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Control Statements in C

Do you want to build a career in C Programming? Understanding Control Statements is essential for directing program flow effectively, making it more responsive and dynamic. This blog will guide you through the fundamentals of Control Statements in C and show how they optimise code.  

These programming tools are indispensable for making decisions using 'if-else' statements. Let's dive into mastering Control Statements and elevate our programming skills. 

Table of Contents

1) What Are Control Statements in C? 

2) Why Do We Use Control Statements In C Programs? 

3) Different Types of Control Statements in C 

   a) Decision-Making Control Statements in C 

   b) Loop Control Statements in C 

   c) Conditional Control Statements in C 

  d) Goto Statements in C 

4) Conclusion 

What Are Control Statements in C?  

In the C Programming Language, Control Statements enable systems to perform pre-defined logical instructions. They also decide whether to follow the set of statements or not. Control Statements are extremely important for giving the right direction to the program's flow and enabling conditional executions.   

Through Control Statements in C, programmers can create responsive and dynamic applications using ‘if-else’ and ‘switch’ statements. These statements also help in decision-making and controlling program sequence, making sure only the right code gets executed. Control Statements give programmers flexibility to create effective and efficient applications.   


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Why Do We Use Control Statements In C Programs?  

Control structures are vital to C programming, enabling developers to direct the execution flow according to requirements. These expressions are necessary for decision-making, reiterating tasks, and controlling a program's reactions to various scenarios. Here is how Control Statements improve the writing of C programs:

Use of Control Statements In C Programs

1) Making Decisions with Conditional Control Statements 

Conditional Control Statements such as ‘if’ and ‘switch’ allow programmers to determine actions based on certain conditions. These statements provide the option for branching, allowing the program to take different paths based on the condition's result. The capacity to implement logic and generate dynamic behaviour is essential for flexible and adjustable programming.  

2) Iterating with Loop Control Statements 

Loop Control Statements like ‘for’, ‘while’, and ‘do-while’ are utilised to iterate through a block of code repeatedly until a specific condition is satisfied. These loops are essential for managing tasks that need to be repeated, like handling data sets, input reading, or calculations. By utilising loops, coders can prevent repeating code and simplify processes, enhancing the code's efficiency and adaptability.  

3) Multi-Way Branching 

The switch statement allows for branching in multiple ways depending on the expression's value. This is especially handy in cases with various possible results where distinct measures are required for each. It streamlines the code and facilitates handling different scenarios.  

4) Enhancing Code Readability and Maintainability 

Control Statements make the code more readable and maintainable, contributing significantly to the C language. By clearly showcasing the intended logic, these statements make it simple for developers to understand the program's flow. This coherence is essential for debugging and collaborative work; an organised code is easier to follow and modify.  

5) Handling Exceptional Cases with Control Statements 

Control Statements such as break and continue offer mechanisms to carry out exceptional cases and change the normal flow of execution. They allow programmers to exit loops early, skip specific iterations, or jump to specific parts of the code. This flexibility is vital for sustaining an unusual situation, validating inputs, or implementing error-handling routines correctly.  

Control Statements in C are mandatory tools that help developers create more intelligent and efficient program. Thus, ultimately giving better solutions. 

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Different Types of Control Statements in C 

In C Programming Language, you will find different types of Control Statements. Let’s explore each of these statements in the following sections: 

1) Decision-Making Control Statements in C 

a) If Statements 

The if statement checks a condition and executes the code block inside if the condition is proper.


int main() { 

    int number = 10; 

    if (number > 5) { 

        printf("The number is greater than 5.n"); 


    return 0; 


b) If-Else Statement 

The if-else statement provides an alternative path when the if condition is false.


int main() { 

    int number = 3; 

    if (number > 5) { 

        printf("The number is greater than 5.n"); 

    } else { 

        printf("The number is not greater than 5.n"); 


    return 0; 


c) Nested If-Else Statements 

Nested if-else statements allow for more complex decision-making by including multiple if conditions within each other.


int main() { 

    int number = 15; 

    if (number > 10) { 

        if (number < 20) { 

            printf("The number is between 10 and 20.n"); 

        } else { 

            printf("The number is 20 or more.n"); 


    } else { 

        printf("The number is 10 or less.n"); 


    return 0; 


d) Else-If Ladder Statements 

The else-if ladder allows checking multiple conditions in sequence.


int main() { 

    int score = 85; 

    if (score >= 90) { 

        printf("Grade: An"); 

    } else if (score >= 80) { 

        printf("Grade: Bn"); 

    } else if (score >= 70) { 

        printf("Grade: Cn"); 

    } else if (score >= 60) { 

        printf("Grade: Dn"); 

    } else { 

        printf("Grade: Fn"); 


    return 0; 


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2) Loop Control Statements in C  

Loop Control Statements in C enable programmers to perform a block of code multiple times. Here are some of them:  

While Loop  

The ‘while’ loop continues if the given condition remains true. The loop may not run if the condition is false initially, as it is checked before each iteration.


int main() { 

    int count = 1; 

    while (count <= 5) { 

        printf("Count is %dn", count); 



    return 0; 


Do-while Loop  

Like the while loop, the ‘do-while’ loop checks the condition after executing the body of the loop, guaranteeing the loop will run at least once. 



int main() { 

    int count = 1; 

    do { 

        printf("Count is %dn", count); 


    } while (count <= 5); 

    return 0; 

For Loop  

The ‘for’ loop is mainly used when the iterations are precise. It has three parts: initialisation, condition, & increment/decrement.


int main() { 

    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { 

        printf("Iteration %dn", i); 


    return 0; 


These snippets have shown the use of Loop Control Statements in C, which allows for the careful handling of repetitive tasks.  

Start your journey into C language with our C Programming Course today! 

3) Conditional Control Statements in C  

These statements offer a systematic approach to managing various possible results in a program, improving its adaptability and clarity.


int main() { 

    int grade = 'B'; 

    switch(grade) { 

        case 'A': 



        case 'B': 



        case 'C': 



        case 'D': 




            printf("Invalid graden"); 



    return 0; 



4) Goto Statements in C  

The Goto Statement transfers the control flow to a specific point in a program, making it a type of jump control statement. It directs the program to a labelled section, allowing immediate branching to that part of the code.


int main() { 

    int number = 3; 

    printf("Checking number...n"); 

    if (number < 0) { 

        goto negative; 


    printf("Number is positive or zero.n"); 

    goto end; 


    printf("Number is negative.n"); 


    printf("End of program.n"); 

    return 0; 




We hope you have learned the Control Statements in C well. These essential tools are crucial for helping your programs' execution flow. You can craft efficient, readable, and maintainable code by mastering constructs like if, else, switch, loops, and jump statements. Following best practices ensures that Control Statements improve your development process rather than complicate it. As with any programming concept, proficiently using Control Statements effectively in C comes with training and experience.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Use 'if' Statements Within a 'for' Loop in C? faq-arrow

You can utilise ‘if’ statements inside a ‘for’ loop. It enables programmers to execute conditional checks during iteration. Thus, complex logic can be used within the loop.   

Can Control Statements be Nested in C? faq-arrow

Yes, you can nest Control Statements in C. For example, use ‘if’ statements within the ‘for’ loop to make complex decisions.   

How Does the 'Switch' Statement Work in C? faq-arrow

The ‘switch’ statements identify a variable in multiple cases. When it is identified, the code related to it is executed. In case it’s unavailable, the system runs the ‘default’ case.  

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