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How to Create a Marketing Budget

Marketing is essential for any startup that wants to grow its customer base, increase its brand awareness, and generate more revenue. But how do you know how much to spend on marketing and where to allocate your funds? That’s where a Marketing Budget comes in. In this blog, we will show you How to Create a Marketing Budget for your startup in eight simple steps. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find this guide useful and practical. 

Table of Contents

1) What is a Marketing Budget? 

2) How to Create a Marketing Budget 

   a) Gain insights into customer needs 

   b) Evaluate customer goals 

   c) Conduct an audit of past activities 

   d) Analyse the average cost per lead 

   e) Assess the average conversion rate 

   f) Determine the required number of leads 

  g) Compute final conversion costs 

  h) Strategically allocate the budget 

3) Conclusion 

What is a Marketing Budget? 

A Marketing Budget is a detailed breakdown of how much money you will spend on different marketing channels, campaigns, and activities over a specific period. It can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly, depending on your business needs and preferences. A Marketing Budget is not a rigid figure to adhere to; instead, it's a versatile instrument that can be modified and adapted over time. In today's market, it is crucial to know how to create a marketing budget and to do so it is equally important to understand the importance of marketing budget. Here’s what it is used for: 

1) Set realistic and measurable marketing goals 

2)  Allocate your resources efficiently and effectively 

3) Monitor your marketing performance and ROI 

4) Identify what works and what doesn’t 

5) Optimise your marketing strategy and tactics 

A Marketing Budget is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It depends on various factors, such as your industry, target market, business stage, growth rate, and competitive landscape. However, there are some general guidelines that you can follow to create a Marketing Budget that suits your startup.

Marketing Budget Masterclass 


How to Create a Marketing Budget 

Creating a Marketing Budget for your startup may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here is the list of eight steps that you can follow to create a Marketing Budget that works for you.

How to Create a Marketing Budget

Gain insights into customer needs 

The initial step to creating a Marketing Budget is to understand your customers and their needs. You need to know who your target audience is, what problems they have, what solutions they are looking for, and how they make purchasing decisions. You can use various methods to gain customer insights, such as: 

a) Conducting market research and surveys 

b) Creating buyer personas and customer journey maps 

c) Analysing customer feedback and reviews 

d) Using web analytics and social media tools 

e) Talking to your existing and potential customers 

By gaining insights into customer needs, you can tailor your marketing strategy and budget to meet their expectations and preferences. You can also segment your customers into various groups based on their characteristics and behaviours and allocate your budget accordingly. 

Evaluate customer goals 

The following step in formulating a Marketing Budget involves assessing the objectives of your customers. Understanding the results, they aim to attain through your product or service and how you can facilitate their success is crucial. Utilize the SMART criteria to establish these customer goals, ensuring they are: 

a) Specific: Clearly state what your customers want to accomplish 

b) Measurable: Quantify your customers’ progress and success 

c) Achievable: Make sure your customers can realistically attain their goals 

d) Relevant: Align your customers’ goals with your value proposition and competitive advantage 

e) Time-bound: Set a deadline for your customers to reach their goals 

By evaluating your customer goals, you can align your marketing goals and budget with your customer value and satisfaction. You can also prioritise your marketing activities and resources based on the impact and urgency of your customer goals. 

Conduct an audit of past activities 

The third step to creating a Marketing Budget is to conduct an audit of your past marketing activities. You need to review what marketing channels, campaigns, and tactics you have used in the past and how they have performed. You can use various metrics to measure your marketing performance, such as: 

a) Reach: How many people have seen your marketing messages 

b) Engagement: How many people have interacted with your marketing messages 

c) Conversion: How many people have taken the desired action after seeing your marketing messages 

d) Retention: How many people have stayed loyal to your brand after becoming customers 

e) Revenue: How much money you have generated from your marketing efforts 

By conducting an audit of your past marketing activities, you can pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and learn from your successes and failures. You can also determine what marketing channels, campaigns, and tactics have the highest Return on Investment (ROI) and allocate your budget accordingly. 

Analyse the average cost per lead 

The fourth step to creating a Marketing Budget is to analyse the average cost per lead. It is the amount of money you spend on marketing to generate one lead or a potential customer who has shown interest in your product or service. You can determine the mean cost per lead by dividing your total marketing spend by the number of leads you have generated. For example, if you have spent £10,000 on marketing and generated 500 leads, your average cost per lead is £20.a 

By analysing the average cost per lead, you can benchmark your marketing efficiency and effectiveness and compare it with your industry standards and competitors. You can also optimise your Marketing Budget by reducing your cost per lead and increasing your lead quality. 

Explore diverse marketing disciplines in our Marketing Courses – Join now to expand your expertise! 

Assess the average conversion rate 

The fifth step to creating a Marketing Budget is to assess the average conversion rate. It is the percentage of leads who become customers or who make a purchase or sign up for your product or service. You can determine the mean conversion rate by dividing the number of customers you have acquired by the number of leads you have generated. For example, if you have generated 500 leads and acquired 100 customers, your average conversion rate is 20%. 

By assessing the average conversion rate, you can evaluate your marketing effectiveness and customer satisfaction and compare it with your industry standards and competitors. You can also optimise your Marketing Budget by increasing your conversion rate and customer value. 

Determine the required number of leads 

The sixth step to creating a Marketing Budget is to determine the required number of leads. It is the number of leads you need to generate to achieve your revenue goal or the amount of money you want to make from your marketing efforts. You can calculate the required number of leads by dividing your revenue goal by your average customer value and your average conversion rate. For example, if your revenue goal is £100,000, your average customer value is £500, and your average conversion rate is 20%, your required number of leads is 1,000. 

By determining the required number of leads, you can set a realistic and measurable marketing goal and align it with your financial objective. You can also plan your Marketing Budget by estimating how much money you need to spend to generate the required number of leads. 

Compute final conversion costs 

The seventh step to creating a Marketing Budget is to compute your final conversion costs. It is the total amount of money you spend on marketing to acquire one customer or, make one sale or sign up. You can calculate your final conversion costs by multiplying your average cost per lead by your average conversion rate. For example, if your average cost per lead is £20 and your average conversion rate is 20%, your final conversion costs are £100. 

By computing your final conversion costs, you can measure your marketing ROI or the ratio of your revenue to your marketing spend. You can also optimise your Marketing Budget by lowering your final conversion costs and increasing your revenue. 

Strategically allocate the budget 

The final step to creating a Marketing Budget is to strategically allocate your budget. It involves determining the amount of funds to allocate to each marketing channel, campaign, and tactic, guided by your marketing objectives, performance metrics, and return on investment. You can use various methods to allocate your budget, such as: 

a) Percentage of revenue: allocate your budget based on a fixed percentage of your projected or actual revenue 

b) Objective and task: allocate your budget based on the specific objectives and tasks you want to accomplish with your marketing 

c) Competitive parity: allocate your budget based on what your competitors are spending on marketing 

d) Experimental: allocate your budget based on testing different marketing options and seeing what works best 

By strategically allocating your budget, you can maximise your marketing impact and efficiency and achieve your marketing goal and revenue goals. 

Craft winning marketing strategies with our Business Marketing Strategies Training– Join to drive growth and success! 


Creating a Marketing Budget for your startup is not a complicated or tedious. It is a simple and rewarding process that can help you grow your business and achieve your goals. By following this blog on How to Create a Marketing Budget, you can create a Marketing Budget that works for you and your customers. Remember, a Marketing Budget is not a static document you must follow blindly but a dynamic tool that you can adapt and improve as you go along. So, don’t hesitate to experiment, learn, and optimise your Marketing Budget and strategy.  

Learn to allocate resources effectively in our Marketing Budget Masterclass – Secure your spot today! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I spend on marketing as a startup? faq-arrow

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on different factors, such as your industry, target market, business stage, growth rate, and competitive landscape. However, some general guidelines suggest that startups should spend between 10% and 20% of their revenue on marketing, depending on their growth goals and marketing objectives. 

How often should I update my Marketing Budget? faq-arrow

You should update your Marketing Budget regularly, at least once a quarter, or whenever there are significant changes in your business or market conditions. Updating your Marketing Budget will help you keep track of your marketing performance, adjust your spending as needed, and optimise your ROI.  

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The Knowledge Academy takes global learning to new heights, offering over 30,000 online courses across 490+ locations in 220 countries. This expansive reach ensures accessibility and convenience for learners worldwide.  

Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, Blogs, videos, webinars, and interview questions. Tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA. 

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The Knowledge Academy’s Knowledge Pass, a prepaid voucher, adds another layer of flexibility, allowing course bookings over a 12-month period. Join us on a journey where education knows no bounds. 


What are related Marketing courses and blogs provided by The Knowledge Academy? faq-arrow

The Knowledge Academy offers various Marketing Course, including Marketing Budget, Intergrated Marketing and Business Marketing Strategies Courses. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into Business Marketing . 

Our Digital Marketing blogs cover a range of topics related to Marketing, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your Digital Marketing skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have you covered. 

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