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AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course Overview

The AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course will train you in AWS's architectural principles and services. This course will assist you in becoming an expert in AWS terminologies, concepts, benefits, and deployment alternatives to match your company's needs. AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course improves essential skills required for developing and deploying dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and dependable applications on Amazon Web Services, one of the leading cloud platform providers. Our AWS Masters course is intended to help you prepare for crucial official AWS certification examinations. During this programme, you will work on various real-time projects and tasks that have a significant significance in industrial scenarios, consequently advancing your career.


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AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course Syllabus

Online Instructor-led

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solutions Architect creates, builds, deploys, and manages corporate applications and essential infrastructure on AWS. They have acquired skills and knowledge to assist them in designing and building complex cloud-based solutions and migrating existing workloads to the cloud.

  • Modules -13
  • Hours - 16
  • Skills - 12

Course Content


Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS

  • Cloud Computing and Virtualisation
  • AWS Cloud
  • AWS Platform Architecture

Module 2: Amazon EC2 and Amazon Elastic Block Store

  • Introduction to EC2
  • EC2 Instance

Module 3: Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier Storage

  • Introduction to S3
  • Amazon Glacier
  • Other Storage-Related Services

Module 4: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • Introduction to VPC
  • Subnets
  • VPC CIDR Blocks
  • Elastic Network Interfaces
  • Internet Gateways
  • Route Tables
  • Security Groups
  • Network Access Control Lists
  • Elastic IP Addresses
  • Network Address Translation
  • Network Address Translation Devices
  • VPC Peering

Module 5: Databases

  • Relational Databases
  • Amazon Relational Database Service
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Nonrelational (No-SQL) Databases
  • DynamoDB

Module 6: Authentication and Authorisation

  • What is IAM?
  • IAM Identities

Module 7: CloudTrail, CloudWatch, and AWS Config

  • CloudTrail
  • How CloudTrail Works?
  • CloudWatch
  • AWS Config

Module 8: Domain Name System and Network Routing

  • Domain Name System
  • Types of DNS Services
  • Amazon Route 53
  • Amazon CloudFront

Module 9: Reliability Pillar

  • Introduction to Reliability Pillar
  • Calculating Availability
  • EC2 Auto Scaling
  • Data Backup and Recovery
  • Components of Reliability
  • Designing for Availability

Module 10: Performance Efficiency Pillar

  • Introduction to Performance Efficiency Pillar
  • Optimising Performance for the Core AWS Services
  • Infrastructure Automation

Module 11: Security Pillar

  • Introduction to Security Pillar
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Detective Controls
  • Protecting Network
  • Data Encryption

Module 12: Cost Optimisation Pillar

  • Introduction
  • Cost-Optimising Compute

Module 13: Operational Excellence Pillar

  • Introduction to Operational Excellence Pillar
  • CloudFormation
  • CodeCommit
  • CodeDeploy
  • CodePipeline
  • AWS Systems Manager
Online Instructor-led

Certified DevOps Professional (CDOP)

This training programme will enhance learners’ technical skills and increase their organisational ability to deliver services. The DevOps methodology guides the efficiency and effectiveness of application development and deployment through automation of the software development lifecycle and continuous improvement.

  • Modules - 12
  • Hours - 16
  • Skills - 12

Course Content


Module 1: Overview of DevOps

  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Benefits of Working in a DevOps Environment
  • DevOps Lifecycle
  • DevOps Stages
  • DevOps Delivery Pipeline

Module 2: Version Control with Git

  • Version Control
  • Git Introduction
  • Git Installation
  • Commonly Used Commands in Git
  • Working with Remote Repository

Module 3: Git, Jenkins, and Maven Integration

  • Branching and Merging in Git
  • Merge Conflicts
  • Stashing, Rebasing, Reverting, and Resetting
  • Git Workflows
  • Introduction to Maven
  • Maven Architecture
  • Introduction to Continuous Integration
  • Introduction to Jenkins

Module 4: Continuous Integration Using Jenkins

  • Jenkins Architecture
  • Plugin Management in Jenkins
  • Jenkins Security Management
  • Notification in Jenkins
  • Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
  • Jenkins Delivery Pipeline
  • Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

Module 5: Configuration Management Using Ansible

  • Introduction to Configuration Management
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Ansible Architecture
  • Inventory Management
  • Ansible Modules
  • AD-HOC Commands
  • Ansible Playbooks
  • Ansible Roles

Module 6: Containerisation Using Docker

  • Containerisation and Namespaces
  • Docker, CLI, and Architecture
  • Container Lifecycle
  • Port Binding
  • Detached and Foreground Mode
  • Dockerfile and Instructions
  • Docker Image and Registry
  • Container Storage
  • Volumes
  • Docker Compose and Swarm

Module 7: Orchestration Using Kubernetes

  • Introduction to Container Orchestration
  • Kubernetes Core Concepts
  • Understanding Pods
  • ReplicaSet and Replication Controller
  • Deployments Preview and DaemonSets
  • Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
  • Scaling Applications and Services
  • Persistent Storage in Kubernetes
  • Primitives for Persistent Volume Claims
  • Secrets and ConfigMaps
  • Headless Services
  • StatefulSets and Helm Charts

Module 8: Monitoring Using Prometheus and Grafana

  • Introduction to Prometheus and Grafana
  • Prometheus and Grafana Setup
  • Monitoring using Prometheus
  • Dashboard Visualisation Using Grafana
  • Creating a Dashboard to Monitor the Pipeline

Module 9: Provisioning Using Terraform

  • Introduction to Terraform
  • Terraform Vs Ansible
  • Terraform Architecture
  • Terraform Configuration
  • Terraform Common Commands
  • Managing Terraform Resources
  • Terraform State
  • Terraform Project

Module 10: Selenium

  • Introduction to Selenium
  • Why Selenium?
  • Selenium – Webdriver
  • Creating Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver (Waits)
  • What and Why X-Path?
  • Handling Different Controls on Webpage
  • Framework in Selenium
  • Selenium Integration with Jenkins

Module 11: Nagios

  • Introduction to Continuous Monitoring
  • Introduction to Nagios
  • Installing Nagios
  • Nagios Plugins (NRPE) and Objects
  • Nagios Commands and Notification

Module 12: DevOps on Cloud

  • Why Cloud?
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Why DevOps on Cloud?
  • Introduction to AWS
  • Various AWS services
  • DevOps using AWS

Module 13: AWS EC2 and IAM

  • Virtualisation
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Benefits of AWS
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • AWS: IAM
  • Components of IAM
  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Security Groups in AWS
  • Virtualisation
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Its Benefits
  • Networking components associated with EC2
  • Instance Store
Online Instructor-led

AWS Professional DevOps Engineer Training

This training provides the ability to implement and automate security controls, compliance validation, governance processes, and the current development and operations methods and approaches. Organisations with these qualified individuals may ensure the rapid delivery of secure, compliant, highly available, and scalable solutions.

  • Modules – 22
  • Hours - 40
  • Skills - 17

Course Content


Module 1: Establishing the Fundamentals

  • Services Pillars Overview Operational Excellence
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Performance Efficiency
  • Cost Optimisation
  • Overarching Service Pillar Principals

Module 2: Fundamentals AWS Services

  • Setting up and Accessing the AWS Account
  • Cloud Compute in AWS
  • Virtual Private Cloud Networking and Route 53 Networking
  • Cloud Databases
  • Message and Queueing System

Module 3: Identity and Access Management and Working with Secrets in AWS

  • Understanding the Shared Responsibility in AWS
  • IAM Roles, Groups, Users and Policies
  • Integrating Federation with an AWS Account
  • Using AWS Organisations as Part of the Guidance
  • Using Cognito with Application Authentication
  • Storing Secrets Securely in AWS

Module 4: Amazon S3 Blob Storage

  • S3 Concepts
  • S3 Endpoints
  • S3 Access Controls
  • S3 Access Logs
  • Encryption Options with S3
  • Using S3 Events to Trigger Other AWS Services
  • S3 Batch Operations
  • S3 Replication
  • S3 Versioning

Module 5: Amazon DynamoDB

  • Basics of DynamoDB
  • Understanding of DynamoDB
  • Inserting and Understanding Data in DynamoDB

Module 6: Understanding CI/CD and SDLC

  • Introduction to the SDLC
  • Development Teams
  • Understanding the Different Types of Deployments

Module 7: Using CloudFormation Templates to Deploy Workloads

  • Essential Cloud Formation Topics
  • Creating Nested Stacks with Dependencies
  • Using the Cloud Development Kit

Module 8: Creating Workloads with CodeCommit and CodeBuild

  • Using CodeCommit for Code Versioning
  • Setting up the CodeCommit Repository
  • Using AWS CodeBuild

Module 9: Deploying Workloads with CodeDeploy and CodePipeline

  • AWS CodePipeline
  • Setting up a Code Pipeline
  • Using Jenkins to Build the Workloads
  • AWS CodeDeploy
  • Use Cases for AWS CodeDeploy

Module 10: Using AWS OpsWorks to Manage and Deploy the Stack

  • OpsWorks Essentials
  • Use Cases for AWS OpsWorks
  • Available OpsWorks Platform
  • Monitoring and Deploying in OpsWorks

Module 11: Using Elastic Beanstalk to Deploy Application

  • Understanding the Built-in Functionality of Elastic Beanstalk
  • Creating a Service Role in the IAM Console
  • Installing and Using the Elastic Beanstalk Command-Line Interface (EB CLI)
  • Understanding Advanced Configuration Options with. ebextensions
  • Types of Deployment with Elastic Beanstalk
  • Using Elastic Beanstalk to Deploy an Application
  • Elastic Beanstalk Use Cases

Module 12: Lambda Deployments and Versioning

  • Overview of AWS Lambda
  • Lambda Functions
  • Lambda Triggers and Event Source Mappings
  • Deploying Versions Using Lambda
  • Working with Lambda Layers
  • Monitoring Lambda Functions
  • Optimal Lambda Use Cases and Anti-Patterns
  • Orchestrating Step Functions with Lambda

Module 13: Blue/Green Deployments

  • Understanding the Concept of Blue/Green Deployments
  • Uses of Blue/Green deployment in AWS Services
  • Benefits of Blue/Green Deployment with AWS Services
  • Techniques for Performing Blue/Green Deployment in AWS

Module 14: CloudWatch and X-Ray’s Role in DevOps

  • Overview of CloudWatch
  • Using CloudWatch to Aggregate the Logs
  • CloudWatch Alarms
  • Adding Application Tracing with X-Ray

Module 15: CloudWatch Metrics and Amazon EventBridge

  • Basics of CloudWatch Metrics
  • Using CloudWatch Metrics to Create Dashboards
  • Basic Metrices in CloudWatch for AWS Services
  • Overview of Amazon EventBridge

Module 16: Logs Generated

  • Power of AWS CloudTrail
  • Enabling Elastic Load Balancer Logs
  • Using VPC Flow Logs

Module 17: Advanced and Enterprise Logging Scenarios

  • Using Quicksight to Visualise Data
  • Searching and Grouping Logs with Managed Elasticsearch

Module 18: Auto Scaling and Lifecycle Hooks

  • Understanding of AWS Auto Scaling
  • Deploying EC2 Instances with Auto Scaling
  • Auto Scaling Lifecycle
  • Using Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks

Module 19: Protecting Data

  • Introduction of Data Encryption
  • Understanding KMS Keys
  • Protecting Data in Transit with Certificate Manager

Module 20: Enforcing Standards and Compliance with Systems Manager and Config

  • Capabilities of AWS Systems Manager
  • AWS Config Essentials

Module 21: Using Inspector to Check Environment

  • Understanding Amazon Inspector
  • Configuring the Inspector Agent

Module 22: Policies and Standards Services to Know

  • Detecting Threats with Amazon GuardDuty
  • How to Protect Data Intelligently with Amazon Macie?
  • Migration Tools Available from AWS
Online Instructor-led

Migrating Applications to AWS Training

This training will teach learners everything they need to know about migration services, from setup to troubleshooting. An individual will gain in-depth knowledge about shifting a vast number of clouds, virtual, or physical servers free from long cutover windows, performance disruption, and compatibility issues.

  • Modules - 7
  • Hours - 8
  • Skills - 5

Course Content


Module 1: Introduction

  • Application Migration Service Initialisation and Permissions
  • Accessing the Application Migration Service Console
  • Supported AWS Regions
  • MGN Service Quota Limits
  • Using the
    • AWS Migration Hub with MGN
    • Application Migration Service Console
  • Migration Workflow

Module 2: Settings and Network Requirements

  • Replication Settings
  • Service Architecture and Network Architecture Overview
  • Network
    • Setting Preparations
    • Requirements

Module 3: Source Servers

  • Adding Source Servers
  • Agentless Snapshot-Based Replication
  • Source Servers Page and Server Details

Module 4: Launching Test and Cutover Instances

  • Preparing for Test and Cutover Instance Launch
  • Launch Settings and History
  • Launching Test Instances and Cutover Instances

Module 5: Monitoring Application Migration Service

  • Monitoring with CloudWatch
  • MGN and EventBridge
  • Logging Application Migration Service with AWS CloudTrail

Module 6: Security

  • Identity and Access Management
  • Resilience
  • Infrastructure Security
  • Compliance Validation
  • Cross-Service Confused Deputy Prevention

Module 7: Troubleshooting

  • Launch Errors
  • Communication Errors
  • Troubleshooting Agent Issues
  • Agentless Replication Issues
Online Self-paced

AWS Associate SysOps Administrator Training

This AWS Associate SysOps Administrator Training Course is for administrators and engineers who want to learn how to set up and manage resources in the AWS cloud. Acquire the required skills you'll need to build and run a scalable and dependable infrastructure on the Amazon Web Services platform.

  • Modules - 14
  • Hours - 24
  • Skills - 15

Course Content


Domain 1: Monitoring, Logging, and Remediation

Module 1: Implement Metrics, Alarms, and Filters by Using AWS Monitoring and Logging Services

  • Identify, Collect, Analyse, and Export Logs
  • Collect Metrics and Logs Using the CloudWatch Agent
  • Create CloudWatch Alarms
  • Create Metric Filters
  • Create CloudWatch Dashboards
  • Configure Notifications

Module 2: Remediate Issues Based on Monitoring and Availability Metrics

  • Troubleshoot or Take Corrective Actions Based on Notifications and Alarms
  • Configure Amazon Event Bridge Rules to Trigger Actions
  • Use AWS Systems Manager Automation Documents

Domain 2: Reliability and Business Continuity

Module 3: Implement Scalability and Elasticity

  • Create and Maintain AWS Auto Scaling Plans
  • Implement Caching
  • Implement Amazon RDS Replicas and Amazon Aurora Replicas
  • Implement Loosely Coupled Architectures
  • Differentiate Between Horizontal Scaling and Vertical Scaling

Module 4: Implement High Availability and Resilient Environments

  • Configure Elastic Load Balancer and Amazon Route 53 Health Checks
  • Differentiate between the Use of a Single Availability Zone and Multi-AZ Deployments
  • Implement Fault-Tolerant Workloads
  • Implement Route 53 Routing Policies

Module 5: Implement Backup and Restore Strategies

  • Automate Snapshots and Backups Based on Use Cases
  • Restore Databases
  • Implement Versioning and Lifecycle Rules
  • Configure Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication
  • Execute Disaster Recovery Procedures

Domain 3: Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation

Module 6: Provision and Maintain Cloud Resources

  • Create and Manage AMIs
  • Create, Manage, and Troubleshoot AWS CloudFormation
  • Provision Resources Across Multiple AWS Regions and Accounts
  • Select deployment Scenarios and Services
  • Identify and Remediate Deployment Issues

Module 7: Automate Manual or Repeatable Processes

  • Use AWS Services
  • Implement Automated Patch Management
  • Schedule Automated Tasks by Using AWS Services

Domain 4: Security and Compliance

Module 8: Implement and Manage Security and Compliance Policies

  • Implement IAM Features
  • Troubleshoot and Audit Access Issues by Using AWS Services
  • Validate Service Control Policies and Permissions Boundaries
  • Review AWS Trusted Advisor Security Checks
  • Validate AWS Region and Service Selections Based on Compliance Requirements

Module 9: Implement Data and Infrastructure Protection Strategies

  • Enforce a Data Classification Scheme
  • Create, Manage, and Protect Encryption Keys
  • Implement Encryption at Rest
  • Implement Encryption in Transit
  • Securely Store Secrets by Using AWS Services
  • Review Reports or Findings

Domain 5: Networking and Content Delivery

Module 10: Implement Networking Features and Connectivity

  • Configure a VPC
  • Configure Private Connectivity
  • Configure AWS Network Protection Services

Module 11: Configure Domains, DNS Services, and Content Delivery

  • Configure Route 53 Hosted Zones and Records
  • Implement Route 53 Routing Policies
  • Configure DNS
  • Configure Amazon CloudFront and S3 Origin Access Identity (OAI)
  • Configure S3 Static Website Hosting

Module 12: Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Issues

  • Interpret VPC Configurations
  • Collect and Interpret Logs
  • Identify and Remediate CloudFront Caching Issues
  • Troubleshoot Hybrid and Private Connectivity Issues

Domain 6: Cost and Performance Optimisation

Module 13: Implement Cost Optimisation Strategies

  • Implement Cost Allocation Tags
  • Identify and Remediate Underutilised or Unused Resources by Using AWS Services and Tools
  • Configure AWS Budgets and Billing Alarms
  • Assess Resource Usage Patterns to Qualify Workloads for EC2 Spot Instances
  • Identify Opportunities to Use Managed Services

Module 14: Implement Performance Optimisation Strategies

  • Recommend Compute Resources Based on Performance Metrics
  • Monitor Amazon EBS Metrics and Modify Configuration to Increase Performance Efficiency
  • Implement S3 Performance Features
  • Monitor RDS Metrics and Modify the Configuration to Increase Performance Efficiency
  • Enable Enhanced EC2 Capabilities
Online Self-paced

AWS Technical Essentials Training

This training provide delegate with the essentials of recognising AWS services, allowing you to make informed selections about IT solutions based on your company needs and begin working on AWS. Delegates will gain knowledge of AWS administration tools such as Auto Scaling, Amazon CloudWatch, Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS Trusted Advisor.

  • Modules - 7
  • Hours - 8
  • Skills - 5

Course Content


Module 1: Introducing AWS Technical

  • Define AWS
  • Understanding Regions and Availability Zones (AZ’s)
  • AWS Console

Module 2: The History of AWS

  • History Overview – 2002 to 2017

Module 3: Foundational Services of AWS

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  • Elastic Block Store
  • Amazon S3

Module 4: AWS Security

  • AWS Security Credentials
  • Using Encryption in S3
  • Signing AWS API Requests
  • Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in AWS
  • Logging
  • EC2 Security and Networking
  • Security in VPC

Module 5: Identity Access Management (IAM)

  • Define IAM
  • IAM Features
  • Identities

Module 6: Databases of AWS

  • DynamoDB
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Module 7: AWS Management Tools

  • CloudWatch
  • Elastic Load Balancing
  • Auto Scaling
Online Self-paced

Linux Fundamentals

This training assists aspiring candidates with the core concepts of Linux and its various commands to write scripts and manage directories. Linux commands are the instructions given to a computer that pass to the shell, which reads the command and executes it.

  • Modules - 6
  • Hours - 16
  • Skills - 7

Course Content


Module 1: Introducing Linux

  • Understanding the Linux System
  • Linux X Graphical System
  • Linux Applications

Module 2: Linux Commands and Text Editing

  • Linux Commands
  • UNIX Command Line
  • Text Editing

Module 3: Linux Shell

  • Using the Shell
  • Power Shell Use

Module 4: Writing Shell Scripts

  • Introduction
  • Basics of Putting Commands Together
  • Making Useful Scripts for Power Users

Module 5: File Management

  • Basics of Managing Files and Directories
  • Symbolic Links
  • File attributes: Ownership and Permissions
  • Umask
  • chattr
  • Disk Quotas

Module 6: Networking in LINUX

  • Linux Networking Commands
  • Concepts of an IP Based Network
Online Self-paced

Python Scripting

Python offers some of the most valuable capabilities organisations may use to digitise or personalise their processes. This training will acquaint delegates with a vast knowledge of Python Scripting to focus on solving problems and boosting work productivity in their organisations.

  • Modules - 6
  • Hours - 8
  • Skills - 4

Course Content


Module 1: Python Scripting

  • What is Python Scripting?
  • How Can a Python Program Be Executed?
  • Need for Scripting
  • Advantages of Scripting

Module 2: Basics of Python Scripting

  • Functions
  • Command-line arguments
  • Access files
  • Classes
  • Subclasses
  • Looping
  • Arrays

Module 3: How to Write Python Scripts?

  • Install Python
  • Setup your Code Editor
  • Create a Python Sandbox Folder
  • Open the Folder in Your IDE
  • Create a Helloworld.py File
  • Extend Your Script to Use Variables, Built-In Functions, and Operators
  • Reusing Code by Creating Functions
  • Using a While Loop to Continually Display Messages
  • Import Libraries to Reuse Common Features

Module 4: Ways to Run Python Script

  • Interactive Mode
  • Command Line
  • Text Editor (VS Code)
  • IDE (PyCharm)

Module 5: Namespaces and Scope in Python

  • What is Namespace?
  • Types of Namespaces
  • Lifetime of a Namespace
  • Scope of Objects in Python

Module 6: Statement, Indentation, and Comment in Python

  • Statements
  • Indentation
  • Comments
Online Self-paced

Technical Team Leading

To add value to the project, technical leaders concentrate on allocating responsibility and encouraging self-organisation among team members. This training assists individual in honing their hard and soft skills to become efficient technical leaders and ensure the success of given solutions.

  • Modules - 8
  • Hours - 8
  • Skills - 6

Course Content


Module 1: Technical Team Leading

  • Introduction to Technical Team Leading
  • Responsibilities of a Tech Lead
  • Tech Lead Vs Team Lead

Module 2: Technical Team Leading Skills

  • Communication
  • Project Management
  • Software Architecture
  • Systems Testing
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Problem-Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Coding
  • Leadership
  • How to Improve Technical Lead Skills?
  • Technical Lead Skills in the Workplace

Module 3: Problems Solves by Tech Lead

  • Bad Product-Market Fit
  • Demotivated Team
  • Unsuccessful Product
  • Unhappy Clients
  • Disconnect Between Business and IT
  • Toxic Team Culture

Module 4: Metrics to Measure Performance for Technical Team Leader

  • Setting Up Frameworks of Standards and Procedures
  • Setting the Project’s Technical Direction
  • Conducting Detailed Assessments to Make the Right Decisions
  • Team Building
  • Motivating the Team
  • Tracking Progress

Module 5: Technical Lead's Responsibilities

  • Ensure Code Quality
  • Make Architectural Decisions
  • Manage Technical Debt

Module 6: Mindset in Leadership

  • Caring Mindset
  • Abundance Mindset
  • Challenging Beliefs Mindset
  • Collective Mindset
  • Growth Mindset

Module 7: Establish Operational Process

  • How to be More Productive?
  • How to Empower your Staff?
  • Importance of Milestones in Projects

Module 8: Personal and Team Development

  • How to Write a Personal Development Team?
  • Daily Habits of the Successful Leaders
  • Checklist to Better Change Management
  • Easy Way to Fast-Track Career

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What roles does AWS Engineer play?

AWS Administrator:

Provide the customer with migration assistance, such as ad hoc fixes, software updates, and access issues.

AWS Infrastructure Manager:

Manage the workforce and the vendor, develop standards, procedures, and strategies, and provide reports as needed.

AWS Operations Manager:

Analyse and thoroughly examine analytics, service problems, and pre-launch preparation.

AWS Solutions Architect:

Working with many engineering, business, and cross-functional teams, I provided end-to-end solutions.

AWS Developer:

Use your Python expertise to help the AWS team convert the on-premises environment to a cloud environment.

AWS Cloud Engineer:

onfigure, implement, and maintain Big Data Analytics in AWS using EMR, Athena, Glue, Redshift, and other tools.

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Skills To Master

  • AWS EC2
  • Load Balancing
  • CloudWatch
  • SysOps
  • AWS Cloud Migration
  • IAM
  • Redshift
  • CloudTrail
  • Linux basics
  • Linux Kernels
  • CI/CD
  • Git
  • Ansible
  • Puppet
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
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Tools To Master

  • ec2
  • ecs
  • services
  • lambda
  • machines
  • dynamodb
  • rds
  • cloudformation
  • cloudwatch
  • iam
  • kms
  • elb
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Career Growth with AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course

Choosing a career can be a tough prospect. We assist individuals in assessing their abilities and provide information and advice on the best options to assist them in making decisions and selecting the right direction for immediate career growth.


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AWS certification is widely recognised as one of the IT industry's most popular and lucrative cloud certifications.


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AWS certification will help you bring your career one level up as a cloud developer because of its high demand.


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According to reports, the AWS solutions architect certification holder pays more than other employees who don’t have that certificate.


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  • Network Administrator
  • IT Developer
  • Cloud Administrator
  • DevOps Consultant
  • IT Operations Personnel
  • Non-IT Professional

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Other Career Related Programs

What Our Clients are Saying

I attended the get into AWS AWS Technical Essentials Training from the knowledge academy. My course trainer Brandon was very professional and polite, and he supported me during the training. His explanations were detailed and helped me grasp crucial topics. The course material provided by them was excellent and up to date. I strongly recommend everyone to purchase this training course from the knowledge academy.


The Knowledge Academy provided me, Technical Team Leading course that help me in improving my team-leading skills. The course content was well organised and fully understandable which gives a smooth flow for learning. My instructor Jenny was well qualified and polite to clarify each concept using real-time examples. She was too strong with interpersonal and organisational skills.


I had a great experience attending this Python Scripting training from the knowledge academy. The course material was well-organised and well-designed. My trainer engaged each of me and broke the information down so that I could easily understand the topics. There was enough time for me to ask questions as we reached the end of each module. I will recommend this course from here to everyone.


I was very impressed with the course material provided by the knowledge academy for Linux Fundamentals. It was very easy to grab. My tutor Lewis moss was an excellent and knowledgeable person. His teaching techniques were marvellous and superb. He answered my queries regarding topics and didn’t hesitate while share his experiences in the past, which helped me a lot. Thank you for a fantastic learning platform for a fantastic training period.


Last week, I have completed the AWS Associate SysOps Administrator Training course from the knowledge academy. The instructor made it even more interesting and relatable for both my fellow trainees and me. During the training, he assisted us with the questions we had. He was interesting, thorough, stimulating, and well-informed. His explanations were concise and helpful in gaining a thorough understanding of the course topics.


Last week, I did Migrating Applications to AWS Training course and had Kavin as the teacher. His real-life examples were incredibly engaging and interesting, but also relatable, and helped to contextualise the theory and how it applies in the real world. He explained the theory in a way that made it sound more exciting. The pace was not too fast or too slow and the content was covered in sufficient time every day of the course.


I completed AWS Professional DevOps Engineer Training from the knowledge academy. The training material was well-structured and well-explained with relevant examples. I have thoroughly enjoyed the training. My trainer, a Robin, was excellent, very knowledgeable and professional in his way. I am personally very delighted with my purchase. I also told my many friends about the quality of the course material. I will definitely be back soon for more training.


I recently attended an AWS Solution Architect training course with an experienced trainer. My trainer for the course was very knowledgeable and provided lots of good examples during the training and answered most of the queries very clearly. He explained the basics and advanced concepts regarding software engineering. I felt glad to choose this course from here. Based on my positive experience, I would highly recommend this course to everyone.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I learn AWS from The Knowledge Academy?

We are the largest and globally accredited training provider with an excellent track record for delivering training programmes that meet learners' expectations.

  • The AWS Cloud Architect Masters course from The Knowledge Academy gives you hands-on experience with AWS.
  • By enrolling in this course, you will be able to grasp AWS fundamentals while also working on step-by-step assignments with high applicability in the corporate sector.
  • This course's curriculum is also prepared by industry specialists.
  • After completing the training course, you will be able to apply for some of the greatest positions in top MNCs all over the world at top incomes.

What is the AWS Cloud Architect?

AWS Cloud Architect is providing a comprehensive learning path which leads individuals to become an AWS Cloud Architect. It provides you with all the necessary critical skills as well as identify and develop talent to implement cloud initiative.

What is included in the AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course?

This AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course is a whole expert package of knowledge which will help you to gain an in-depth understanding of below courses:

  • AWS Solution Architect
  • Certified DevOps Professional (CDOP)
  • AWS Professional DevOps Engineer Training
  • Migrating Applications to AWS Training
  • AWS Associate SysOps Administrator Training
  • AWS Technical Essentials Training
  • Linux Fundamentals
  • Python Scripting
  • Technical Team Leading

Who is the AWS Cloud Architect?

This AWS Cloud Architect Expert Package can be taken up by anyone who wants to level up their existing knowledge of AWS Cloud Architect, such as Network Administrators Systems, Cloud Administrators, DevOps Consultants, IT Operations Personnel, etc.

How will I benefit from the AWS Cloud Architect Package?

Our AWS Cloud Architect Specialist training benefits you by developing professional expertise, appreciating your efforts, displaying your dedication levels, creating a better paycheck, expanding your professional network, etc.

How do I become an AWS Cloud Architect?

To become an AWS Cloud Architect, you must first obtain the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate credential. Our AWS Cloud Architect Masters course will prepare you for this test, and you will be able to pass it on the first try.

Who can pursue this AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course?

This AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course is open to all people who want to start a career in cloud computing and learn more about the AWS cloud platform. It is also advantageous for those wishing to work as an AWS solutions architect associate.

What career opportunities can I explore after the AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course?

After completing this AWS Cloud Architect Masters Course, you will be qualified for positions such as Cloud Systems Administrator, Cloud Security Engineer, Cloud Data Architect, Cloud Network Engineer, Cloud Consultant, etc.

Is there a specific order in which I should take the courses?

No, there is no course completion order. Our Masters Course is the most direct route to become AWS Cloud Architect. However, the candidate is free to complete the courses in whatever order they see fit.

Will this AWS training help me to get a better job with a high salary package?

Professionals with skills and knowledge in AWS Cloud Architect will get higher ranks in companies and are generally paid more than any average software cloud architect.

Can we customise training and course material according to our company requirements?

We have subject matter experts who will work according to your company’s requirements.