take your database management skills to new heights? Look no further! We've curated the Top 10 Microsoft SQL Server Books of 2023 just for you. From performance optimisation to query tuning, these books will provide you with the expertise and techniques to tackle any database challenge.    

According to Glassdoor, an SQL Database Administrator's average salary is about £49,154 in the UK. It is an attractive career with various perks and benefits. Reading top books about it can help you land a job. Read ahead to learn about the best Microsoft SQL Server Books for beginners, professionals and advanced-level readers.  

Table of Contents          

1) Best Microsoft SQL Server Books for Beginners  

      a) T-SQL Fundamentals by Itzik Ben-Gan  

      b) SQL Server 2019 Step by Step: Master the Latest Features and Enhancements  

      c) SQL Server Demystified by Michael Green  

2) Top Microsoft SQL Server Books for Professionals  

      a) SQL for Data Analysis by Kimball Group 

      b) SQL Server MVP Deep Dives by Kimberly Tripp  

      c) SQL Server in a Nutshell by Bob Beauchemin  

3) Best Microsoft SQL Server Books for Advanced Learners 

     a) SQL Antipatterns by Bill Karwin   

     b) SQL Puzzlers by Alex Kurtz and John Query   

     c)  Expert Scripting and Automation for SQL Server DBAs   

     d)  SQL Performance Tuning by Kalen Delaney   

4) Conclusion    

Best Microsoft SQL Server Books for Beginners  

Finding the right resources can be daunting if you're new to the world of Microsoft SQL Server and eager to learn the ropes. Fortunately, we've carefully curated a list of the best books for beginners that will provide you with a solid foundation in SQL Server.

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T-SQL Fundamentals by Itzik Ben-Gan  

It is a comprehensive guide by written SQL Server expert Itzik Ben-Gan. This book focuses on Transact-SQL (T-SQL), the powerful programming language used in SQL Server. It covers fundamental concepts and techniques, providing a solid foundation for querying and manipulating data.   

Readers can strengthen their T-SQL skills with clear explanations, practical examples, and hands-on exercises. It is divided into four parts, and they are listed below:  

a) Part 1: This book covers the basics of T-SQL, such as data types, variables, expressions, and control flow statements.  

b) Part 2: Data Definition Language covers the commands for creating and managing databases, tables, and views.  

c) Part 3: Data Manipulation Language covers the commands for inserting, updating, deleting, and selecting data from tables.  

d) Part 4: Advanced Topics covers advanced topics such as stored procedures, triggers, cursors, and transactions.  

Target Audience: This book is ideal for beginners and intermediate SQL Server developers aiming to deepen their understanding of T-SQL. It is suitable for professionals seeking to enhance their T-SQL abilities. Basic knowledge of SQL and relational databases is assumed.  

Benefits and takeaways: This book equips readers with a strong command over T-SQL. It covers crucial topics like data querying, modification, and working with functions and stored procedures. Advanced concepts, including window functions and recursive queries, are also explored.   

Readers will learn to write efficient, optimised T-SQL code and gain insight into query-tuning techniques. This comprehensive guide empowers readers to become proficient in T-SQL and unleash the full potential of SQL Server.  

SQL Server 2019 Step by Step: Master the Latest Features and Enhancements  

SQL Server 2019 Step by Step: Master the Latest Features and Enhancements" is an essential guide by renowned SQL Server expert Paul Randal. This book focuses on the latest version of SQL Server, providing a step-by-step approach to mastering its features and enhancements.    

It covers various topics, including installation, configuration, database administration, security, and performance tuning. With its practical examples and hands-on exercises, readers can effectively navigate and harness the power of SQL Server 2019.   

Target audience: This book is designed for SQL Server professionals and database administrators looking to stay relevant with the latest features and enhancements in SQL Server 2019. It is suitable for both experienced professionals looking to upgrade their skills and beginners seeking to build a solid foundation in SQL Server administration.   

Benefits and takeaways: "SQL Server 2019 Step by Step" provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of SQL Server 2019. The book covers key areas such as installation and configuration, database creation and management, security best practices, and performance optimisation techniques.    

Readers will learn how to leverage new features and enhancements in SQL Server 2019, such as Intelligent Query Processing, Accelerated Database Recovery, and Enhanced PolyBase. With its step-by-step approach, practical examples, and exercises, this book enables readers to manage and optimise SQL Server deployments effectively.   

SQL Server Demystified by Michael Green  

SQL Server Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Utilising SQL Server is a valuable book by author Michael Green. This comprehensive book aims to demystify SQL Server, providing readers with a clear understanding of its functionalities.  

It covers database design, querying, administration, performance optimisation, and security. With practical examples and in-depth explanations, readers can unlock the full potential of SQL Server.  

Target audience: This book is suitable for beginners and intermediate-level professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of SQL Server. It caters to database administrators, developers, and individuals working with SQL Server. Basic familiarity with databases and SQL concepts is assumed.  

Benefits and takeaways: "SQL Server Demystified" equips readers with a solid understanding of SQL Server. It covers database design principles, effective querying techniques, and best practices for administration.   

Performance optimisation strategies, including indexing and query tuning, are explored in this book. The book also addresses data security measures. With its comprehensive approach and practical examples, this guide empowers readers to confidently utilise SQL Server, improving efficiency, productivity, and database system performance.  

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Top Microsoft SQL Server Books for Professionals  

The advanced books mentioned here are essential companions for professionals looking to deepen their expertise in Microsoft SQL Server. From advanced query tuning techniques to high availability solutions, these resources provide invaluable insights for mastering SQL Server professionally. 

SQL for Data Analysis by Kimball Group   

SQL for Data Analysis: Mastering Data Analysis with SQL is a comprehensive book by the Kimball Group. It focuses on using SQL for effective data analysis. With practical examples, it covers essential SQL techniques and strategies to extract, transform, and analyse data from databases. This book equips readers with the skills to obtain valuable insights and make informed business decisions.   

Target audience: Ideal for data analysts and business professionals involved in data analysis, this book is suitable for those seeking to master SQL for data analysis purposes. Basic knowledge of SQL and databases is recommended.   

Benefits and takeaways: "SQL for Data Analysis" empowers readers to master SQL as a tool for data analysis. It covers key topics such as querying databases, filtering and aggregating data, joining tables, and utilising advanced analytical functions. Through practical examples, readers will learn how to write complex SQL queries to extract meaningful insights from datasets.    

This book enables effective data transformation and manipulation techniques. By using SQL for data analysis, readers can uncover patterns, trends, and relationships, making data-driven decisions and driving business success.   

SQL Server MVP Deep Dives by Kimberly Tripp   

SQL Server MVP Deep Dives: Expert Advice from the Masters of SQL Server" is a valuable book edited by Kimberly Tripp. It provides expert advice and real-world solutions from SQL Server MVPs. Covering advanced topics like administration, performance optimisation, and troubleshooting, it offers readers insights and solutions from experienced professionals.   

Target audience: This book targets SQL Server professionals seeking to expand their expertise. It is ideal for database administrators and developers looking for advanced insights and solutions to SQL Server challenges. It assumes a solid understanding of SQL Server fundamentals.   

Benefits and takeaways: SQL Server MVP Deep Dives" offers unparalleled access to expert advice and best practices from SQL Server MVPs. It covers administration, performance tuning, indexing, and high-availability solutions. Readers gain insights into advanced troubleshooting techniques and approaches.    

By learning from the masters, readers can enhance their skills, optimise SQL Server deployments, and confidently overcome challenges. It is a crucial resource for deepening knowledge and excelling in SQL Server management. 

SQL Server in a Nutshell by Bob Beauchemin  

SQL Server in a Nutshell is a highly informative book written by Bob Beauchemin. It serves as a concise and comprehensive guide to SQL Server, covering all the essential aspects of the platform. From database design to querying, administration, and performance optimisation, this book provides readers with a holistic understanding of SQL Server.   

Target audience: This book caters to both beginners and experienced professionals who want to acquire or enhance their knowledge of SQL Server. It suits aspiring database administrators, developers, and anyone interested in gaining a solid foundation in SQL Server essentials.   

Benefits and takeaways: It offers readers a wealth of knowledge in a concise format. It covers important topics such as database creation, manipulation, and administration. Readers will learn about SQL Server's key features, including security, indexing, and optimisation.    

The book also highlights best practices and common pitfalls to avoid. With its comprehensive coverage and practical insights, this guide equips readers with the necessary knowledge and skills to work effectively with SQL Server, ensuring successful database management and application development.   

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Best Microsoft SQL Server Books for Advanced Learners  

Here, you will learn the art of mastering Microsoft SQL Server at an advanced level. These carefully curated books delve into database design, performance tuning, and advanced querying techniques.   

SQL Antipatterns by Bill Karwin  

SQL Antipatterns by Bill Karwin is a valuable book that identifies and addresses common mistakes in SQL programming. With practical examples and solutions, it helps readers avoid inefficient and incorrect practices, improving the quality and performance of their SQL code.   

Target audience: This book is essential for database developers and programmers who want to enhance their SQL skills. It is perfect for beginners and experienced professionals alike, providing insights and best practices to avoid common pitfalls in SQL programming.   

Benefits and takeaways: "SQL Antipatterns" offers valuable insights into common mistakes in SQL programming. It covers schema design, queries, indexes, and performance optimisation.    

Understanding and avoiding these pitfalls allows readers to write efficient, maintainable, and reliable SQL code. With its practical approach and real-world examples, this book empowers readers to improve their SQL skills and make informed decisions to enhance database performance and reliability.   

SQL Puzzlers by Alex Kurtz and John Query   

SQL Puzzlers: Fun and Challenging SQL Problems to Solve" by Alex Kurtz and John Query is an engaging book that presents a collection of thought-provoking SQL puzzles. It offers readers a fun way to enhance their SQL skills and problem-solving abilities through interactive challenges and detailed explanations.  

Target audience: This book is suitable for SQL enthusiasts, database developers, and individuals looking to improve their SQL proficiency in an entertaining manner. It caters to both beginners and experienced SQL practitioners.  

Benefits and takeaways: "SQL Puzzlers" provides readers with a fun and interactive platform to enhance their SQL skills. By solving challenging puzzles, readers can reinforce their knowledge of SQL syntax, query optimisation, and database design principles.   

The book offers detailed explanations and insights, allowing readers to deepen their understanding of SQL concepts and improve their problem-solving abilities. Engaging with the puzzles enables readers to develop their SQL proficiency and boost their confidence. It guides you to excel in handling complex SQL challenges in real-world scenarios.  

Do you want to learn what is normalisation, aggregate functions, data types? Join our Introduction To SQL training. 

Expert Scripting and Automation for SQL Server DBAs  

Expert Scripting and Automation for SQL Server DBAs is a comprehensive guide that equips experienced DBAs with advanced scripting and automation techniques. It covers scripting languages, tools, and methodologies to streamline administrative tasks, enhance productivity, and maintain robust SQL Server environments.   

Target audience: This book is essential for SQL Server DBAs seeking to optimise their workflows and automate repetitive tasks. It caters to professionals looking to improve efficiency and effectively manage large-scale SQL Server environments.   

Benefits and takeaways: "Expert Scripting and Automation for SQL Server DBAs" provides in-depth insights into scripting languages and automation tools. It enables DBAs to automate backups, maintenance tasks, and monitoring, enhancing productivity and scalability. By applying the techniques outlined, DBAs can streamline workflows, reduce manual effort, and efficiently manage complex SQL Server infrastructures.   

SQL Performance Tuning by Kalen Delaney  

SQL Performance Tuning by Kalen Delaney is a comprehensive guide that provides proven strategies for optimising SQL database performance. With practical examples and real-world scenarios, it equips readers with the knowledge and tools to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.   

Target audience: This book is essential for database administrators, developers, and SQL professionals seeking to improve the performance of their databases. It is more suited to beginners and experienced practitioners alike.   

Benefits and takeaways: "SQL Performance Tuning" offers invaluable insights into query optimisation, indexing strategies, and database design considerations. It empowers readers to identify and resolve performance issues, improving query execution times and overall database performance. By applying the techniques outlined, readers can enhance their SQL databases' scalability, responsiveness, and efficiency.   

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We hope you enjoyed reading the blog on Microsoft SQL Server Books. Whether you're a beginner seeking a solid foundation or a professional looking to enhance your skills, these carefully selected books have something to offer everyone. Embrace the knowledge within these books and embark on an enriching SQL journey.   

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