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25 Life Coaching Tools

Embarking on a journey of personal and professional growth is similar to setting sail on a vast sea of possibilities. Like a ship captain who relies on a diverse set of tools to navigate the ship through treacherous waters, individuals also need various Life Coaching Tools that can help them achieve their desired life.   

Life Coaching Tools make the whole process of Life Coaching more consistent with a plan or roadmap. Let’s imagine a scenario. In this blog, we will explore 25 Life Coaching Tools that serve as a compass, helping you create a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Its time to unlock your potential with powerful 25 Life Coaching Tools. Achieve goals, overcome challenges, and create lasting change. Start your journey today! 

Table of Content 

1) What are Life Coaching Tools?  

2) The top 25 Life Coaching Tools   

3) Five Goal-Setting exercises for Life Coaching   

4) Five Life Coaching assessment Tools  

5) Life Coaching session Frameworks  

6) Strong Life Coaching questions  

7) Life Coaching exercises  

8) SMART Goal Setting technique  

9) Other Important Tools  

10) Conclusion 

What are Life Coaching Tools?  

Life Coaching Tools involve techniques, exercises, questionnaires, frameworks, and resources that Life Coaches use to help their clients gain clarity, set goals, overcome challenges, and achieve personal growth. These tools are designed to facilitate self-discovery, enhance self-awareness, and encourage taking actionable steps toward desired outcomes. 

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The top 25 Life Coaching Tools 

Life Coaches use a variety of approaches to empower their clients and always go with the most suitable approach according to their client’s needs. Here are the top 25 Life Coaching Tools that’ll help clients in their life journey. We will begin by understanding five goal-setting exercises for Life Coaching. 

Five goal-setting exercises for Life Coaching

Five goal-setting exercises for Life Coaching 


The following are the five goal setting exercises that can be used to assist clients in developing their goals and commence planning:   

1) Goal visualisation: It is a mental technique where you imagine yourself in a specific situation to assist yourself. It helps in reducing your anxiety, making improvements toward achieving your goal, and getting mental clarity.   

2) Motivational interviewing: Motivational interviewing is a very strong technique for Life Coaches that helps them direct their clients toward positive change.   

3) Self-contact: It is a written agreement or a commitment that an individual makes to themselves. It outlines their goals, intentions, and the actions they plan to achieve those goals.   

4) The best possible self-exercise: In this exercise, individuals are encouraged to envision a future version of themselves where everything has happened according to their plan. This exercise involves imagining various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, and personal growth.   

5) Habit journal: A habit journal, also known as a habit tracker or habit log is a tool used to monitor and track daily habits, routines, and behaviours. It’s a way to visually record your progress in forming new habits and breaking old ones. 

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Five Life Coaching Assessment Tools

Five Life Coaching Assessment Tools

Client Assessment is an efficient tool for gaining insights right from the beginning of the Life Coaching session. It delivers both the client and Coach data, and information about professional and personal strengths, values, styles, and preferences. 

There are some specific Life Coaching Assessment Tools, like 360-degree Feeback, which delivers a baseline that helps in measuring growth throughout the Life Coaching event. Another one is a Personality Test which provides a stagnant image of an individual’s strengths, preferences, and values. 

Being a Coach, it isn’t mandatory to be familiar with each tool and technique in the market.  But when it comes to Life Coaching Assessments in your coaching session, it is important to have a deeper understanding of at least one or two tools that you use frequently.  Let’s have a look at some of the common Life Coaching Assessment tools. 

1) DiSC Profiles: DiSC represents four personality types; Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. This tool is often used in work teams. It helps people know themselves and others in a better way, which can reduce conflicts and make working together smoother.   

2) Enneagram: The Enneagram is a way to figure out how people view the world and handle their feelings according to that. It helps answer big questions like who we are and why we are like that. Knowing your Enneagram type can help you discover what you believe about the world and what’s your role in it.   

3) Saboteurs Assessment: Using Shirzad Chamine’s research on positive intelligence, this quiz can show how your usual thoughts might be causing you to believe and do things that hold you back. It’s a good way to start helping clients find out about beliefs they might not realize they have.   

4) SWOT Analysis: This tool analyses the individual's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to gain insights into personal and professional development areas.    

5) GROW Model: This is a structured problem-solving approach that stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way forward. It helps individuals explore their goals, current situations, possible solutions, and action steps. 

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Life Coaching session frameworks  

Life Coaching frameworks give Life Coaches a way to have a plan when working with clients. Even though we use a framework, each person’s journey to achieve goals is unique. Many frameworks have similar ideas when it comes to the coaching process. Here are main three Coaching frameworks that students can learn from:   

Hallway conversation  

This is one of the simplest yet effective techniques in Life Coaching. A hallway conversation typically refers to a causal and impromptu discussion that happens between people in passing, often in a hallway or other informal setting. This involves three main questions of Life Coaches with their client while moving through.   

1) Where are you now? 

2) Where do you want to be? 

3) What's getting in the way? 

Five-step Life Coaching process    

This technique is a little bit complex but very useful for a Life Coach to support the individual with envisioning and strategising the plan towards achieving the goal. Here's a brief overview of five Life Coaching processes.  

1) Establish goals: Clarify what the client wants to achieve  

2) Access status: Understand the client’s current situation  

3) Develop an action plan: Create a strategy to reach the goals  

4) Take actions: Implement the plan with support and accountability  

5) Evaluate and adjust: Review progress and make changes if needed and celebrate success 

5-D framework 

This model is a bit more detailed and might take several Coaching sessions to finish. The 5-D framework helps clients envision their goals and figure out how to reach them. It can work in a single session or over multiple sessions. This is how it functions:  

a) Define: This involves understanding what needs to be done  

b) Discover: Then you need to find what strength and experience you have that can help make it happen.   

c) Design: This stage involves creating a personalised action plan  

d) Develop: This stage involves implementing an action plan  

e) Deploy: This last stage involves, celebrating progress and achievement and addressing any remaining barriers.   

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Strong Life Coaching questions 

When Life Coaches ask good questions to clients, it sparks their creative capability which shows their challenges in a new light. They start to think and come up with answers based on what they believe and then they start taking command of their own lives. So, let’s have a look at some important life Coaching questions:  

1) Why is this goal important for the Coaching session today? What significance does this topic hold for you right now?  

Life Coaches are aiming to uncover the clients' reasons and motivations behind this question. This question establishes the foundation for the session, giving the client control and guiding the conversation’s directions. It also keeps both Coach and client motivated throughout the discussions.  

2) Where are you today in relation to your goals?   

This question encourages the client to think about what they are doing right now. Without knowing their current situation, it's hard to understand the distance they need to cover. By addressing the gap between their current status and desired future, Life Coaches can better grasp what they need to reach their goals. 

3) What are the range of options you have in this situation?  

To begin working towards a goal, having a plan is beneficial. There are very helpful frameworks suggesting that clients have five to seven paths that they can choose from. These paths could involve steps to take or even potential results.  

4) How confident are you, on a scale of 1-10, that you’ll actually do this action?  

This is called a scaling question, which measures the client’s readiness to take action. If a client rates their readiness 7 or above, that’s great. They are motivated to proceed. But if their rating is 6 or lower, there’s a challenge. As a Coach, your role is to guide them in understanding what’s holding them back and how they can increase their readiness to a 7 or higher.  

Life Coaching exercises  

Coaching exercises and worksheets help individuals reflect and gain insights between sessions. You can create your own unique tools or use existing ones. If you are short of time, you don’t have to start from scratch. There are proven exercises available. Here are a few exercises you can consider adding to your life coaching tool kit.      

Wheel of Life 

The Wheel of Life assists clients in identifying their satisfaction level in different aspects of life and areas where they need to focus. Its swift exercise shows how the individual perceives eight important life domains, which include: 

a) Money and finances  

b) Career and work 

c) Health and fitness 

d) Environment  

e) Community 

f) Family and friends  

g) Personal growth and learning  

h) Spirituality 


CRIPS is a mnemonic anonym that represents different areas of personal development and growth. Each letter corresponds to a category that can play a role in enhancing your overall quality of life.  

C- Career: This involves your work, job satisfaction, and professional aspirations.   

R-Relationship: This pertains to your connections with family, friends, romantic partners, and colleagues   

I- Intellectual: It focuses on understanding who you are, your values, beliefs, and self-perception.   

P- Personal Growth: This encompasses your journey of learning, self-improvement, and acquiring new skills.   

E-Emotional: This involves managing your feelings, emotional intelligence, and overall emotional well-being.   

S-Spirituality: This can refer to your sense of purpose, connection to something greater, or inner peace. 

Reflective journaling  

Reflective Journaling is a practice where you regularly write down your thoughts, experiences, and feelings in a journal. The purpose is to create a space for self-reflection and introspection. Through writing you can explore your emotions, experiences, challenges, and insights. It’s a great way to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your reactions to situations, and your personal growth over time. Reflective journaling can be a valuable tool for self-awareness, problem-solving, and personal development.   

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SMART goal setting technique  

When individuals strive to achieve their goals, they often face challenges due to the absence of a well-defined strategy, specific outcomes, or a clear timeline for accomplishment. A fundamental advantage of Life Coaching lies in its capacity to offer the necessary structure and accountability in such situations.  

To cater to this need, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) endorses a SMART goal-setting theory as an effective framework. This category underscores the importance of crafting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Sensitive, ensuring a methodical and focused approach toward goal attainment.    

Other important Tools  

Vision Board: It creates a visual representation of desired goals and aspirations using images, words, and symbols.   

Time Management Metrics: This tool categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance to priorities and manages tasks efficiently.   

Stress coping strategies: These strategies are helpful in developing techniques to manage stress such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or physical exercise.   

Mind Mapping: It created a visual diagram to create thoughts, ideas, and problem-solving 

Fear Setting: It addresses fears and uncertainties by breaking them down, addressing their potential impact, and strategizing to mitigate them.   

Self-care plan: It collaboratively creates a plan for self-care activities that nurture physical, emotional, and mental well-being.   

Boundry setting: It assists clients in establishing healthy boundaries to protect their well-being and manage relationships effectively. 


We hope that you liked the blog and learned about the Life coaching tools that empower individuals to embrace self-awareness, set meaningful goals, and cultivate positive habits. Utilizing these tools can lead to personal growth, improved well-being, and lasting success. 

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