ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Training Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to ISO 26000
- Overview of ISO 26000
- Scope
- Terms and Definitions
Module 2: Understanding Social Responsibility
- Social Responsibility of Organisations: Historical Background
- Recent Trends in Social Responsibility
- Characteristics of Social Responsibility
- State and Social Responsibility
Module 3: Principles of Social Responsibility
- General
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Ethical Behaviour
- Respect for Stakeholder Interests
- Respect for the Rule of Law
- Respect for International Norms of Behaviour
- Respect for Human Rights
Module 4: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
- Importance
- Types of Corporate Responsibility
- Building a Socially Responsible Business
- What to Avoid When Creating a Socially Responsible Business Model?
Module 5: Recognising Social Responsibility and Engaging Stakeholders
- General
- Recognising Social Responsibility
- Stakeholder Identification and Engagement
Module 6: Build Sustainable CSR Programme
- Build Strategy Around Company’s Core Competencies
- Recognise Issues that Matter to Customers
- Develop CSR Initiatives that Make Employees Proud
- Measure the ROI of CSR Efforts for the C-Suite and Investors
- Expand Company’s Definition of CSR
- Be Prepared for Rapid Response to Current Events and Social Movements
Module 7: Internal Audit
- Understanding Internal Audits
- Internal Audit Process
- What is Internal Auditing?
- Internal Auditor
Module 8: Social Audit
- What is a Social Audit?
- Principles
- Significance
- Items Examined in a Social Audit
- Use of Social Audit Findings
- Role of Internal Audit in Corporate Social Responsibility
Module 9: Principles of Auditing
- Introduction
- Integrity
- Fair Presentation
- Due Professional Care
- Confidentiality
- Independence
- Evidence-Based Approach
- Risk-Based Approach
Module 10: Managing an Audit Programme
- General
- Establishing Audit Programme Objectives
- Determining and Evaluating Audit Programme Risks and Opportunities
- Establishing the Audit Programme
- Implementing Audit Programme
- Monitoring Audit Programme
- Reviewing and Improving Audit Programme
Module 11: Internal and External Environment Analysis
- Internal and External Environments
- SWOT Analysis
- Analyse Internal Environment
- External Environment Analysis
Module 12: Guidance on Social Responsibility Core Subjects
- General
- Organisational Governance
- Human Rights
- Labour Practices
- Environment
- Fair Operating Practices
- Consumer Issues
- Community Involvement and Development
Module 13: Guidance on Integrating Social Responsibility Throughout an Organisation
- General
- Relationship of an Organisation's Characteristics to Social Responsibility
- Understanding the Social Responsibility of an Organisation
- Practices for Integrating Social Responsibility throughout an Organisation
- Communication on Social Responsibility
- Enhancing Credibility Regarding Social Responsibility
- Reviewing and Improving an Organisation's Actions and Practices Related to Social Responsibility
- Voluntary Initiatives for Social Responsibility
Module 14: Steps to Implement CSR in Business
- What are the Steps to Implement CSR in Business?
Module 15: Implementation Strategies
- CSR Implementation
- Hohnen´s CSR Implementation Framework
- CSR Implementation Model
- Propositions
Module 16: Introduction to Lead Auditor
- Lead Auditor
- Role of Lead Auditor
Module 17: On-Site Auditing
- On-Site Auditing
- Conduct Interview
- Create and Evaluate Checklist
- Questionnaires for Data Collection
- Conduct Document Review
- Evaluate the Work Done
- Provide Sample
Module 18: Competence and Evaluation of Auditors
- General
- Determining Auditor Competence
- Establishing Auditor Evaluation Criteria
- Selecting Appropriate Auditor Evaluation Method
- Conducting Auditor Evaluation
- Maintaining and Improving Auditor Competence
Module 19: Conducting an Audit
- General
- Initiating Audit
- Preparing Audit Activities
- Conducting Audit Activities
- Preparing and Distributing Audit Report
- Completing Audit
- Conducting Audit Follow-Up