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Python Dictionary: A Beginner's Guide

Python, a popular programming language, consists of many tools and features. One such feature is called a Python Dictionary, which is a collection of unique key-value pairs utilised to store data values. In this blog on Python Dictionary, we will learn what is a Dictionary in Python, how to create it, and other important aspects related to Python Dictionary. 

Table of Contents 

1) What is a Python Dictionary? 

2) Creating a Dictionary 

3) Adding elements to a Dictionary 

4) Accessing elements of a Dictionary 

5) Dictionary methods 

6) Conclusion

What is a Python Dictionary? 

In Python, a Dictionary is similar to a database that stores items in key-value pairs. A ‘key’ acts as a unique identifier for an item, and a value is the data related to that key. Dictionaries are often utilised to store information like words and definitions but can also be used to store other types of information. Dictionaries, in Python, are defined as mutable. This means that they can be modified after they are created. Dictionaries are also unordered, meaning the items are not stored in any particular order. 

Here is an example of a Dictionary in Python:

# Creating a Dictionary 

student = { 

    'name': 'Alice', 

    'age': 20, 

    'grade': 'A', 

    'courses': ['Math', 'Physics', 'History'] 

# Accessing values using keys 

print("Student Name:", student['name']) 

print("Student Age:", student['age']) 

print("Student Grade:", student['grade']) 

print("Student Courses:", student['courses'])


Student Name: Alice 

Student Age: 20 

Student Grade: A 

Student Courses: ['Math', 'Physics', 'History'] 

In this example, we created a Dictionary called 'student' with keys 'name', 'age', 'grade', and 'courses', each associated with a specific value. We then accessed these values using the keys, and you can see the output displaying the corresponding information. 

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Creating a Dictionary 

Creating a Dictionary in Python is done by enclosing a sequence of elements in curly braces {}. The elements are separated by a comma. In a Dictionary, each pair of values consists of a Key, followed by its corresponding value separated by a colon. The values in a Dictionary can be of any data type and can be repeated. However, the keys must be unique and cannot be changed. 

Here is an example to create a Dictionary in Python:


# Creating a Dictionary 

student = { 

    "name": "John", 

    "age": 20, 

    "grade": "A" 

# Accessing Dictionary values 

print("Name:", student["name"]) 

print("Age:", student["age"]) 

print("Grade:", student["grade"])


Name: John 

Age: 20 

Grade: A 

In this example, we create a Dictionary called 'student' with three key-value pairs. Each key (e.g., "name", "age", "grade") is associated with a value (e.g., "John", 20, "A"). We then access and print these values using the keys. 

In Python, creating a Dictionary can also be implemented with the built-in function dict(). Here is an example:

# Creating a Dictionary using dict() function with keyword arguments 

student = dict(name="John", age=20, grade="A") 


# Accessing Dictionary values 

print("Name:", student["name"]) 

print("Age:", student["age"]) 

print("Grade:", student["grade"])


Name: John 

Age: 20 

Grade: A 

In this example, we use the 'dict()' function with keyword arguments to create a Dictionary called 'student'. Each keyword argument represents a key-value pair in the Dictionary. The keys (e.g., "name", "age", "grade") are specified as keywords, and the corresponding values are provided. 

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Adding elements to a Dictionary 

There are various ways to add elements to a Dictionary. One can add a single value at a time by specifying the key and its corresponding value, like this: Dict[Key] = 'Value'. To update an existing value in a Dictionary, one can use the built-in ‘update()’ method. In addition, nested key values can also be added to an existing Dictionary. It is worth noting that if a key-value pair already exists, the value will be updated; otherwise, a new key-value pair will be added to the Dictionary. 

Let us understand it better with the help of an example:

# Creating an empty Dictionary 

student = {} 

# Adding elements to the Dictionary 

student["name"] = "John" 

student["age"] = 20 

student["grade"] = "A"

# Displaying the Dictionary after initial additions 

print("After initial additions:") 


# Adding a set of values to an existing key 

student["courses"] = ["Math", "Science", "History"] 

# Updating an existing key's value 

student["age"] = 21 

# Adding a nested key-value pair to the Dictionary 

student["address"] = { 

    "street": "123 Main St", 

    "city": "Anytown", 

    "state": "CA" 

# Displaying the Dictionary after all operations 

print("nAfter adding a set of values, updating, and adding a nested key-value pair:") 



After initial additions: 

{'name': 'John', 'age': 20, 'grade': 'A'} 

After adding a set of values, updating, and adding a nested key-value pair: 

{'name': 'John', 'age': 21, 'grade': 'A', 'courses': ['Math', 'Science', 'History'], 'address': {'street': '123 Main St', 'city': 'Anytown', 'state': 'CA'}} 

In the above example: 

a) We start with an empty Dictionary, ‘student,’ and add initial elements. 

b) We add a set of values (a list of courses) to an existing key "courses". 

c) We update the age from 20 to 21 by assigning a new value to the "age" key. 

d) We add a nested key-value pair "address," which contains another Dictionary with address details. 

e) Finally, we print the Dictionary after all these operations to see the updated content. 

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Accessing elements of a Dictionary

Accessing elements of a Dictionary

Accessing elements of a Dictionary can be implemented by a key and not by an index. This means that an element in a Dictionary cannot be accessed using its position but with the Dictionary key. Let us understand this with the help of an example:


# Creating a Dictionary 

student = { 

    "name": "John", 

    "age": 20, 

    "grade": "A" 

# Accessing Dictionary elements 

name = student["name"] 

age = student["age"] 

grade = student["grade"] 

# Displaying the accessed elements 

print("Name:", name) 

print("Age:", age) 

print("Grade:", grade)


Name: John 

Age: 20 

Grade: A 

In this example, we have a Dictionary called 'student' with three key-value pairs. We access the elements by using the keys as indices ("name", "age", and "grade") and assign them to variables ('name', 'age', and 'grade'). Then, we print out the values of these variables, which correspond to the values in the Dictionary. 

Accessing an element with ‘get()’ 

Accessing an element can also be implemented using a method called 'get()'. Let us refer to an example to know how to use 'get()':

# Creating a Dictionary 

student = { 

    "name": "John", 

    "age": 20, 

    "grade": "A" 

# Accessing Dictionary elements using get() 

name = student.get("name", "Name not found") 

major = student.get("major", "Major not found") 

# Displaying the accessed elements 

print("Name:", name) 

print("Major:", major)


Name: John 

Major: Major not found 

In the above example: 

a) We have a Dictionary called 'student' with three key-value pairs. 

b) We use the 'get()' method to access elements. When we use 'student.get("name", "Name not found")', it returns the value associated with the key "name" ("John" in this case). However, when we use 'student.get("major", "Major not found")', the key "major" does not exist in the Dictionary, so it returns the default value "Major not found." 

Accessing an element of a nested Dictionary 

Accessing an element of a nested Dictionary can be implemented with indexing [] syntax. Let us refer to an example to understand it:

# Creating a nested Dictionary 

student = { 

    "name": "John", 

    "age": 20, 

    "grades": { 

        "math": 90, 

        "science": 85, 

        "history": 92 


# Accessing an element of the nested Dictionary 

math_grade = student["grades"]["math"] 

# Displaying the accessed element 

print("Math Grade:", math_grade)


Math Grade: 90 

In the above example: 

a) We have a nested Dictionary called 'student', where the "grades" key maps to another Dictionary containing subject grades. 

b) To access the math grade, we first use "grades" as the key to access the inner Dictionary, and then we use "math" as the key to access the math grade. 

c) Finally, we print the math grade, which is 90. 

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Dictionary methods 

Python provides multiple built-in methods to manipulate Dictionaries. These methods are utilised for adding, removing, and changing values of Dictionary keys. Dictionary methods are a robust way to work with Dictionaries. Understanding these methods becomes essential in working with Dictionaries effectively to store and manipulate data.




Removes the entire elements from the Dictionary 


Provides a copy of the Dictionary 

dict.get(key, default = “None”) 

Provides the value of specified key 


Provides a list containing a tuple for each key value pair 


Provides a list containing Dictionary's keys 


Updates specified key-value pairs in the Dictionary 


Provides a list of all the values of the Dictionary 


With specified key, removes the element 


Removes the previously inserted key-value pair 

dict.setdefault(key,default= “None”) 

Sets the key to the default value if the key is not specified in the Dictionary 


Provides ‘true’ if the Dictionary contains the specified key 

dict.get(key, default = “None”) 

Provides the value specified for the passed key 


Let us understand Dictionary methods with the help of an example: 

# Creating a Dictionary 

student = { 

    "name": "John", 

    "age": 20, 

    "grade": "A" 

# Using various Dictionary methods 

# 1. clear() - Removes all items from the Dictionary 


# 2. copy() - Creates a shallow copy of the Dictionary 

student_copy = student.copy() 

# 3. get() - Retrieves the value for a key with a default value 

grade = student.get("grade", "Not found") 

# 4. items() - Returns a list of key-value pairs as tuples 

student_items = student_copy.items() 

# 5. keys() - Returns a list of Dictionary keys 

student_keys = student_copy.keys() 

# 6. update() - Updates the Dictionary with another Dictionary 

student_copy.update({"major": "Computer Science"}) 

# 7. values() - Returns a list of Dictionary values 

student_values = student_copy.values() 

# Displaying the results 

print("After using Dictionary methods:") 

print("Student:", student) 

print("Student Copy:", student_copy) 

print("Grade:", grade) 

print("Student Items:", student_items) 

print("Student Keys:", student_keys) 

print("Student Values:", student_values)


After using Dictionary methods: 

Student: {} 

Student Copy: {'major': 'Computer Science'} 

Grade: Not found 

Student Items: dict_items([('major', 'Computer Science')]) 

Student Keys: dict_keys(['major']) 

Student Values: dict_values(['Computer Science']) 

From the above example: 

a) 'clear()' removes all items from the 'student' Dictionary 

b) 'copy()' creates a shallow copy of the 'student' Dictionary into 'student_copy' 

c) 'get("grade", "Not found")' retrieves the value associated with the key "grade", but since the Dictionary is empty, it returns the default value "Not found." 

d) 'items()' returns a list of key-value pairs as tuples from the 'student_copy' Dictionary 

e) 'keys()' returns a list of keys from the 'student_copy' Dictionary 

f) 'update({"major": "Computer Science"})' updates the 'student_copy' Dictionary with a new key-value pair 

g) 'values()' returns a list of values from the 'student_copy' Dictionary

Python Django Training


Python is widely considered one of the most popular programming languages since it offers a variety of features. Its structured code and numerous built-in features make it easier to comprehend various aspects of programming. The Python Dictionary is among such features that allow you to access and store data, providing a versatile coding experience. 

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