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Top 35 Commonly Asked UI Developer Interview Questions

The UI Developer Interview is a vital step ahead to evaluate your knowledge, expertise and problem-solving skills. UI Developers and aspirants must be able to demonstrate a solid understanding of user psychology, principles of design and problem-solving abilities. The interview will comprise a diverse range of questions which assess these qualities in a candidate.  

According to a Zippia demographic report, the average salary for a UI Developer is 53,209 GBP. The same report reveals that the average salary for a fresher is 43,140 GBP. These numbers indicate the high earning potential for candidates keen on entering the UI Developer’s domain. Here are the top 35 UI Developer Interview Questions and Answers curated to prepare you for your interviews at top tech companies in 2023.   

Table of Contents 

1) An overview of What is a UI Developer  

2) Exploring the most asked UI Developer Interview Questions 

   a) Can you describe your experience with front-end development? 

   b) What is semantic HTML and why is it important?

   c) How would you make a website accessible and inclusive? 

   d) Can you differentiate between an "id" and a "class" in HTML? 

   e) How do you ensure a website's load time is optimised? 

   f) Explain the concept of HTML5 local storage. 

   g) How would you approach designing a form for usability and accessibility? 

   h) What is the difference between "position: relative" and "position: absolute" in CSS? 

   i) Can you explain the CSS Box Model? 

   j) How can CSS be used to create responsive designs? 

3) Conclusion 

An overview of What is a UI Developer 

A UI Developer, also known as User Interface Developer, is an integral part of the web development team that focuses on making user interactions as intuitive and engaging as possible. They are primarily responsible for the design and implementation of the visual elements that users interact with when using a web or mobile application. 

Furthermore, being equipped with technical skills in front-end coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, UI Developers convert design wireframes into code to create a digital environment that not only looks good but also works seamlessly. Their role extends beyond coding, involving a deep understanding of UI/UX principles to create interfaces that facilitate a user-friendly experience. 

Moreover, the UI Developer also collaborates closely with UX designers and backend developers to ensure the application's front-end is aligned with the overall user journey and supports the functionality provided by the backend. Their daily tasks may include: 

1) Developing responsive designs for optimal display across various devices 

2) Conducting usability tests 

3) Debugging front-end code

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Exploring the most asked UI Developer Interview Questions 

Here are the most asked UI Developer Interview Questions with their answers in detail, as follows: 

1) Can you describe your experience with front-end development? 

Answer: As a seasoned front-end developer, I've spent several years building interactive and user-friendly websites. My experience spans across HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and using libraries like React.js and Angular. I've worked with diverse teams on different projects, from e-commerce sites to educational platforms. 

2) What is semantic HTML and why is it important? 

Answer: Semantic HTML involves using HTML tags that provide meaning to the web content. It's essential because it improves the accessibility of your website as screen readers can use this information to help visually impaired users understand the content. Also, it aids search engines in understanding and indexing your web pages, which can improve SEO. 

3) How would you make a website accessible and inclusive? 

Answer: To make a website accessible and inclusive, you'd focus on a few key areas. You would use semantic HTML for improved screen reader compatibility, ensure good colour contrast for visibility, provide alternative text for images, and ensure all interactive elements are keyboard accessible. Also, you would make your site responsive to fit different screen sizes. 

4) Can you differentiate between an "id" and a "class" in HTML? 

Answer: In HTML, an "id" is a unique identifier used to select a specific element, while a "class" can be used to select multiple elements. You use "id" when you need to style or manipulate a single unique element, whereas "class" is used when you want to apply the same styles or behaviours to a group of elements. 

5) How do you ensure a website's load time is optimised? 

Answer: To ensure a website's load time is optimised, you'd minimise HTTP requests by combining files, using asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript, and compressing files. You'd also leverage browser caching, optimise images, use a Content Delivery Network (CDN), and implement lazy loading for offscreen content. 

6) Explain the concept of HTML5 local storage. 

Answer: HTML5 local storage is a web storage feature that allows you to store data persistently in a user's browser. Unlike cookies, local storage can hold larger amounts of data, and it doesn't send this information back to the server. You can use it to save user preferences, store data between pages, or even save game states. 

7) How would you approach designing a form for usability and accessibility? 

Answer: When designing a form for usability and accessibility, you would first ensure all fields are clearly labelled. You would use appropriate input types to assist users and ensure all error messages are clear and helpful. The form layout would be logical, linear, and compact, and you would ensure the form is accessible via keyboard and screen readers. 

8) What is the difference between "position: relative" and "position: absolute" in CSS? 

Answer: In CSS, "position: relative" places an element relative to its original position without affecting the layout of surrounding elements. On the other hand, "position: absolute" removes the element from the document flow and positions it relative to the nearest positioned parent. If there isn't one, it positions it relative to the initial containing block. 

Improve your designs and code your webpages confidently, by signing up for the CSS Introduction & Intermediate Course now! 

9) Can you explain the CSS Box Model? 

Answer: The CSS Box Model is a fundamental concept in CSS that refers to the design and layout of HTML elements. It includes the content, padding, border, and margin. This model allows you to control the design by adjusting the size, spacing, and positioning of elements. 

10) How can CSS be used to create responsive designs? 

Answer: CSS is used to create responsive designs through the use of media queries. Media queries help you apply different styles based on the properties of the user's device, such as width and height. By adjusting your CSS according to these media queries, you can create a design that adapts to various screen sizes and orientations. 

11) Explain the use of pseudo-classes in CSS. 

Answer: Pseudo-classes in CSS are used to define the state of an element. For example, ":hover" applies a style when the mouse pointer is over an element, ":active" applies when an element is being activated by the user, and ":visited" applies to links that the user has already clicked on. They provide a way to add interactivity and visual cues to your website. 

12) How do CSS preprocessors enhance your workflow? 

Answer: CSS preprocessors like Sass and Less enhance your workflow by providing features not available in plain CSS. They allow you to use variables, functions, nesting, and mixins, making your CSS more readable and easier to maintain. They also come with built-in functions for manipulating colours and other values. 

13) Can you describe closure in JavaScript? 

Answer: A closure in JavaScript is a function that has access to its own scope, the outer function's scope, and the global scope. This allows the function to access variables from an outer function after it has been completed, enabling data privacy and the use of function factories. 

14) What is the difference between '==' and '===' operators? 

Answer: The '==' operator in JavaScript is the loose equality operator that converts the operands to the same type before making the comparison. On the other hand, '===' is the strict equality operator that does not perform type conversion, meaning it checks both the value and type of the operands. 

15) How can you handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript? 

Answer: You can handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript using several techniques. Callback functions are one way, allowing functions to be executed once an operation completes. However, they can lead to 'callback hell' if not managed well. Promises and async/await provide a way to write asynchronous code that's easier to read and debug. 

16) What is the purpose of 'use strict' in JavaScript? 

Answer: The 'use strict' directive in JavaScript is used to ensure that the code is processed in a strict operating context. This can prevent certain actions from being taken and throws more exceptions. It catches common coding errors and unsafe actions, such as declaring global variables, making it easier to write "secure" JavaScript. 

17) How does JavaScript handle inheritance and prototypal inheritance? 

Answer: Inheritance in JavaScript is prototype-based, not class-based, as in many other languages. Every object has a link to a prototype object from which it can inherit properties. This is known as prototypal inheritance. It allows you to create an object and then create another object that inherits properties from the first object. 

Learn to program HTML based applications with JavaScript, by signing up for the JavaScript for Beginners Course now! 

18) How do you incorporate user feedback into your designs? 

Answer: To incorporate user feedback into your designs, you would first ensure there's a system for collecting and analysing user feedback. You would then interpret this feedback, decide which suggestions align with your design goals, and implement these changes. Regular usability testing and iterations would ensure the design continuously improves based on user needs. 

19) What are some key UI/UX principles you consider when designing a user interface? 

Answer: When designing a user interface, you consider key UI/UX principles such as clarity, flexibility, familiarity, efficiency, and consistency. You aim to create an interface that is not only visually pleasing but also intuitive, easy to navigate, and quick to load. Accessibility and inclusivity are also key considerations. 

20) How would you design an interface for a diverse user base? 

Answer: To design an interface for a diverse user base, you'd ensure it's accessible and inclusive. You'd consider different age groups, abilities, and cultures. This might involve using clear and simple language, providing alternative text for images, allowing for text resizing, and designing for different device types and screen sizes. 

21) Can you explain the concept of user-centred design? 

Answer: User-centred design is an iterative design process focusing on the users' needs in each phase. It involves understanding the context of use, specifying user requirements, creating design solutions, and evaluating designs through usability testing. The goal is to create a product that offers a great user experience. 

22) How do you test the usability of a design? 

Answer: To test the usability of a design, you'd use a mix of methods such as usability testing, A/B testing, and user interviews. You might also use heatmaps and other analytics tools to see how users interact with the interface. By analysing the results, you can identify areas of improvement and validate design decisions. 

23) Can you compare and contrast Angular and React? 

Answer: Angular and React are both powerful tools for building web applications, but they differ in several ways. Angular, developed by Google, is a full-fledged MVC framework providing a robust set of features out of the box. React, developed by Facebook, is a library for building UIs and relies on third-party libraries for routing and state management. 

Acquire an understanding of running applications on various platforms, by signing up for the React Native Training Course now! 

24) How do you handle state management in React? 

Answer: State management in React is handled using the useState Hook for the local state and useContext for the global state. For complex applications, libraries like Redux or MobX are used. They help to maintain a predictable state container by enforcing unidirectional data flow and keeping the state immutable. 

25) How is Vue.js more advantageous over other frameworks? 

Answer: Vue.js has several advantages over other frameworks. Firstly, it has a gentle learning curve and comprehensive documentation, making it a great choice for beginners. Secondly, it offers a combination of the best features from React and Angular.  

Lastly, it's lightweight and flexible, allowing you to build simple to complex applications. You also get to enjoy the support of a growing and active community. 

26) How would you optimise a large application using Angular? 

Answer: Optimising a large application using Angular involves a few strategies. You would utilise lazy loading to load components only when needed. You'd implement change detection strategies to prevent unnecessary rendering of components. Minification and bundling of files will reduce load time. Additionally, using Angular Universal for server-side rendering can improve the initial load performance. 

Learn to transform components into custom elements, by signing up for the Angular Training Course now! 

27) Can you describe the concept of virtual DOM in React? 

Answer:  The virtual DOM in React is a lightweight copy of the actual DOM. When a component's state changes, a new virtual DOM is created instead of updating the real DOM. React then compares this new virtual DOM with the previous one, detects the differences, and only updates those parts on the real DOM. This algorithm, called ‘diffing’, improves performance by avoiding costly direct updates to the DOM. 

28) How do you constructively handle feedback and criticism of your designs? 

Answer: Handling feedback and criticism on your designs involves being open-minded and receptive. You understand that feedback is a crucial part of the design process. You'd analyse the feedback, separate the 'what' from the 'why', and focus on the problem, not the person. You also learn not to take criticism personally but to see it as a tool for growth and improvement. 

29) Can you describe a challenging project you've worked on and how you managed it? 

Answer: To describe a challenging project you've worked on, you'd talk about a time when you were pushed out of your comfort zone. You might discuss a project with tight deadlines, complex requirements, or unfamiliar technologies. You'd highlight how you managed the stress, learnt new skills, collaborated with your team, and, ultimately, successfully delivered the project. 

Learn to keep your customers satisfied through product interaction, by signing up for the UX Experience (UX) Masterclass Course now! 

30) How do you keep yourself updated with the latest UI development trends? 

Answer: To keep yourself updated with the latest UI development trends, you follow top design blogs, join relevant forums and social media groups, and attend industry conferences and webinars. You also take online courses and tutorials to learn new skills. Participating in local meetups and networking with other professionals also helps you gain new perspectives and insights. 

31) How do you manage disagreements with a team member? 

Answer: When handling disagreements with a team member, you believe in open and respectful communication. You'd listen to their viewpoint, share your perspective, and aim to reach a mutual agreement. If a resolution isn't possible, you'd involve a third party, such as a team lead or manager, for mediation. You understand that differing opinions can lead to better solutions and growth. 

32) What do you do when you're stuck on a problem? 

Answer:  When you're stuck on a problem, you first take a step back and review the issue from a fresh perspective. If that doesn't work, you'd break the problem down into smaller, manageable parts and tackle them one by one. You also aren't afraid to ask for help from your colleagues or turn to online resources, forums, and documentation for solutions. 

Acquire the skills to manage and solve complex problems effectively, by signing up for the Problem-Solving Training Course now! 

33) How would you troubleshoot a slow-loading web page? 

Answer: To troubleshoot a slow-loading webpage, you'd first use performance audit tools to identify the bottlenecks. You'd then take steps such as optimising images, minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files, reducing HTTP requests, enabling compression, and using browser caching. You'd also consider implementing a content delivery network (CDN) for faster delivery of web content. 

34) Can you describe a situation where you had to make a critical decision under time pressure? 

Answer: To describe a situation where you made a critical decision under time pressure, you'd recall an instance where quick action was needed. This could be resolving a major bug before a product launch or making a design change based on last-minute user feedback. You'd discuss how you evaluated the options, considered the pros and cons, and made a decision that benefitted the project. 

35) How do you manage project deadlines? 

Answer: To manage project deadlines, you use effective time management and organisation skills. You break the project into smaller tasks, estimate the time for each, and create a realistic schedule. You also use project management tools to keep track of tasks and deadlines. Regular communication with your team and stakeholders ensures everyone's on the same page. If unexpected issues arise, you adjust your plan accordingly. 


The preparation for a UI Developer’s role requires an understanding of various technical concepts and a grasp of collaborative and problem-solving skills. This guide provides a comprehensive set of UI Developer Interview Questions to help you prepare. By understanding these Interview Questions and their answers, you'll be well-equipped to showcase your skills and expertise at your next interview.  

Learn to build and test a web application prototype, by signing up for the UX/UI Design Jumpstart Course now! 

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