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The key differences between Typescript vs JavaScript

TypeScript and JavaScript are excellent platforms for web development. Choosing between these two languages can be a challenging task, but learning the differences between Typescript vs JavaScript can greatly improve the decision-making process.  

According to, the average salary of a TypeScript Developer in the UK is about £60,000 annually. The demand for both TypeScript and JavaScript developers is quite high. In this blog, you will learn what are TypeScript and JavaScript, their benefits, as well as learn about the key differences between Typescript vs JavaScript.  

Table of Contents     

1) What is JavaScript?  

2) Benefits of JavaScript  

3) What is TypeScript?  

4) Benefits of TypeScript  

5) TypeScript vs JavaScript differences  

6) Conclusion     

What is JavaScript?  

JavaScript is a broadly used scripting language that runs on the client side as well as the server side. It helps you create dynamic and interactive web pages. JavaScript is known for its versatility and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for web development.

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Benefits of JavaScript  

JavaScript is a popular programming language that offers several benefits, making it a popular choice for web development. Let's explore some of the advantages of using JavaScript: 

Benefits of JavaScript

1) Versatility and ubiquity: JavaScript is supported by all modern web browsers, making it a ubiquitous language for client-side scripting. It helps developers create dynamic and interactive web pages, providing a rich user experience. Additionally, JavaScript has expanded beyond the browser with the advent of Node.js, enabling server-side development, desktop applications, and even mobile applications.  

2) Ease of learning and use: JavaScript has a relatively low learning curve, making it accessible to beginners. Its syntax is similar to other programming languages, and developers can quickly start experimenting and building applications. JavaScript's flexibility allows for rapid prototyping and iteration, making it perfect for projects that require quick development cycles.  

3) Vast ecosystem and community: JavaScript has a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that provide solutions for various development needs. Popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js simplify the process of building complex applications by providing reusable components and abstractions. The JavaScript community is active and supportive, with numerous online resources, forums, and communities available for learning, sharing knowledge, and getting assistance.  

5) Integration with HTML and CSS: JavaScript seamlessly integrates with HTML and CSS, allowing developers to manipulate the structure and styling of web pages. With JavaScript, you can dynamically modify the content, respond to user actions, and create interactive elements. This integration enables developers to create engaging user interfaces and responsive web applications.  

6) Extensibility and customisation: JavaScript's dynamic nature allows developers to extend its capabilities and customise its behaviour. With JavaScript, you can create the following items to enhance the functionality of your applications: 

a) Custom scripts 

b) Modules 

c) Plugins  

7) Continuous evolution: JavaScript has evolved significantly over the years, with regular updates to the language specification ECMAScript (ES). These updates introduce new features and syntax enhancements, improving developer productivity and enabling the use of modern programming paradigms. JavaScript continues to evolve to meet the needs of modern web development.  

This extensibility empowers developers to build tailored solutions and integrate them with third-party libraries and APIs. 

Unleash your creativity in web development with our comprehensive JavaScript For Beginners Course. Sign up now! 

What is TypeScript?  

TypeScript is developed by Microsoft and is a popular open-source programming language. It is considered a superset of JavaScript, meaning that any JavaScript code is valid TypeScript code. TypeScript introduces static typing, which allows developers to catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime. It offers enhanced tooling, scalability, and maintainability for large-scale projects.  

Benefits of TypeScript  

TypeScript offers several benefits that make it a compelling choice for web developers. Let's explore some of the advantages of using TypeScript: 

Benefits of JavaScript

Enhanced type system  

TypeScript introduces static typing, allowing developers to declare and enforce types for variables, function parameters, and return values. This enables early detection of type-related errors during the development phase, catching potential bugs before they manifest in production. The static type system enhances code quality, readability, and maintainability.  

Improved tooling and IDE support  

TypeScript has robust tooling support, including powerful code editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code. These tools provide features such as autocompletion, code navigation, refactoring, and intelligent error checking, making development faster and more efficient. The tooling ecosystem around TypeScript is extensive, with various plugins and extensions available.  

Code maintainability and scalability  

With static typing, TypeScript promotes better code organisation, modularity, and scalability. The use of interfaces, classes, and modules helps create well-structured codebases that are easier to understand, maintain, and refactor. TypeScript's type system provides clearer documentation of code, making it more self-explanatory and reducing potential confusion for developers working on the project.  

Easy integration with existing JavaScript code  

TypeScript is considered a superset of JavaScript, so any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. This makes it seamless to integrate TypeScript into existing JavaScript projects. Developers can gradually introduce TypeScript into their codebase, taking advantage of its additional features and static typing without the need for a complete rewrite.  

Rich language features  

TypeScript extends JavaScript with additional language features such as classes, interfaces, enums, generics, and modules. These features enable developers to write more robust, maintainable, and reusable code. TypeScript also provides modern ECMAScript (ES) compatibility, allowing developers to use the latest JavaScript features even if the target environment does not support them natively.  

TypeScript offers enhanced type safety, improved tooling, better code organisation, and seamless integration with existing JavaScript projects. These benefits make TypeScript a powerful language for building scalable, maintainable, and robust web applications. Whether you're working on a large-scale application or a small project, TypeScript can provide significant advantages throughout the development process.   

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TypeScript vs JavaScript differences  

Here, we will learn the key differences between TypeScript and JavaScript. There is a massive Difference Between Java and JavaScript, similarly, there are many differences between these two. Understanding these disparities will help you make informed decisions about which language to choose for your development projects. Let's dive into the dissimilarities between TypeScript and JavaScript:  

Static typing  

One of the significant contrasts between TypeScript and JavaScript is static typing. TypeScript enforces static typing, allowing developers to declare variable types and catch type errors during the compilation phase.   

On the other hand, JavaScript is dynamically typed, allowing for more flexibility but potentially leading to runtime errors due to type mismatches.  

Compilation and transpilation  

TypeScript code needs to be compiled into JavaScript before it can be executed by the browser or server. The compilation process checks for syntax errors and performs type checking, ensuring a higher level of code correctness.  JavaScript, being an interpreted language, does not require explicit compilation and can be executed directly.  

Language features and tools  

TypeScript extends JavaScript by introducing additional language features like interfaces, classes, modules, and more. These features promote code organisation, reusability, and maintainability. TypeScript also benefits from a wide range of tools and editors that enhance productivity and provide a better developer experience.  JavaScript, on the other hand, has a simpler syntax and a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks built specifically for web development.  

Scalability and maintainability  

TypeScript's static typing and object-oriented features make it more suitable for large-scale projects. By catching errors early and enabling better collaboration among team members, TypeScript enhances code maintainability and scalability.   

JavaScript, while highly flexible and suitable for smaller projects, may require additional effort to maintain and scale in more complex scenarios.  

Type inference  

TypeScript has a powerful type of inference system that can automatically infer the types of variables based on their initialisation values. This reduces the need for explicit type annotations, making the code more concise. JavaScript, being dynamically typed, does not have built-in type inference, and developers need to manually specify the types or rely on runtime checks.  

Null and undefined handling  

In TypeScript, null and undefined are distinct types that are handled more explicitly. TypeScript provides features like strict null checks and optional chaining to help developers avoid null and undefined-related errors. JavaScript, on the other hand, treats null and undefined as interchangeable and may require additional checks to handle potential issues.  

Development experience  

TypeScript offers a superior development experience compared to JavaScript due to its static typing and tooling support. The static type checking in TypeScript catches errors early during development, reducing the likelihood of bugs in production.   

TypeScript's Integrated Development Environment (IDE) features, such as autocompletion, code navigation, and refactoring tools, enhance developer productivity. JavaScript, being dynamically typed, may require more extensive testing and debugging efforts.  

Adoption and community support  

JavaScript has been widely adopted and has a massive community of developers, making it easy to find resources, libraries, and frameworks. It has been the language of choice for web development for many years, ensuring extensive compatibility and support.   

While TypeScript has gained significant popularity in recent years, it is still relatively newer, and its community, although growing rapidly, might not be as extensive as that of JavaScript.  

Learning curve  

JavaScript has a relatively lower learning curve compared to TypeScript, making it more accessible to beginners. JavaScript's simpler syntax and loose typing allow for quick prototyping and experimentation.   

TypeScript, with its additional language features and static typing, requires developers to invest time in learning these concepts. However, developers familiar with JavaScript can gradually adopt TypeScript without completely relearning the language.  

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We hope you read and understood the differences between Typescript vs JavaScript. Both TypeScript and JavaScript are excellent choices for web development. When it comes to choosing between TypeScript and JavaScript, it ultimately depends on your specific project requirements and preferences.  

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